Indonesia is a country that makes the rice as a staple food,
The following I will describe how rice processing.
paddy into rice is a staple food in Asia like Indonesia this area.
here are some explanations on the processing of rice.
before becoming rice. This crop is planted first. that is by seeding first. but first the rice fields should be at ie with at tracktor. planted paddy land who want to be in a state of loose and wet always. because rice is a plant that is in need of water.
Paddy soil tilling process.
during the process of planting rice. rice plants should always be in treatment is treatment of pests and fertilizers were nice. in cleaning these pests. we use a spray disinfectant dalax
the process of watering and fertilizer stocking disinfectants.
Nice plants have large rice straw and rice growing ducked.
Rice in a state of fertile and well in treatment and fertilization
If the rice planted already started to yellow and have started ducking. Rice is ready for harvesting in the future. and ready to be processed into rice.
Processing of paddy rice that is with the sickle. Collect all the rice to be harvested.
Rice have been collected in the Ruin of rice straw that is, with the engine combain this machine does serve to thresh rice stalks.
Then dried paddy to be dried and then milled rice refinery nearby. and rice ready to be marketed.
Rice packed in sacks and ready to be marketed.
Rice became a source of food in the countries of Asia. rice will be processed into rice, and can also be cake and other food.
so my posts and discussion regarding the processing of rice and thanks @mutiarahitam