A very informative article that makes some great points. Being introverted is not the same as being shy, although there is a lot of overlap between the two groups. Everyone is shy in certain situations and not in others. As you say, being introverted is just about recharging batteries through time alone. Extroverts recharge through interaction with others. Psychologists say whichever is your dominant style will probably stay unchanged for life.
It is very important for introverts to realize that there is nothing morally wrong or inferior about being introverted and it is perfectly normal – one third of the world’s population is that way. It’s also not an impediment to success. Introversion makes some things harder and some things easier; it’s just a matter of finding your own way. Introverts tend to be more sensitive, understanding and creative in my experience.
I had to laugh when you said Introverts need to have a purpose for talking. This is so true! The character in a novel I’m writing is an introverted girl who listens to the non-stop chatter of other girls on the bus and wonders how they can think of things to say. I often wonder how some people can sustain long conversations about basically nothing.
The key point is to be yourself, enjoy being yourself, and celebrate yourself because if you are an introvert you are probably a wonderful person.