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RE: Near Death Experience: 1/29/2020...I Almost Died!

in #life5 years ago

I have read quite a lot on this subject and understand that an NDE may not always make you visualize something out of our realms, many a times it is when you get back there is an inner knowing about something that you need to do to bring your life back on track and may be that's what you have experienced. The experiences are attached to many other things, I am sure whatever it is this experience will be a game changer for you. I wish you speedy recovery and good health @chelsea88


Sorry my upvote is worth so little. Today i had a revelation and it was very similar to what you're describing. Yes, I'll always have ptsd, be prone to anxiety and depression. But blood is NOT always thicker than water. I want a doctor to help me get the benzos to a healthy level ,if possible non at all. I want to live a meaningful life and not let these control me. I was a very good runner at one point and that was helpful :)

Oh my dear, first of all you should stop worrying about the votes.
I believe you can heal your body from whatever stage you are with the right diet and some natural therapies. You should try out the keto diet, it has been very helpful to overcome many complex health issues. Also CBD is another one therapy which will assist your body heal. If you can get it genuine from somewhere nothing like it and over and above all a regular yoga, breathing and meditation practice will do miracles to your body. I am not saying you will be cured overnight, but in a span of 2 to 3 months you will see yourself at a new level and that will be good. You can also start with your running slowly. Active body and mind heals faster. I am sure with good care you will be able to get rid of all the meds over a period of time. Focus on your diet and lifestyle, that's it.

I actually am already a semi regular yoga practitioner, and used to be a semi professional runner..... the yoga i want to be more regular with. I practice PT for a living (currently unemployed.) So you raise excellent points. I used to be a sales affiliate with my nutraceuticals and there hemp paste (not THC) would be more accurately named CBD paste. They also have it for cats and dogs and some neat products. Their products are top notch but I can't afford them right now. You're right though. Its very helpful. Mostly pain for me, used the cat version on my cat that has a lot of anxiety , my fiance has PTSD and depression, helped him a lot. As for diet i have cut a lot of processed sugar. Thanks for commenting!