This will make a very good article for Psychology Today. Indeed automatic thoughts are a mood-killer. They absorb the positive energy and replace it with harmful recurring thoughts.
Its also known as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The obsession is the repetitive thoughts which cannot easily be elimanted by the individual while the Compulsion is the repetitive action.
Generally, its a hall-mark of anxiety, panic, despair, depression etc. So to get a solution, one must first of all identify the root-cause and amend it from there.
Visiting a psychologist also comes in handy!
Automatic thoughts strongly affect our beliefs and behaviour. If you want to have a handle on your own emotions, you must choose the thoughts you wish to engage in. Make list of thought and study them, and also set aside all negative km exchange of positive thought.
This your quote about sums it up...
Thanks for sharing!
@nairadaddy you made a good points. Thanks for your contribution