A Million Excuses

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I think I have mastered excuses! I really have. It's been one of those things that have brought me sympathy or has really made me miss out. Ugh! It's too early. I'm sleepy. I'm hungry. I'll do it later. It's too late to do it now. Someone in my family is sick and I have to take care of them. I'm late because my car broke down. Let me stop here and tell you a story that's funny now but then uh.. it's wasn't funny at all.

So I had a major meeting to go to. I mean it was big but I stayed up all night, decided to hit the snooze button, oh about 8 times and woke up late. To buy me some time, I called (in a fake panic) "my car has 2 flats and I'm stuck on the side of road, I'm so sorry." The guy goes "aww man sorry to hear that, get here when you can". I'm like ok great. I take my time getting ready, I stop get gas and lunch. Taking my time. I get halfway there and POP, POP. Not 1 but 2 tires popped. Car swerved almost hitting another car. Thankfully it didn't. Then IT hit me. Excuses HURT. You almost never accomplish anything, people get tired of hearing them and it causes you to lie. I know you can relate, don't judge me! lol I know you've done it too.

What I am trying to say is, you will be entering 2050 still making the same New Years resolution you made this year because you made excuse after excuse. Imagine how much money your hobbies could make you if you made it a career, the degrees you could get to go further in your field if you would just DO IT. If you're scared, you're just going to have to do it scared. Take it from me the EXCUSE QUEEN. I still from time to time make excuses but since I've been working on it, life has been a lot easier and my resolutions are realities. Let's talk: how have excuses stopped you? image