OK! Sooooo, ive had this on mind for quite sometime and i believe now is the perfect time to put it out there. Am I a hater? Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone and all of sudden they say "You're just hating/jealous? Ok lets see.. the word "HATE", The dictionary says:To feel hostility or animosity toward.
b. To detest.
Ok what is "hating or what describes a "hater"? One would say that "hating" is when you are jealous of someone because you want what they have. Being a "hater" is use frequently when someone "disses" a person or something that person posses. To me, hating is simply an OPINION. Example, i see a girl with a light blue dress, orange hair, yellow stockings and green shoes. I tell her "Girl you look a HAWT MESS". Most would say she does because it isnt common or popular for people not to match or dress that way. At least not 2011, but who am i to judge.Maybe thats all she could afford. Maybe Someone else might think its cute and obviously she thought it was cute. sooooo guess what?? That was my OPINION! Was i hating??? YES!!! Why??? Well the opossite of HATE is LOVE. I tore her down, judged but didnt help. What did i gain by telling her that her clothes were ugly?? Absolutely NOTHING..Like my grandma would say, If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say nothing at all".
Many ALSO confuse "HATING" or being a "HATER" with the TRUTH.
Example, a guy calling a female a "prostitute/hoe"
Those are fighting words for a woman but lets examine this shall we.
You sleep with men and in return they give you money and buy you things. Though you may not be on a corner, its just like a man leaving money on the night stand after "services" rendered.
Many woman do this but wont admit that it is PROSTITUTION. Its not hating or slander, its the TRUTH.
The truth is not hating, it is what it is.. the truth and if people can comprehend the difference, the world would have less hate on hate crimes and wayyy less drama...there are gonna be OPINIONS(ppl hating on you) about you, how u look and what you do but its LIFE! To the ppl that are HATED on: Stop being so defensive...everyone is entitled to their own opinions..To the HATER: We dont need to know everything u feel about what a person does or how they look or act. If you worried about the dirty dishes in your sink, then you wouldnt have time to notice other people dishes are dirty. Disclaimer: My opinions, my view, my thoughts.. love over hate any day. Let's grow together.
Let's test this out. I want to hear from you.
POLL: A woman who tells her friend who is being abused by their husband,"girl he doesnt love you"
Is she hating??? or is that a fact??
Great article!