Is LIFE good?

in #life8 years ago

The question "Is LIFE good?" in our context is not a casual off hand inquiry into how you day (or my day) is going. It is an investigation into the inherent nature of life itself. It is a question of essential morality. Is life good or is life evil? Or, is it neither— or something in between? Everyone is entitled to their opinion in this matter, and that opinion will, whether it is obvious or not, reveal the subjective attitude of the person whose opinion it is.
Still, the question remains as to whether life can be measured objectively as good or bad. The fact is, I believe that life is good. I believe that life is inherently good— objectively and inherently, independent of opinion. There is no doubt. I feel strongly and adamantly about this. You can take my word for it, or you can, in an effort to understand more deeply why this is indeed the case, read further.


Life is Good!

Life is good because it has no choice to be otherwise. Life is good because given the choice between good and feeling bad, it consistently chooses to feel good, and because life must feel its way as it expresses itself in nature, depends on this feeling to know it is doing the right thing. Let's take an example that we could all relate to:
You are visiting the Grand Canyon. You are approaching the edge in an effort to see all that you can and yet you approach it slowly and carefully, determined not to lose your balance as it is your nature to know when it feels out of such balance (or rather unsafe). Balance is our way of knowing in our hearts what is going to work and what will not.

Life is a Balancing Act

As a child, building with blocks, we learn how to balance them, one on another, each level becoming stable before we move on to the next. This balancing act is part of natural law. Each level of life, from the subatomic particle up each kingdom and species, must answer to this need for a stable form of expression before another level of complication takes place.
Witness us as human beings with such complicated biological systems allowing human nature to live as an organized expression of life for seventy to eighty years— or more. Life does this. Life expresses the human for as a natural act. It is not our doing.
When we lose our balance, we feel it. We feel it in our health. We feel it in our relationships. Life is inherently and otherwise good because this is what life IS. The expression of energy in any balanced form is necessary for life to BE. So, life is good, and goodness is what life requires to keep living and living in a healthy manner. So, how to live? How to know you whether you are in balance?


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