There is a certain overwhelming feeling of praise and worship that I get, whenever I see an ultrasound of one of my children in the womb. Since we had an appointment today, that included an ultrasound, I had that feeling earlier again.
I remember the first time I saw an ultrasound of one of our children. It was our first daughter, and the spine was in perfect view. Each little vertebrae was exactly where it should be, hand-fashioned by our Creator God. I stood in awe of how incredible He is, and how much He cares for each and every one of us. I was almost moved to tears by what He had done.
This little foot is the foot of our next child. @mama-pepper is about 14 weeks pregnant, but the little feet, beating heart, the face, and so much more were all clearly displayed on the screen for us to appreciate. The baby would wiggle and kick, and we just looked in amazement and appreciated what the Lord had done!
Obviously, this was a very special experience that we got to share earlier today, and I felt like I should share it here as well. I am so blessed not only to receive such a precious from God, but also to be able to praise and thank Him for what He has done! Lord willing, this pregnancy and delivery will go as well as the other four that we have already had!
It's amazing, isn't it? We are at 22 weeks with our first and seeing the ultrasound really makes it feel real---more so than a couple of lines on a stick or blood test results.
A know that many pro--life ministries are offering free ultra-sounds to women considering abortion.... most who see what's really going on choose life!
Incredibly so!
What a great and glorious God we serve...
Thanks for sharing this and Congratulations on yet another lil one :)
Thanks very much @majes!
That's beautiful. One definite belief we share is the miracle of life as well as its sanctity. Most would consider me liberal, but in this one area I would be considered ultra-conservative, personally I shun labels of any kind. I am what I am. I have overwhelming love for people and life. Even when disagreeing I don't judge. I believe in a Creator and creation, the evidence is all around. I do have to ask you though, why narrow-minded? Is that meant to be funny or is it based on the narrow path or both? It's brilliant in a way, though people tend to think of narrowminded as a negative thing, most would be curious about someone who would actually call themselves that, haha! Anyway, thanks for sharing this lovely video.
Hmmm. why @narrowminded?
I would say, because we all are.
Only one right answer? - Yep, pretty narrow!
And it is meant to be humorous and based on the narrow path too.
Well I thought about this for a moment (can you smell the smoke? haha!) Certainly we can all agree that 2+2=4, but I'm not sure I see the correlation between indisputable math and subjective religion. One is practical and the other is philosophical...don't get me wrong, I love the passion that springs from faith, I love passionate people (so long as their passion isn't harmful of course :) ) but I just wonder how the math which is fact connects with belief which is opinion.
I only meant that we are all narrowminded in many ways, and few admit it.
People can also deny math, logic, truth, and other things, so they do not have to believe that 2+2=4, if that makes sense.
I think you even get points for wrong answers in Common Core math.
Ha! Yes I think you're right, awful program ;)
Sorry, I probably should've let that be. You certainly don't have to defend your faith to me :) I was just curious. Much love for your big heart.
No need to apologize at all, and I took no offense and did not mean any with my response.
Oh good, and I'm not offended, kind of hard to offend me, haha :)
Why @dreemit?
Haha, fair enough! I have always used a variation on dreamer for usernames, daydreamer, intheclouds etc. so when I saw the rhyming opportunity I snatched it ;)
Thanks for your reply and answer to my question!