For any person to maintain healthy weight, one person needs 2200 to 2600 calories a day. If weight is to be increased, then more calorie intake should be taken from it. If you are worried about losing weight then it will be impossible to increase your weight. Increasing weight is not a big deal, if you have a firm determination in mind, then increasing weight is not a big deal.
If you have tried every possible way to increase your weight, then we will tell you that you are making a mistake, and for what reasons do not increase your weight, let's know.
Having a problem with stomach due to irritable bowel syndrome, healthy food also does not seem to fit properly in the body, due to which the weight does not increase as much as it is necessary.
When we sleep, our cartisol hormones in the body are made, which helps in the formation of muscles, do not sleep with exercising, then the weight will not increase.
Have a break of 5-6 times a day, take a break in the day. The more calories you spend throughout the day, take more calories.
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Good read! I'd add that keeping track of the food you eat is also important. Investing in a good kitchen scale is a good idea in this case. I use the cronometer app to track daily nutrients and calorie intake.