We’re all Getting Seriously Older

in #life2 months ago

I believe that this is a fact that we all know. We’re born, become kids and enter those hectic teenage years. Then we finish high school, go to collage and soon after, we’re on a paycheck. We have kids then……we die.

Sad as it might sound, that’s the actual life of a human being. Plain, simple, very — brief. There’s nothing to do about it. Time --- an incredible but irreplaceable utility. Might seem infinite (and it is) but for you and me, the sand in the hourglass is slowly and surely trinkling down (for lack of a better term)

Yet each day, we can’t help but face the harsh existence of the truth.** We are expiring.**

There comes a time when we all sit down and think about our lives. What we’ve done (or haven't done). What we hope to achieve and where exactly on the spectrum of space we belong to. There’s never really a definite answer to any of these questions and yet — **I can’t help but obsess about them.

24 hours is rarely enough for us to do — anything. Yet why do we waste it so much? Why do we feel the need to let life slip out of our hands? Ever waking moment is a struggle to stay relevant. It’s not much to say that we never succeed. Well most of us don’t.

Is there a reason for this? Is there a cause of why we fade so silently, like we never existed? Well, there is but I don’t know it. You do. Why are you sitting there scrolling endlessly in a chasm designed to keep you……hopeless?

**Mediocrity is a term often thrown around **…..when I call you mediocre, what exactly do I mean? Am I not mediocre myself? These chains that we have tied to our necks.

I love video games. Not only to pass time but you can call me an Aesthetic Junkie. Its something we all have inside. Open world games are usually my niche. As I'm exploring open worlds in my in-game persona, I often ask myself "**Do these characters know what they are?" "Can they tell that they've been taken captive by a Grand Entity?" **

Probably not, I mean (that’s ridiculous) . Why should they? They’re programmed to be there, doing nothing but serving a purpose they never understand —** till the end of time.**

Not really something that strikes your fancy, right? Then again, the only difference between you and a video game character is that, they get to have immortality. Even if in an enslaved digital form. Do you?

Take a picture of this.

24 hours – 7 days – 4 weeks – 12 months – 10 years – 9 decades.

Do you see what I’m doing? That’s you’re entire life summarized in just 12 words. Lucky for you if you even reach half of this. Yet, we as a species are so full of ourselves. Even i have been a victim to my own vices.

We think we have so much time. We rarely do. Perhaps just like the character in a video game, we too – are programmed to be – trapped. But can we escape this matrix? Well, there you go. You might be on to something.


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