The great successes in life are made by concentration. I never day traded and I don’t like hedging. I can take high risk with my own ability, attitude and my very own imagination
Hey, @nathanmars honestly selling your house for steem is a bold move and am glad you did it because the risks we don’t take are the ones we will regret. And the first step to any achievement is to find the courage to take a risk, do what you love, and commit to your goal and from the start, I know having $100 is your goal in two years
The great successes in life are made by concentration
In life we have two natures, one wants to advance and the other wants to pull us back, but the one we concentrate on and develop determines what we will become. A concentrated thought changes our careers and accomplishes miracles for us.
Investing in steem power right now is the best thing because we all know steemit in five years it is going to be great and for the fact that Steemit has two years of existence and almost 1 Milion user accounts gives it a great competitive position to be the leader in this new generation decentralized social media world so five now from now Steem Power is going to be a rare commodity going forward. Am pretty sure people that 500 sp and above will be envied that time, I sense STEEM is going to run up the charts in terms of price/ market.STEEM already has a community of users who are committed to its success. It is this fact that makes it a diamond in the rough.
Would you take the risk to follow your own dreams ???
life is full of risks when someone told me steemit actually this person talked about steemit in a group of 50 people yes am lucky I was among. The 49 didnot take it serious but I did I told my self let me try if it fails then I will chill so I began my steemit journey with the friend that mentioned it when I was blogging the other friends would say "first show us the money before we can start too" I made my first withdraw and that is when they realised thing was real currently they are all joining now and right now earning is hard like never before so they keep wishing they had done it earlier what am driving home is If there is something in your gut telling you that this is what you want to do, you owe it to yourself to, at the very least, acknowledge it and think about how it might come to fruition.
Thanks @nathanmars for that am literally looking forward to it am also working on my first Dlive video where I will introduce my self so i will share it with u too am hoping you will like it .
Excellent @ireneblessing. I would love to see every Steemians introduce themselves via Dlive videos. I'm look forward to it and please let me know once you've uploaded it.
The say "THE GREATEST RISK IN LIFE IS NOT TAKING THE RISK" you have made a great decision that which you will look back in years and beat your chest saying it was worth it.
Now the dream becomes more clearer.
Brilliant decision my friend, what use of getting a house when you know you can actually get three folds of the amount you sell in the future even more than it. I respect your decision on this, you have such a strong heart and always believe in yourself (dream comes true)
Would you take risk to follow your own dreams ???
Life itself is a risk, if one cannot take risks the chance of getting successful of that person is very slim. Getting more knowledge than your mate is risk you decided to take, since a lot of sleepless night over your colleagues will surely pay. Success is a state of mind and the most reliable way to reach that state of mind is by working through set of goal with meaningful challenge (risk) which is what you did now brother. A soul that refuses to take risk is bound not to be successful.
Life is a risk, all the activities we engaged in is such a risk. In order to win your have to shake and only two outcome is possible which is whether you lose or win, I believe in this saying, money is the tool in getting more money. I'm willing to take the risk brother, just like yourself, like I said earlier you surely have a strong heart and determination. The risk is worth taking brother. I salute your courage, confident and believe in the future of steemit.
Concentration is surely the key brother, putting all eggs in a basket will allow one to focus and protect everything one has. The desire to protect such basket will never quench in person heart. Ride on brother, your success is certain so do mine, the risk must be taken.
Lol brother, you teach me a lot through your piece, I have always appreciate your work, there is always something to say to be of support. You make us do more things. We are one remember. We win together. One brand, one goal and one nation we are on steemit, our success is surely certain.
To solve a problem, we must focus, concentrate and be serious in solving problems or doing something. So, whatever we do or that we face, everything will run easily.
I am glad you like my comment.
Yes, I agree with you.
think before doing something, because by thinking first, we can reduce the risk or eliminate the risk.
Thanks @nathanmars
I have been looking at this blog for a while. I just read a glance, it turns out a lot of important and interesting information on this blog. I will read on this blog.
Wow selling your house to acquire more steem is actually courageous and its a very big risk
You are truly FEARLESS
It was not long ago when I was explaining the concept of steemit to a friend from school. He then popped this question "can you use your school fees to buy steem ". To be honest, I was so speechless..
But I later discovered that it can actually be worth it.. But I don't have that much courage now maybe sometime in the future I will try something that risky in the name of steem. Although you selling your house in other to get steem is a risky thing but it's also a good investment. I bet in the future you won't regret making this decision.
I’ve never read that book and I don’t like reading books. I usually watch animated books summary from YouTubers and I don’t watch youTube either. Only Dtube and Dlive.
Thanks you @nathanmars for bringing out this, it is a topic which lives a contest to everybody and see what you treasusre most.
I loved the personality in your post because i have studied him right away from the Men who built America, Andrew Carniege was a venerated figure in the late 19th century with steel manufacture and i know he put all his efforts in manufacturing steel
From your post there is something i can call conflicting loyality where you being torn apart by two situation and in this they seem important and worthy to trust them but in that you have amoral responsibilty to fore go one option and take on the other.
This is tricky, the one thing i have learnt about markets especially global markets operate on factors like
The time frame for which companies or equity markets sell their stock
The rate of turn over which commodities move in a given market system.
Unforeseen factors like climate changes and other contingencies.
As long as those factors are favorable, then someone can sell off their stock and in this case steem but you have to predict the market trends since we live a changing business world. Speculation is good but risky iincase you succumb to wrong iformation.
Finally, i can say dont sell of your house for steem now but first value your asset and find out its worthyness in the coming few years and that will be the basis on which you can sell your house for steem. The geographical location will have to be in play to enble you sell your house for steem but if you are geographically placed, then you have no strong reason for selling you house to get steem
Well I'm willing to take a risk if it is worth taking since we all know that this life is a risk on is own, be reach a top position in life it actually involved some sacrifices so I can put in sacrifices in form of risk taken before reaching a desirable height in the future. Risk is the engine behind oneself success whether we like it or not and I realized that people that often make it more than there mate actually take a risk that others are not willing to take since they believe and always satisfied what the present, they don't see much going on in the future.
For you to have decided selling your house, what comes through my mind is your dream and goal about steemit is defined and you actually see future ahead of crypto currency. I can say if that is the only house you have, it doesn't worth selling for steemit but if you have more since I believe you can't sleep in two houses at the same time, I consider you selling that investment. I'm also willing to take the risk if it worth losing, since I know I can loss all I ever invested. I don't really believe in cryto currency has it does have future.
Hey man you really did sell your house to buy some steem power. That's very astonishing. I must say you are a man of great determination.
Would you take risk to follow your own dreams ???
Life itself I believe is a risk. Trust me, I would also take some risk just to achieve what I want. As long as it was triggered in me by the determination of achieving a goal.
Yes I did check and left some feedback for now. I’ll be spending more time to really dig into my followers work soon and I’ll be giving more depth feedback then :)
Yes, I observed you already did. And I'm really grateful for the feedback and upvote. You kept a smile on my face today. It great to know you will now be taking your time to really dig into your followers work. I will say you are a true example of a leader. I'm really glad to have met a man like you. I hope we will continue to be great friends. Have a Blessed Sunday!
Wow. What I can say is this is the best decision you have made @nathanmars. You have a heart of a true entrepreneur. Risk taking is what we all should do. Selling your house is something that's touching so much. With the steem power you have gotten, am sure you are going to buy ten more houses with such a big investment. You have truly inspired me so so much. I am asking you to be my mentor in this business. I need to get crazy and sell off my assets too if steem power is all I need. Am so overwhelmed by your move. All the best @nathanmars. You deserve it. Go for it. Good luck my dear.
Life is too short indeed. With your move, I believe we are going to do more than you have done. We had a meeting today as the Ugandan team on steemit. And we discussed about your action today having sold a house to buy steem power. Everyone really got motivated. Thanks for making that move once again @nathanmars
Wow I'm shocked at the amount of courage you have to risk this for your dream. not everybody can do this.
this day marks the beginning of your stardom.
the first step to getting your dreams realized is always the biggest step. I'm proud of you.
You are a determined person and are very clear about the objectives you want to achieve, I am happy for your decision to achieve your goals, which is to reach $ 100 and I know that with that enthusiasm and skills your dreams will come true very soon .
The one who does not risk does not win, I'm new to Steemit and thanks to my brothers, I'm part of this community. I never thought it would be easy, but here I am with a lot of dedication and commitment to continue and achieve my dreams. regardsHello, friend @nathanmars selling your house for Steem, my friend, I'm sure many people would think twice before making a decision like this.
Thanks for your support friend, @nathanmars. I know that with my creativity and dedication I will achieve my goal. I'm sure that my moment will come soon. greeting Blessings for you
Wow! This is really crazy! But I think, someone does not dare to do this without absolute consideration. I know successful people are brave and smart people take advantage of opportunities. Honestly I have not read such statements on this flatform. Remarkable. Exceptional success greeting to extraordinary people. Thanks my dear friend!
Waooo this for me is something very determined and courageous, it is also very inspiring. This is called having faith, these types of decisions are what lead to the success of the future. Thank you for sharing this testimony that will help us to reflect on many things to see the fulfillment of our goals.
Hello my friend. This is very inspiring. You are really a passionate person when it comes to investing in crypto. Good and most successful entrepreneurs/business men are risk takers. The higher the risk the higher the profit. I have learnt not to be timid even at any one moment more so in business.
I must do whatever it takes to invest in steem power as well so that i also be among the steem billionaires.
A great lesson picked up here. Thanks so much @nathanmars for sharinng.
Please remember there are many ways to invest in Steem other than buying SP...
Spending more time
Asking non-financial help from your family/freinds
putting your energy
sleepless nights
connecting with like minded people
moving to new city/country
make steem accounts for all your family members
Have faith in yourself...
I’ve SOLD my house to buy more STEEM power. Would you take risk to follow your own dreams ???
Wow wow wow, this astonishing. You’re a true example of determination, a living witness of concentration.
Yeah I can risk anything to follow my dreams , you’re inspiration unto many on this platform.
Respect man , you’re a role model from today
Just like the image points out, we can actually put all eggs in one basket and watch it safely, i event believe its safer that way because we can concentrate and focus on this one basket rather than having divided attention on several things.
I believe every dreams requires a particular sacrifice, some of these sacrifices are high risk, we most times see the success of men but never pays attention to the sacrifices paid.
I may not sell my house like you, maybe because I dont own one but I can risk much for steem because I believe in this blockchain and cant miss out from this great opportunity.
I cherish you passion and drive from steem and it application i believe more people will join and we will see a high rise in steem probably $100 in few years.
Yes sir
This is what I have been doing since I joined steemit, If you look closely my profile says Steemit Promoter, I have brought over 1000 steemian, but i have relented in bringing people onboard due to some challenges encountered.
I hope to resume soon once the atmosphere is set again or once i get needed support.
Wow when we talk about a couragous man @nathanmars you are the perfect example. People gamble away with their valueables but this is not a gamble there is absulutly no chance you will lose. Why own a house when you can own a Vila with steemit. Kudos Mr. We will surely win together
a very risky decision, what factors make you dare to take big action.
usually someone doing a great action must have been thinking broadly about risk,, great sacrifice gave birth to great results if it was the right way.
goodluck @nathanmars
There are so many factors I guess, I followed my heart. Social media is the future. EOS will boost steem based application, STEEM has the potential to become the next Bitcoin.
More importantly what I love to do, how I want to do work and who I should work for... I love people and making positive impact.. so Steem is match made in heaven for me.
In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them.
Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making
mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk. That is the true analysis of life anything worth doing is worth doing well being on steemit has been a sweet journey with rough road sometimes but Lyou just have to strive hard.
I salute your courage bro, infact your aspiration for $100 per steem is worth thinking of and be inspired and I also have a determined mind to take all risk to promote myself, made good impact in this community.
I've added my picture as you requested for and also change my style of blogging also below are sample of a post I just decided to be engaging in
You are wonderful brother, infact you brought something new which I dont imagine out of me, I have release another ulog post now and another later in the night, apart from upvoting I want you to be pointing out where there is need for adjustment because I'm here to make a positive impact....thanks for your brotherly guidiance, you are such a rare gem.
I believe everyone is rare gem. And I'll continue to watch you to see if you can think like an entrepreneur and create some content that add value to others (at least for some people )
I agree with you, imagination always explores yourself. dependence on activity is boring, sometimes with imagination you can go to a different world. and it was fun.
That's what I call being "all in." I hope it works out for you and I have a feeling it will... Being a student left me with little time to post and engage as much as I wanted to. Being a blogger, I've tested different ways to increase exposure using the limited time I have. The upvote bots may help "get the word out" but will drain your wallet over time. I last used them on my 1600 word post I wrote last week about psychopaths and am now posting without them.
Your investment in STEEM is an investment in yourself, Nathan. Wishing you continued success in the future! :)
I guess you can use Steemit to learn the same thing that you're learning at school/university and connect with students around the world and learn together...
I could really understand in some cases you want to use up-voting bots and if you use it without abusing the system then it's all good.
my God! There are people i can never forget on this great platform. @nathanmars, i cherish your courage an have always learn to take bold steps. No bold step is on saver side but somehow risky, but the end of the risk always brings a positive result. I have been learning alot from you @nathanmars which has always prompt me to take bold steps too. If i have my own house yet, i will sell it to achieve my dream. Since there will be a lot of benefit in accomplishing my dream, why wont i take some risk or sacrifice some things in other to achieve it? Oh i will and i will again take risk. Thanks so much @nathanmars
Taking risk can never be waved away in achieving dreams. I went to my store this evening to check things not yet useful for now but are valuable to me for sales. I cant wait to buy more steem power. Thanks so much @nathanmars for the advice.
Hello @nathanmars I have been following you since a while and I really like the way you motivate people. Earlier I never had much time to leave a comment, but today it's different. You are really doing a great job sir.
I can take high risk with my own ability, attitude and my very own imagination.
I think all people should do the same, when we have faith and trust in ourselves we do succeed.
Will be around for more of your inspirational work.
To be honest, there are many memories of my family and grandparents with the house of mine which i never want to loose. But at some point we have to step forword leaving all the memories behind and moving on to chase our dreams. Things you are doing now may get you some hard times but everyday isn't the same day. Success comes from experience and experience comes from bad experiences. Those things you are experiencing will definitely lead you toword your dream. Its your's destiny and so do many of our's.
hello, @nathanmars. hope are you well. astonishing risk!! I have been following you since a while and I really like the way you motivate people. To be honest,Brilliant decision my friend, what use of getting a house when you know you can actually get three folds of the amount you sell in the future even more than it. I respect your decision on this, you have such a strong heart and always believe in yourself. You can get risk. @nathanmars. Hope success will be come tho your hand!!
Everytime I wait for your interesting posts.Your talking style and expression is first class.wait for your next post..I just want to say Salute boss you're great..take care yourself..
thank you for sharing.
@nathanmars, I am resteemit and upvot done your post.keep it up..may god bless you,Sir
I really appreciate your comment! I'm actually a fan of you, Every post of yours is a lot better.
I always wait for your post like this :)
You are a great person of steem!! I'm waiting for your next post @nathanmars.
Thanks and I might not be creating many of own post in the future.
I’m thinking outside the box.
Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Something interesting is happening.
And I want to think different and use my imagination and find what I should do with steem but my intentions and goals are already set.
Thanks and I might not be creating many of own post in the future.
I’m thinking outside the box.
Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Something interesting is happening.
And I want to think different and use my imagination and find what I should do with steem but my intentions and goals are already set.
Life can be funny sometimes but I believe to succeed some steps must be taken among whom is taking risk because the biggest risk is not taking any risk... In
a world that changing really quickly, the
only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not
taking risks.
You are right bro, winner never quit and quitter never win. I will be trying something new and of value on steemit infact I have began with my way of writing my post as a step ahead ....check it out hope its okay and its making sense
congratulations for taking risks and becoming the success...When you have nothing left to lose, you will gain! I don't have my own house so, I can't literally take the risk. But I am doing everything I can. Wish me luck!
I think it's the right choice, if we sell a house to buy Steempower, it does not matter, because it's like we have a new store or a new business, because we can enjoy the benefits of Steempower's results. Because we can get a new home from the results we get Steempower. Indeed to get big profits, we need big capital. In essence, if we sell something worthwhile for capital (business), like buying Steempower is no problem, because we can get a new home from the profits. Are you serious about selling your home? Because I see, you already have a lot of Steempower. Thanks for sharing @nathanmars...
yes, that's very good, I totally agree with your thoughts, because you want to make Steemit grow for the future. I also want to be like you, but for the moment I do not have anything, because I do not have the capital. But, if I have the capital, and I will also buy Steempower, my first goal is to help the poor, and the dropping out of school, because I want to see no more poor people in this world. With the Steemit.
I never ask other people money. But I need all of your help to make positive impact for our fellow good Steemians;)
What can I help to be successful from all your desires, because I really want to see Steemit succeed, and I will always support you, maybe you can say to me
Yes, I mean, I do not have the capital, because I have a life that lacks a lot about the material, but in terms of physical, energy, I have it. I think, if we do not have capital, we can not help others. Because for ourselves alone we are not enough. But if I have the capital, and I will buy Steempower, from the profits, I can help the poor, and we can also make a project in Steemit about empowering the poor, and we can help vote their articles....
I think it is very difficult for me to do, because I am very difficult to talk using dtube, maybe I should learn first, then I will make video on dtube, if later I can.
My goal to join Steem is to be successful, and help the poor, I want to help others to succeed in Steemit as well. That is my first goal.
And if you need help to make Steemit more successful, and I will always support you, and I will follow everything you want, because it is for the good of us all...
Me too! I'm so happy I discovered this brandnew exciting world! I'm still very new to it and discovering the potential of it and how it works and all. But I love to read these stories and thoughts and get inspirated and excited about building a better world! All in sounds like a good idea.
You never cease to amaze me big bro, with the way you promote this steemit world infact I see a great tomorrow on steemit, to me life itself is all about risk be from walking, eating, drinking, etc is all about risk talkless of what could bring a good return, I might consider it.
Thank boss, I do envy your courage and the way you motivate we new steemian, never cease to that and hope I will one day also be a great motivator with a good story to tell on steemit
I checked your blogs and I want to be honest with you and say posting motivational quotes will not take you anywhere on Steem and I hope you can find something different to post by trial and error.
This is really motivating for a lot of people. Risk is something you have to take, some people think it's not worth it but I belive if you don't risk something then there is a very little chance for you to get something. I believe in myself and I do take risks. I have sold all my altcoin holdings and bought neo. And I have to learn to trade now.
You really have my respect for doing such a great job and bringing us all the motivation.
Thanks but don’t waste your time learning how to day trade.
Blockchain developers and true entrepreneurs are working on making sure there are less and less money made from day trading. Technology innovations will make any kind of middle man irrelevant with replace with smart contracts, algorithmic bot trading and etc
I’m sure if you focus and you’ll much better things to learn.
I was heavy buying crypto in the last two weeks. Honestly, I’m not at that point where I would sell my house, but I’m extremely happy with what I have. I’m also extremely happy to be part of this community. In my past I did daytrading a lot. I learned my lesson and would never do it again. I wish you the best and many houses ahead of you once your dream with crypto comes true.
It’s very important to follow your own dreams. If your dream to have family then have one. If you’re dream to become football player then be one.
I don’t like people giving excuses for not following thier dreams, after all it’s your dream and you don’t need to explain to me why you can’t follow your dreams.
Life is hard to understand when it kicks out like a football game, but
I think that is playing with us but later it will be much more and I
think your thoughts are absolutely correct, because of your thinking
you get happiness in your life. Life is big trouble, but if you want to
decorate this life nicely, then you must take risk and give a nice life
So I think you have done well, I wish you long life and success.
Have a nice day.
anyone who is ready to succeed in life will have to take Risks, be patient and have one mindset that no matter what the condition may be, its a matter of lose or gain@nathanmars: Yes,
Steemit is a world that shows a meaningful tomorrow in array, this life is all about risk and I believe what is worth doing is worth doing well.
Steemit is a social media that has a lots of benefit both mentally, financially and so on. To me one can take the risk as it is a lucrative business with an outstanding output.
really interesting to take such a risk. I'm a big believer in steem but I don't have an asset to sell and invest so much. What are you doing with your votes? Do you sell them with a service like smartsteem or do you vote on other people?
Wow.Amazing risk. You have a long term vision it seems. Success is yours now and the future, I believe in this saying, money is the tool in getting more money. when we have faith and trust in ourselves we do succeed. Thank you for sharing @natthanmar
The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.that is it ooooo.
Hey, @nathanmars honestly selling your house for steem is a bold move and am glad you did it because the risks we don’t take are the ones we will regret. And the first step to any achievement is to find the courage to take a risk, do what you love, and commit to your goal and from the start, I know having $100 is your goal in two years
In life we have two natures, one wants to advance and the other wants to pull us back, but the one we concentrate on and develop determines what we will become. A concentrated thought changes our careers and accomplishes miracles for us.
Investing in steem power right now is the best thing because we all know steemit in five years it is going to be great and for the fact that Steemit has two years of existence and almost 1 Milion user accounts gives it a great competitive position to be the leader in this new generation decentralized social media world so five now from now Steem Power is going to be a rare commodity going forward. Am pretty sure people that 500 sp and above will be envied that time, I sense STEEM is going to run up the charts in terms of price/ market.STEEM already has a community of users who are committed to its success. It is this fact that makes it a diamond in the rough.
life is full of risks when someone told me steemit actually this person talked about steemit in a group of 50 people yes am lucky I was among. The 49 didnot take it serious but I did I told my self let me try if it fails then I will chill so I began my steemit journey with the friend that mentioned it when I was blogging the other friends would say "first show us the money before we can start too" I made my first withdraw and that is when they realised thing was real currently they are all joining now and right now earning is hard like never before so they keep wishing they had done it earlier what am driving home is If there is something in your gut telling you that this is what you want to do, you owe it to yourself to, at the very least, acknowledge it and think about how it might come to fruition.
Thank you so much for your contribution and my followers and people I follow means world to me.
I’ll Dlive videos for every single one of my followers:)
Thanks @nathanmars for that am literally looking forward to it am also working on my first Dlive video where I will introduce my self so i will share it with u too am hoping you will like it .
Excellent @ireneblessing. I would love to see every Steemians introduce themselves via Dlive videos. I'm look forward to it and please let me know once you've uploaded it.
Have a lovely day :)
wow @nathanmars am delighted to know that you are looking forward to it before the week ends I will have uploaded ... A great night to you
The say "THE GREATEST RISK IN LIFE IS NOT TAKING THE RISK" you have made a great decision that which you will look back in years and beat your chest saying it was worth it.
Now the dream becomes more clearer.
Weldon boss
Maximum Respect #futuresteembillionaire #steem/$100 #wewintogether
You’re my favourite Steemian !
Thank you:)
Your are my mentor sir
You’re taking some actions and now it’s time for more challenges abc think outside the box.
Brilliant decision my friend, what use of getting a house when you know you can actually get three folds of the amount you sell in the future even more than it. I respect your decision on this, you have such a strong heart and always believe in yourself (dream comes true)
Life itself is a risk, if one cannot take risks the chance of getting successful of that person is very slim. Getting more knowledge than your mate is risk you decided to take, since a lot of sleepless night over your colleagues will surely pay. Success is a state of mind and the most reliable way to reach that state of mind is by working through set of goal with meaningful challenge (risk) which is what you did now brother. A soul that refuses to take risk is bound not to be successful.
Life is a risk, all the activities we engaged in is such a risk. In order to win your have to shake and only two outcome is possible which is whether you lose or win, I believe in this saying, money is the tool in getting more money. I'm willing to take the risk brother, just like yourself, like I said earlier you surely have a strong heart and determination. The risk is worth taking brother. I salute your courage, confident and believe in the future of steemit.
Concentration is surely the key brother, putting all eggs in a basket will allow one to focus and protect everything one has. The desire to protect such basket will never quench in person heart. Ride on brother, your success is certain so do mine, the risk must be taken.
Thank you so much for explaining in more details. You’re worth following. lol
You bring value to me ;)
Lol brother, you teach me a lot through your piece, I have always appreciate your work, there is always something to say to be of support. You make us do more things. We are one remember. We win together. One brand, one goal and one nation we are on steemit, our success is surely certain.
Yes we help each other!
You’re a true Steemian :)
Keep up the good work!!!
Thanks brother, for your support always, I own you a lot
To solve a problem, we must focus, concentrate and be serious in solving problems or doing something. So, whatever we do or that we face, everything will run easily.
Thanks for sharing us @nathanmars Have a good day @nathanmars.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts @aulnyaksyabandi
Every problem has solution and let’s focus on making peaceful solutions with super focus!!
Have a beautiful day and happy Steeming:)
I am glad you like my comment.
Yes, I agree with you.
think before doing something, because by thinking first, we can reduce the risk or eliminate the risk.
Thanks @nathanmars
Thank you for reminding me the work “elimination”
I’m extreme minimalist and my minimalism journey allow to me realise what is essential for good life.
Highly recommendedIf you anyone interested please visit read the blogs on
I have been looking at this blog for a while. I just read a glance, it turns out a lot of important and interesting information on this blog. I will read on this blog.
You are welcome @nathanmars Thank you @nathanmars Have a good day @nathanmars
Wow selling your house to acquire more steem is actually courageous and its a very big risk
You are truly FEARLESS
It was not long ago when I was explaining the concept of steemit to a friend from school. He then popped this question "can you use your school fees to buy steem ". To be honest, I was so speechless..
But I later discovered that it can actually be worth it.. But I don't have that much courage now maybe sometime in the future I will try something that risky in the name of steem. Although you selling your house in other to get steem is a risky thing but it's also a good investment. I bet in the future you won't regret making this decision.
Cheers to fearlessness, better future and steemit
Thank you.
The 3 C’s of life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life never change
Rightly said
That is the spirit of a tru hustler
@nathanmars has automatically become my inspiration and role model on steemit. All I can think of now is going the extra mile for steemit
That's not a Risk in my Opinion, Risk would be keeping the House! :D
You probably know, there are Passive Investments & Active ones
Therefore, if you can invest in best Blockchain in the World & keep a House that will bring you more expenses & devalue over Time
Which one of the 2 is actually a Risk?
Definitely not investing that same House in Blockchain! Great move ;)
Only people who make the right moves end up winning in Life & Freeing themselves from the System eventually
Good job, you are doing it right
(If I had a House I wouldn't wait for 2 Minutes to invest it in Steem)
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
You’re one of my favourite Dtubers and I’ll be continue to watch your progress:)
Happy Dtubing my friend!!!
Haha... its not mine!
But you could say its mine :)
Its from the Book: Rich Father Poor Father
I definitely recommend you to read it!
I’ve never read that book and I don’t like reading books. I usually watch animated books summary from YouTubers and I don’t watch youTube either. Only Dtube and Dlive.
Anyway if you’re interested..( You can steel some ideas for your Dtube channel )
Thanks you @nathanmars for bringing out this, it is a topic which lives a contest to everybody and see what you treasusre most.
I loved the personality in your post because i have studied him right away from the Men who built America, Andrew Carniege was a venerated figure in the late 19th century with steel manufacture and i know he put all his efforts in manufacturing steel
This is tricky, the one thing i have learnt about markets especially global markets operate on factors like
As long as those factors are favorable, then someone can sell off their stock and in this case steem but you have to predict the market trends since we live a changing business world. Speculation is good but risky iincase you succumb to wrong iformation.
To be continued.....
Thank you for your feedback my friend,
I’ve already sold my house and once I get the money I’ll buy more SP.
I could give you so many reasons why, but number one reason is that “I believe in ability to make it with Steem” basically I’m investing in myself.
Hope that makes sense:)
Well I'm willing to take a risk if it is worth taking since we all know that this life is a risk on is own, be reach a top position in life it actually involved some sacrifices so I can put in sacrifices in form of risk taken before reaching a desirable height in the future. Risk is the engine behind oneself success whether we like it or not and I realized that people that often make it more than there mate actually take a risk that others are not willing to take since they believe and always satisfied what the present, they don't see much going on in the future.
For you to have decided selling your house, what comes through my mind is your dream and goal about steemit is defined and you actually see future ahead of crypto currency. I can say if that is the only house you have, it doesn't worth selling for steemit but if you have more since I believe you can't sleep in two houses at the same time, I consider you selling that investment. I'm also willing to take the risk if it worth losing, since I know I can loss all I ever invested. I don't really believe in cryto currency has it does have future.
Thank you!
I only own one house and I’ve sold it now to invest that money in myself ( with SP )
Basically I’m taking risk with my abilities and SP is my tool. With Steem anyone can succeed and if they fail then they’re the reason not Steem.
Hey man you really did sell your house to buy some steem power. That's very astonishing. I must say you are a man of great determination.
Life itself I believe is a risk. Trust me, I would also take some risk just to achieve what I want. As long as it was triggered in me by the determination of achieving a goal.
Yes I really did sell. I don’t need to lie to my followers.
Also I’ll check your Dtube video very soon and I really appreciate your work;)
Let’s follow our dreams!!!
It's well man! We are all here to support each other reach our goals.
Alright man!. Kindly leave a feedback when you're done checking it out. Thanks!.
Yes I did check and left some feedback for now. I’ll be spending more time to really dig into my followers work soon and I’ll be giving more depth feedback then :)
Yes, I observed you already did. And I'm really grateful for the feedback and upvote. You kept a smile on my face today. It great to know you will now be taking your time to really dig into your followers work. I will say you are a true example of a leader. I'm really glad to have met a man like you. I hope we will continue to be great friends. Have a Blessed Sunday!
Certainly we will continue to be great friends :)
Yipee!. Thanks for the assurance.
Wow. What I can say is this is the best decision you have made @nathanmars. You have a heart of a true entrepreneur. Risk taking is what we all should do. Selling your house is something that's touching so much. With the steem power you have gotten, am sure you are going to buy ten more houses with such a big investment. You have truly inspired me so so much. I am asking you to be my mentor in this business. I need to get crazy and sell off my assets too if steem power is all I need. Am so overwhelmed by your move. All the best @nathanmars. You deserve it. Go for it. Good luck my dear.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Actually you guys are my mentors.
I hope my action will make you take more actions to follow your dreams. Life is too short!
Life is too short indeed. With your move, I believe we are going to do more than you have done. We had a meeting today as the Ugandan team on steemit. And we discussed about your action today having sold a house to buy steem power. Everyone really got motivated. Thanks for making that move once again @nathanmars
Wowww I really glad to hear.
Let’s show the world what we can do :)
Am with you on this one. Following you closely . You are an inspiration to many steemians. Let's go chase our dreams. See you at the top
Wow I'm shocked at the amount of courage you have to risk this for your dream. not everybody can do this.
this day marks the beginning of your stardom.
the first step to getting your dreams realized is always the biggest step. I'm proud of you.
Thank you so much for sweet words.
I'm so happy you're part of our Steem world @sweetim :)
Happy Steeming :)
You are a determined person and are very clear about the objectives you want to achieve, I am happy for your decision to achieve your goals, which is to reach $ 100 and I know that with that enthusiasm and skills your dreams will come true very soon .
The one who does not risk does not win, I'm new to Steemit and thanks to my brothers, I'm part of this community. I never thought it would be easy, but here I am with a lot of dedication and commitment to continue and achieve my dreams. regardsHello, friend @nathanmars selling your house for Steem, my friend, I'm sure many people would think twice before making a decision like this.
I appreciate your kind words!
I’m so happy to see you’re dedicated and committed to achieve your dreams:)
Let’s do it :)
Thanks for your support friend, @nathanmars. I know that with my creativity and dedication I will achieve my goal. I'm sure that my moment will come soon. greeting Blessings for you
Thanks again and Happy Steeming :)
Wow! This is really crazy! But I think, someone does not dare to do this without absolute consideration. I know successful people are brave and smart people take advantage of opportunities. Honestly I have not read such statements on this flatform. Remarkable. Exceptional success greeting to extraordinary people. Thanks my dear friend!

I really appreciate your comment and you guys make me believe in myself more and more. Bring it on!!
Very happy to hear it. Really! Personally I will pray for big decisions will bring greater results. 💪
Thank you and I much appreciate it :)
Waooo this for me is something very determined and courageous, it is also very inspiring. This is called having faith, these types of decisions are what lead to the success of the future. Thank you for sharing this testimony that will help us to reflect on many things to see the fulfillment of our goals.
Greetings and Blessings @nathanmars
Yes our decisions shape our future:)
Happy Steeming!!
Why not? I would rather do that than go gambling to Vegas lol
Yeah Why fucking not :)
Gambling in Vegas is bad but gambling with our dream is good :)
Hello my friend. This is very inspiring. You are really a passionate person when it comes to investing in crypto. Good and most successful entrepreneurs/business men are risk takers. The higher the risk the higher the profit. I have learnt not to be timid even at any one moment more so in business.
I must do whatever it takes to invest in steem power as well so that i also be among the steem billionaires.
A great lesson picked up here. Thanks so much @nathanmars for sharinng.
You're very welcome my friend @yohan2on :)
Please remember there are many ways to invest in Steem other than buying SP...
Spending more time
Asking non-financial help from your family/freinds
putting your energy
sleepless nights
connecting with like minded people
moving to new city/country
make steem accounts for all your family members
Have faith in yourself...
Wow wow wow, this astonishing. You’re a true example of determination, a living witness of concentration.
Yeah I can risk anything to follow my dreams , you’re inspiration unto many on this platform.
Respect man , you’re a role model from today
Thank you and be your own role model
I always think that life must be rick to make the dream come true, otherwise it is not possible to achieve success in life.
What you think you’ll become
Just like the image points out, we can actually put all eggs in one basket and watch it safely, i event believe its safer that way because we can concentrate and focus on this one basket rather than having divided attention on several things.
I believe every dreams requires a particular sacrifice, some of these sacrifices are high risk, we most times see the success of men but never pays attention to the sacrifices paid.
I may not sell my house like you, maybe because I dont own one but I can risk much for steem because I believe in this blockchain and cant miss out from this great opportunity.
I cherish you passion and drive from steem and it application i believe more people will join and we will see a high rise in steem probably $100 in few years.
Thank you my friend @samiwhyte :)
Let's make more people join Steem and together we'll make $100 SP
Yes sir
This is what I have been doing since I joined steemit, If you look closely my profile says Steemit Promoter, I have brought over 1000 steemian, but i have relented in bringing people onboard due to some challenges encountered.
I hope to resume soon once the atmosphere is set again or once i get needed support.
I glad to see you're promoting Steem..
Embrace all challenges and When you continue to do great work, people will notice you and support you :)
This is encouraging, thanks for this tips, will keep doing my best
Thank you my friend!
Good luck to you :)
Wow when we talk about a couragous man @nathanmars you are the perfect example. People gamble away with their valueables but this is not a gamble there is absulutly no chance you will lose. Why own a house when you can own a Vila with steemit. Kudos Mr. We will surely win together
I’ve Steemian friends around the world and people in your life who support you are more valuable.
My heart is a beautiful villa :)
You definitly have a beautiful heart.
Respect sir
Thank you!
a very risky decision, what factors make you dare to take big action.
usually someone doing a great action must have been thinking broadly about risk,, great sacrifice gave birth to great results if it was the right way.
goodluck @nathanmars
There are so many factors I guess, I followed my heart. Social media is the future. EOS will boost steem based application, STEEM has the potential to become the next Bitcoin.
More importantly what I love to do, how I want to do work and who I should work for... I love people and making positive impact.. so Steem is match made in heaven for me.
In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them.
Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making
mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk. That is the true analysis of life anything worth doing is worth doing well being on steemit has been a sweet journey with rough road sometimes but Lyou just have to strive hard.
I salute your courage bro, infact your aspiration for $100 per steem is worth thinking of and be inspired and I also have a determined mind to take all risk to promote myself, made good impact in this community.
I've added my picture as you requested for and also change my style of blogging also below are sample of a post I just decided to be engaging in
Thank you my friend.
Yes I checked your ulog and left some feedback and waiting for more :)
You are wonderful brother, infact you brought something new which I dont imagine out of me, I have release another ulog post now and another later in the night, apart from upvoting I want you to be pointing out where there is need for adjustment because I'm here to make a positive impact....thanks for your brotherly guidiance, you are such a rare gem.
I believe everyone is rare gem. And I'll continue to watch you to see if you can think like an entrepreneur and create some content that add value to others (at least for some people )
I agree with you, imagination always explores yourself. dependence on activity is boring, sometimes with imagination you can go to a different world. and it was fun.
"sometimes with imagination you can go to a different world" - I like the way you put it :)
thank you, i feel have little in common with you, nice to meet you 😊😊
I'm happy to meet you my friend :)
thank you😊,whether you already have a small family or still single like me😁😁
Haha.. I've a big family and it's called Steem global family :)
Haha .. means I am one of them😁. pray for me so that next year I can have a small family who can join in a big family of steem😊😁
That's what I call being "all in." I hope it works out for you and I have a feeling it will... Being a student left me with little time to post and engage as much as I wanted to. Being a blogger, I've tested different ways to increase exposure using the limited time I have. The upvote bots may help "get the word out" but will drain your wallet over time. I last used them on my 1600 word post I wrote last week about psychopaths and am now posting without them.
Your investment in STEEM is an investment in yourself, Nathan. Wishing you continued success in the future! :)
Thanks a lot @evernoticethat!
I guess you can use Steemit to learn the same thing that you're learning at school/university and connect with students around the world and learn together...
I could really understand in some cases you want to use up-voting bots and if you use it without abusing the system then it's all good.
Happy Steeming and good luck with your studies !
my God! There are people i can never forget on this great platform. @nathanmars, i cherish your courage an have always learn to take bold steps. No bold step is on saver side but somehow risky, but the end of the risk always brings a positive result. I have been learning alot from you @nathanmars which has always prompt me to take bold steps too. If i have my own house yet, i will sell it to achieve my dream. Since there will be a lot of benefit in accomplishing my dream, why wont i take some risk or sacrifice some things in other to achieve it? Oh i will and i will again take risk. Thanks so much @nathanmars
"If i have my own house yet, i will sell it to achieve my dream"
Think about what skillsets you've, what can you do others,...etc And sell those to achieve your dream :)
Taking risk can never be waved away in achieving dreams. I went to my store this evening to check things not yet useful for now but are valuable to me for sales. I cant wait to buy more steem power. Thanks so much @nathanmars for the advice.
Good luck my friend :)
You are the Boss! I hope Steem is mooning soon.
We'll take it to the moon :)
Hello @nathanmars I have been following you since a while and I really like the way you motivate people. Earlier I never had much time to leave a comment, but today it's different. You are really doing a great job sir.
I think all people should do the same, when we have faith and trust in ourselves we do succeed.
Will be around for more of your inspirational work.
Thank you for your kind words.
I’m not a motivator and my actions might motivate some and I’m glad to see
Thank you for appreciation and yes your actions does motivate and inspire a lot sir.
I’m so glad to hear :)
To be honest, there are many memories of my family and grandparents with the house of mine which i never want to loose. But at some point we have to step forword leaving all the memories behind and moving on to chase our dreams. Things you are doing now may get you some hard times but everyday isn't the same day. Success comes from experience and experience comes from bad experiences. Those things you are experiencing will definitely lead you toword your dream. Its your's destiny and so do many of our's.
Painful experiences and bad experiences will lead to better life !
My destiny is under my own control and I’m the captain of my ship :)
Don't let down your feeling and it will definately keep you going to the unbreakable.
Thank you my friend and I appreciate it :)
hello, @nathanmars. hope are you well. astonishing risk!! I have been following you since a while and I really like the way you motivate people. To be honest,Brilliant decision my friend, what use of getting a house when you know you can actually get three folds of the amount you sell in the future even more than it. I respect your decision on this, you have such a strong heart and always believe in yourself. You can get risk. @nathanmars. Hope success will be come tho your hand!!
Everytime I wait for your interesting posts.Your talking style and expression is first class.wait for your next post..I just want to say Salute boss you're great..take care yourself..
thank you for sharing.
@nathanmars, I am resteemit and upvot done your post.keep it up..may god bless you,Sir
#We always Love @nathanmars. and respect you sir. Stay blessed @nathanmars.
I really appreciate your comment! I'm actually a fan of you, Every post of yours is a lot better.
I always wait for your post like this :)
You are a great person of steem!! I'm waiting for your next post @nathanmars.
But now I hope you'll see my comment!!@nathanmars. You did a post three days ago, But I could not comment because of some problem.
@nathnamers. Did you see it in my comments?
Thanks and I might not be creating many of own post in the future.
I’m thinking outside the box.
Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Something interesting is happening.
And I want to think different and use my imagination and find what I should do with steem but my intentions and goals are already set.
Thanks and I might not be creating many of own post in the future.
I’m thinking outside the box.
Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Something interesting is happening.
And I want to think different and use my imagination and find what I should do with steem but my intentions and goals are already set.
Thank you so much and your kind words means a world to me :)
Actually my followers and people I follow are pushing me forward. And with you guys I believe in myself more and more
Life can be funny sometimes but I believe to succeed some steps must be taken among whom is taking risk because the biggest risk is not taking any risk... In
a world that changing really quickly, the
only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not
taking risks.
Totally agree and let’s not fail. So we must take risks. Life is too short
You are right bro, winner never quit and quitter never win. I will be trying something new and of value on steemit infact I have began with my way of writing my post as a step ahead ....check it out hope its okay and its making sense
congratulations for taking risks and becoming the success...When you have nothing left to lose, you will gain! I don't have my own house so, I can't literally take the risk. But I am doing everything I can. Wish me luck!
Of course I wish you luck and when you can believe in yourself you don’t need luck and only thing you need is dedication:)
Absolutely. Dedication is the key :D
I think it's the right choice, if we sell a house to buy Steempower, it does not matter, because it's like we have a new store or a new business, because we can enjoy the benefits of Steempower's results. Because we can get a new home from the results we get Steempower. Indeed to get big profits, we need big capital. In essence, if we sell something worthwhile for capital (business), like buying Steempower is no problem, because we can get a new home from the profits. Are you serious about selling your home? Because I see, you already have a lot of Steempower. Thanks for sharing @nathanmars...
Yes I’m seriously sold my house and I’ll get the funds very soon and I’ll buy more and more Steem power.
Because I want to impact so many people’s life around the world I needed put everything I’ve.
I never ask other people money. But I need all of your help to make positive impact for our fellow good Steemians;)
yes, that's very good, I totally agree with your thoughts, because you want to make Steemit grow for the future. I also want to be like you, but for the moment I do not have anything, because I do not have the capital. But, if I have the capital, and I will also buy Steempower, my first goal is to help the poor, and the dropping out of school, because I want to see no more poor people in this world. With the Steemit.
I never ask other people money. But I need all of your help to make positive impact for our fellow good Steemians;)
What can I help to be successful from all your desires, because I really want to see Steemit succeed, and I will always support you, maybe you can say to me
Are you sure you don’t have anything?
Please tell me what you’ve and I’ll tell you how to use them to help yourself first then you can help the poor
Yes, I mean, I do not have the capital, because I have a life that lacks a lot about the material, but in terms of physical, energy, I have it. I think, if we do not have capital, we can not help others. Because for ourselves alone we are not enough. But if I have the capital, and I will buy Steempower, from the profits, I can help the poor, and we can also make a project in Steemit about empowering the poor, and we can help vote their articles....
I really like you because you’re engaging with conversation with me.
I definitely think I want to see a Dtube video of you explaining why you decided to join Steem.
Once I’ve seen your Dtube I think I can help you so much
I think it is very difficult for me to do, because I am very difficult to talk using dtube, maybe I should learn first, then I will make video on dtube, if later I can.
My goal to join Steem is to be successful, and help the poor, I want to help others to succeed in Steemit as well. That is my first goal.
And if you need help to make Steemit more successful, and I will always support you, and I will follow everything you want, because it is for the good of us all...
you are right no risk no gain @nathanmars . Risk is part of life. i also like risk well done @nathanmars
Be fearless and you’ll become unstoppable
Amazing post,i believe i have a great future not in this community alone but the whole world..
Thank you so much:)
you ar vary high risk , how many steem power buy you @nathanmars
You check my wallet in few more days :)
@nathanmars you take risk you are successful . steem power is main part of steemit work , you aslo help new member keep it up @nathanmars
Yes I’ll always help new Steemians and you’re the ones are going to make steem become new Bitcoin.
Steem is for everyone. Everyone have brain, time and imagination
wow you ar sell your house , you take vary high risk , i help your work and join your group , @nathanmars
i thinks your need very successful
Yes I take high risk on my ability
We kind of did the same a year ago! Sell the house and put it all in the cryptos! We escaped from our prison!
I’m so happy to see many people who believe in themselves and Crypto:)
All in - my favourite two words
Me too! I'm so happy I discovered this brandnew exciting world! I'm still very new to it and discovering the potential of it and how it works and all. But I love to read these stories and thoughts and get inspirated and excited about building a better world! All in sounds like a good idea.
I’m confident that you’ll discover you audiences and your work with Steem pretty soon.
Let’s impact many people and build a better world:)
good luck @nathanmars i thinks you successful full fill your own dreams
Cheers my friend:)
i sell my dogecoin and buy 50 steem , your post help my work thanks @nathanmars
I’m glad my friend!
You never cease to amaze me big bro, with the way you promote this steemit world infact I see a great tomorrow on steemit, to me life itself is all about risk be from walking, eating, drinking, etc is all about risk talkless of what could bring a good return, I might consider it.
Follow your heart but take your brain with you.and life is a risk.
Life is too short and why not live it in my terms:)
Be fearless ! Sky is the limit:)
Thank boss, I do envy your courage and the way you motivate we new steemian, never cease to that and hope I will one day also be a great motivator with a good story to tell on steemit
I checked your blogs and I want to be honest with you and say posting motivational quotes will not take you anywhere on Steem and I hope you can find something different to post by trial and error.
This is really motivating for a lot of people. Risk is something you have to take, some people think it's not worth it but I belive if you don't risk something then there is a very little chance for you to get something. I believe in myself and I do take risks. I have sold all my altcoin holdings and bought neo. And I have to learn to trade now.
You really have my respect for doing such a great job and bringing us all the motivation.
Thanks but don’t waste your time learning how to day trade.
Blockchain developers and true entrepreneurs are working on making sure there are less and less money made from day trading. Technology innovations will make any kind of middle man irrelevant with replace with smart contracts, algorithmic bot trading and etc
I’m sure if you focus and you’ll much better things to learn.
I was heavy buying crypto in the last two weeks. Honestly, I’m not at that point where I would sell my house, but I’m extremely happy with what I have. I’m also extremely happy to be part of this community. In my past I did daytrading a lot. I learned my lesson and would never do it again. I wish you the best and many houses ahead of you once your dream with crypto comes true.
Yes appreciate what you already have and be willing to get you need.
I need to live a extremely meaningful life
I wish you success in advance for this thought.
Thank you!
What, a game of adventure, you sure are single, because there is no need to worry for the family.
It’s very important to follow your own dreams. If your dream to have family then have one. If you’re dream to become football player then be one.
I don’t like people giving excuses for not following thier dreams, after all it’s your dream and you don’t need to explain to me why you can’t follow your dreams.
I would even take more.
Don't forget that it's carry too many basket that breaks the most eggs.
Yes I’ll stay focused on my goal!
Let’s make fire by focusing
Life is hard to understand when it kicks out like a football game, but
I think that is playing with us but later it will be much more and I
think your thoughts are absolutely correct, because of your thinking
you get happiness in your life. Life is big trouble, but if you want to
decorate this life nicely, then you must take risk and give a nice life
So I think you have done well, I wish you long life and success.
Have a nice day.
followed and upvoted
Thank you my friend and have lovely day :)
anyone who is ready to succeed in life will have to take Risks, be patient and have one mindset that no matter what the condition may be, its a matter of lose or gain@nathanmars: Yes,
Let’s have winning mindset:)
Ok sir, God will help us through
Steemit is a world that shows a meaningful tomorrow in array, this life is all about risk and I believe what is worth doing is worth doing well.
Steemit is a social media that has a lots of benefit both mentally, financially and so on. To me one can take the risk as it is a lucrative business with an outstanding output.
My honorble Leader in life everything is a risk, even to success will must take a risk. Inclusion just fellow your dream in life. Thanks.
Let’s follow our own dreams;)
Thank you my friend:)
You are highly welcome my great motivator the reason behind me thinking of my uniqueness ability in my steemit journey.
Thank you my dear Steemian :)
really interesting to take such a risk. I'm a big believer in steem but I don't have an asset to sell and invest so much. What are you doing with your votes? Do you sell them with a service like smartsteem or do you vote on other people?
Thank you.
My votes will go towards good Steemians sharing good stuffs.
I’ll never use upvoting bots and never delegate my SP to someone else.
Wow.Amazing risk. You have a long term vision it seems. Success is yours now and the future, I believe in this saying, money is the tool in getting more money. when we have faith and trust in ourselves we do succeed. Thank you for sharing @natthanmar
The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.that is it ooooo.
Exactly my friend:)
Let’s have faith in ourselves and trust our intuition:)