My ceramic mosaic Seed of Life mandala, hope it offers some energetic support to accompany this post
A few heartening words for those of us in heartbroken shock today. Personally I can't fathom that the hate machine has grown to more than half the population here in the U.S., I really can't believe it.
But, regardless these words below are true and pertinent. This is an important time and YOU matter in the scheme of things!!
Love to all of you lovers of life…..
From Sandra Ingerman, healer, teacher of Shamanism, author living in New Mexico, edited for length:
“… Once you have grieved you must stand up and connect more deeply with your ...heart and your community. Recognize who you are and what you came here to do.
The shadow side of our culture is now exposed on many levels - and this is being shown in all countries around the world. The shadow had to come up to be acknowledged and healed. We all know how dysfunctional family systems get when there are secrets that are hidden.…
Part of the shadow is how money is seen as more important than honoring life, all living beings, and the Earth.
When we focus on our [own personal work, and what we can offer to the collective] we ride a different wave … It does not mean that we do not grieve what we see going on and how life is being dishonored. …
Please let us hold each other in deep love right now during this time of shock, grief, and fear.
We will get through this. We have before. I woke up this morning before I heard the election results to the birds singing. Connect with nature and let nature be a healing force for you right now.
Don't send hate to others - PLEASE. This only creates more hate and boomerangs back to us and those we love.
Grieve, express, and remember our outer world is truly not ruled by a few authority figures. Our outer world will change in positive ways by the work each and every one of us stand up to do."
And from The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation:
“You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your Garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to yourself.
And not look outside of yourself for a leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred
manner and in celebration.
We are the ones that we have been waiting for.”
Peace xo
In one breath you say to not spread hate, yet in the other you provide a blanket statement that half of the US population has given into a "hate machine" because they chose one leader over another.
I can see why you would see this as spreading hate and maybe I"m just blind to myself and will think about what you've said......
I would also like to clarify what I mean by "the hate machine". The way I see it is that our new leader's platform is built on bigotry and this has given people the freedom to say hateful things with pride. This is what I call the "hate machine".
I had a conversation the day before the election - with someone I went to high school with and was passing through town. We had a beer together and got to talking about the election. He is a supporter of this new leader (I am not as you may have surmised) and we managed to discuss our differing viewpoints. It was a pretty kind hearted conversation considering how different our opinions were. I listened and didn't ever once condemn his opinions and while he didn't condemn mine, he said with vehemence some pretty awful things about people who are different than him. Believe me, I have no illusions - we all struggle with our fears and anger and whatever, but I wrestle with them and try to understand why I have those feelings and work at diminishing their effect on myself and others.
I don't see him as a hateful human, but I do think Trump inspired him to go towards his fears and justify them rather than to try to understand what is different. It has given him a power and justification behind his own bigotry that seemed far more important to him than the other things he said he valued - he deeply loves nature and values healthcare for the poor and doesn't understand why Mexico won't accept Haitan refugees. I asked him about the candidates and who would make decisions he valued and he basically said that Trump wouldn't and Hillary would but shook his head. He hated Hillary too much and all his reasons were vague and general.
I'm surely not basing my thoughts on this conversation alone, but it was the most recent example I saw up close of how he was swept up.
@blakemiles84...I'm still thinking about your comment and just came across an article that explains this much better than I can.
The so called "hate machine" isn't a judgement, it's a fact.
I started to respond, but then quickly got bored with my response because it wasn't sufficiently explaining my stance.
Please read this --
thanks @blakemiles84, will take a look.
We are the ones! Nice post of hope and encouragement.
thank you @rebeccaryan!
Sadu, sadu!
thank you @reddust
We are the one's we have been waiting for! Outside influences only affect us if we allow it. Stay centered in yourself, life is good if you believe it to be so!
yes :-), thanks for the comment @sunscape
Bravo! Excellent post congratulations
thanks so much @jlufer!
Beautiful message... No need to give our attention to the negative, focus on the solution, which is love... Bless!
thank you @allgoodthings yes cheers to that!
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and thoughtful message on a day like today.
thanks @hitheryon, we all need it don't we!!!
Wonderful post! Great message! :)
thanks @lightsplasher!
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
I resonate with this.
A touching post my friend, I have hope.
I do too @handsolo, hope seems to rise no matter what!! xo
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Beautiful post... Beautiful sentiment. And pretty good advice!
thanks @macksby xo
There are some really nice thoughts in that poem. Gather ourselves, let go of the shore, see who is there with us -- all good. And know your garden. Having a garden is really important.
I like those too, thanks @haphazard-hstead
Beautiful work, and a beautiful post, @natureofbeing,
Its perhaps worth remembering that DT got a % of the vote.
That does not equate to ...
I love your username.
Love & Peace & Freedom
thanks @richhorn, that's a helpful perspective :-)
also, your blog looks great @richhorn, can't wait to read deeper
Thank you for saying so.
I'm just getting going ... <;b
Glad I found your blog and look forward to following your work.
I've put your seed of life mosaic image into my desktop slideshow .. it looks awesome.
What it must look like in real life!
Warm wishes,
Love & Peace & Freedom
it's an honor for my mandala to be on your desktop! thanks for reading and following, I will jump over to your blog and take a look too! best wishes
No more hate! Bit like that here with Brexit result. Just wrote a fairy tale here on Steemit, about peace on earth that concludes that the only way to peace is if we ourselves feel the hate or hurt that we invokes on others, only then will we stop.
@hopehuggs I absolutely agree that compassion is the path to peace! Over here we are often comparing this to the Brexit suprise results. Thanks for your note!