This Crazy Thing called Life: Becoming Mentally Strong #14 Needed Changes

in #life7 years ago

Dad calls you stupid, you hear it so many times, you believe it, does that mean you are stupid, No but it's become a core belief, the only thing stupid is not changing this belief.

You tell someone you are quitting your job, going to be a re-seller, MOTHER!!! :)...they immediately say how silly, you need to work, what a waste of education, you'll never make it, etc. First, don't let anyone, or anything stop you from following your dreams. Making changes along the way, changing how you do something is simply keeping up with the times. Look around, change is happening, we have to always stay current. What we believe, we achieve, modifying as needed along the way.

Things Mentally Strong People Do: #14 They evaluate their core beliefs -modifying as needed.

Knowing your false beliefs from core beliefs is important, someone says you are a dummy, false belief, knowing you are not, core beliefs. Knowing you are in control, not letting anyone change your beliefs in yourself, you will go far!

If you are looking for the work caption of the day, decided to give them there own post. :)
Be You tiful!


Uh oh,,,,watch out. We are getting fancy over here with the GIF images in the posts. THAT IS AWESOME! Another GREAT POST! :)

thanks ...hey got to step our game up every now and then lol

Reminds me of the old adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'. But in reality sometimes when people consistently say negative words to you, it does bring you down. I have found to soul search deep and I know deep down I am a good person. So I let my own inner motivation take control and rise above the other person and his or her words.

Good to hear you are mentally strong, :)...words can hurt and certainly do, we just have to know it's them and something they may be gong though to lash our at others, cause we're AWESOME...:) thanks for your comment...BE YOU TIFUL!