At the end of the do you think wth? ...or do you reflect on the 'good'?
Many, (myself included) think how awful a day it was, dwelling on what we would have, should have, could have done. We have to reflect on the accomplishments, the great things about the day. That's what strong minded people do...
Things Mentally Strong People Do: #18 They reflect on their progress every day. They take time to consider what they have achieved and where they are going.
The best thing you can do is disconnect from work, right before bed clear your thoughts of any negative thoughts of the day, reflect on accomplishments, your goals, how much closer you are to achieving them. Studies have shown how you feel before going to sleep, reflects your mood and energy level the next day. Some may want to write a journal, whatever it takes, you will see simple actions you take now may improve your outlook on life. Give it a try, be mentally strong.
Here's the complete list, I keep posted nearby, reading over each day when I start feeling 'weak' minded. :) So far haven't needed bail money, let's just say 'it's a struggle, y’all' Be-You-tiful!
Based on your list above,,,,,,I am one mentally strong human! lol Love "The Secret" as well. My wife gets mad because I watched it 1000 times when it was on Netflix.