you are correct in what you say. "Illiteracy, poverty and sometimes helplessness push people towards violence".... Very true, @honeychum :)
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you are correct in what you say. "Illiteracy, poverty and sometimes helplessness push people towards violence".... Very true, @honeychum :)
what i understand (my understanding may be wrong) is that writer has shown two extremes, one extreme is JIHAD and other extreme is NIRVANA, he is trying to show the transformation of a boy (Shoaib) from state of JIHAD (according to topic very sinister thing----one extreme ) to state of NIRVANA(extreme pure state of being).
So i dont agree, terrorism, violence, anarchy, HARB, QITAAL is something entirely else from being called a JIHAD. JIHAD is actually opposite of all these things, inner struggle of a being to resist such urges.
I am sorry @honeychum i ruined your post, but this matters to me and billions of people. I brother lives in UK, people build their opinions about which they dont understand and common people (Muslims) suffer because of that. It is not about muslims only, it encompses other religions as well.
the literal meaning of "Jihad" is "crusade" or "battle" ! We all know this. The battle can be internal against inner demons. It can be external against perceived external enemies. And it can be distorted as it is in fanaticism and terrorism. The writer, @honeychum, is talking about how the basics or faith and crusade are distorted by the selfish and fed to the needy and vulnerable. And the world has been brainwashed like this. There are many parts to the story, @kay-khosa . And these parts will deal with many aspects. Savour the story first :)
If you find some time then do check this link out and correct yourself about things of which you don't have experience/Knowledge.
you seem very certain about everything @nehab , "Heresay is inadmissible as an evidence in courts".
"Certain" like you, @kay-khosa? ))))))
i am the part of that culture, was born in it, brought up in that environment. being certain on those accounts should be normal i think @nehab
Sir, why are you so confused about reality and fiction. A story is a story and it take turns based on will and intellect of a person. Mingling a story with reality is not a right approach.Principles of Life are based on individuals Philosophy and awareness towards society.
Reaching to a conclusion midway is never right and can never be admired.
@kay-khosa The major point here is only to be open minded, a story always has different scenes and aspects before it reaches to a conclusion, and secondly it's just a story mate... :) PEACE...
Sir , words are out of control and so is the soul. Who can destroy soul? Have patience and let me conclude the story. :)