When you loved, it's the time you started to see a glimpse of your future together. It's the moment you'll learn to love and accept yourself more than ever. It's the moment you'll gonna choose if you'll stay the same or you'll change if it's for the better. It's the moment I lose my fear of realizing that maybe someday she'll say that "ooh I thought it'll be you I'll gonna spend my life with" or "yes, it's already you". Because no matter what the outcome, as long as you feel true love, everything will be bearable.

So for this topic, I'd like to share some of the inner foundation of our relationship: our dreams. My girlfriend dreamt to get married on Batanes Island. When I asked her why even though I had already some answers on m mind that maybe she'll say that "because it's a very beautiful spot" or "many girls wished to be there", I was surprised when she said, "it's the greatest gift of life that I'd like you to see". And what makes it more memorable is her thought of marrying on that place and having me as her groom. She always thought of going to many places that are new to her but she always thinks of going there with me. That's why I could say that the places and the beauties of the spots aren't the adventures we foresee, but the trust we built for our relationship as we entrusted ourselves to each other, taking care of each other as we travel from place to place.

Someday, I'll be able to bring her there and fulfill her dreams, to see and to be married on that place, and to fulfill my dreams, to make her happy and to make her my bride. Someday, not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, surely.

Just a glance at that photos gave me the answer why every girl loves to be in that place. And no wonder why I really loved to fulfill her dreams as a part of my dream. After all,
aaaah .. the place really looked so amazing :)