Almost, all the time I have entered the court room,I have seen women always withdrawing their court cases over abusive husbands or any other family members and this got me thinking?
Why do women always withdraw their court charges? Is it because of fear, the attitude of people they are surrounded with or what? The truth, as far as I am concerned is that, women, most of them are so much independent on men such that they fear that who will take care of the family if they get their husbands arrested at the end of the day?
Most women in the African society rely on men to provide for them such that when asked by the magistrate why they wish to withdraw the cases, they usually give the same answer despite that they are different women from different backgrounds.
"There is no one to look and take care of the family if my husband is arrested@
This is the answer most women give to the prosecutor.
The society rebukes them for getting their husbands arrested. They are shunned for being a bad wife, who should always keep family affairs a secret.
There is this common saying among the traditional society that even if your husband beats you up, act like nothing has happened, thus what marriage is all about and at the end most women suffering abuse but can not report and if they do, they withdraw the charges because they are being constantly bombarded by the elders that its wrong to get your husband arrested.
I believe women, are being prisoned by the society the live in which constantly showering then with the morals of a good wife who should not report abuse, harassment or assault for that matter, and this withdrawal of court cases has become one of the sore reason why women or per Se why domestic violence is still prevalent.
Women should take a stand for themselves and stop living to the constraints of the society.
This is sad, but I think this is due to societal and cultural values attached to men as sole breadwinner in the region. The only way to stop that from happening is to empower women. Also the women should also learn to develop a thick skin to criticism and backlash from the society that may label them as evil for locking away the abusive husband.
Thank you for that message, indeed the cutlural values are more of imprisoning women that uplifing them and women empowerment is a great need.
Women need to free themselves then, since no one seems to be helping. I guess it can start from being financially dependent. That's a step in the right direction.