You and me, we are quantum Beings living in a quantum world. We are energetically one with the sun, moon, stars, ocean, animals, plants and one another. We are as powerful as we can imagine, and beyond. Love is the energy that connects us. When we align with Love, all things are possible.
Quantum realities are non-linear and paradoxical. The quantum reality we exist in contains all possibilities, experiences and truths simultaneously. Space and time are not constant. Past and future are not fixed. Dimensions merge and blend. All possible versions of YOU (and I) exist in parallel timelines. Through aligning with the deeper truths of this Universe, and Love - we can choose the world or timeline we intend experience.
Spiritual practices of the Ancient and New Age times are all preparing the human being to align with the YOU-niverse, love & universal truth. Yoga, meditation, prayer, qi-gong & all aspects of grounding are preparing the human to reconnect with her/his own self. His/her own SELF which is consciously ONE with SOURCE & the Creator.
Moving into Love, Unity, Oneness and non-duality unlocks our super-human abilities. One such ability it the creation of a personalized universe catered to your desires. A single YOU-niverse within infinite multiverses wherein you are primary architect, designer and creator. As we align with love, we move from a single character, to an expression of the All, wherein there is no judgement. In this sacred space, YOU are the writer, director & star of your own movie!
Many of us are choosing a unified timeline where equality, abundance, prosperity and freedom are the foundation. In this world, the richest person has the same amount as the poorest person. You are invited to join us through aligning with your heart and this intention. <3
Create your dreams! You have the power.
Peace & Love to All beings.
have you heard of "the secret" this is interesting!