What is love

in #life7 years ago


What Is Love?

Love neither originates in man nor is it the possession of man. Love is the essence of God and of Soul. It is consciousness and the Ocean of Love and Mercy within which man lives, moves, and has being. He who experiences love does so because his heart has opened. This is the awakening that so many speak of but know not.

When man accepts God's love for him and surrenders to its embrace, he becomes simultaneously the recipient and the giver of that which Is. It is the passage of love through his heart to another that awakens him to God's love. The illumination of man is his capacity to give and receive love and has nothing whatsoever to do with his arrogance in accumulating mental knowledge and deluding himself into believing he is awake.

Man sleeps in ignorance until he realizes that awakening is not about himself and his possession of knowledge. Nay, it is about his relationship as Soul to God who created him out of ITS love. When man surrenders his ideas of love and himself and realizes that his mind is helpless before the Mind of God or Brahm, he enters into the emptiness that God fills with ITSELF.

Man cannot do this of himself and must seek a Master who can function both inwardly as the consciousness of God and outwardly as the Living Demonstration of God's Word within all of ITS Worlds. Such a one always exists in every time and in every place with a different form having birth in that time and that place.

It is man's destiny to find such a one and the entirety of his purpose on the great Wheel of Life. It is the true Master who awakens Soul, even as he himself was once awakened by his Master. Here we have the essence of the Mystery Schools taught before time was configured and space was shaped. Know Thyself is not possible absent of one who knows both himself and God.

Copyright Stephen A. Brown 1/15/18