Know Your Values

in #life7 years ago

Know Your Values


value: noun


  1. the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
    "your support is of great value"
    synonyms: merit, worth, usefulness, use, utility, practicality, advantage, desirability, benefit, gain, profit, good, service, help, helpfulness, assistance, effectiveness, efficacy, avail, importance, significance, point, sense; informalmileage "the value of adequate preparation cannot be understated"
  2. principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life.
    "they internalize their parents' rules and values"
    synonyms:principles, moral principles, ethics, moral code, morals, moral values, standards, moral standards, code of behaviour, rules of conduct, standards of behaviour "society's values are passed on to us as children"

Our values as human beings are very important in the way we live and work. These should determine our priorities and actions.

Even if we do not recognize values always, they exist and our life can be a lot easier if we are able to identify and aknwoledge them.

Knowing our values can answer questions and help us make the best decisions. These values are reflected to our every day life and of course our business.

It is important to discover what is truly imporant for you and then this can be further applied to your personal and professional life.

When it comes to business, we should not forget that customers prefer to do business with companies they respect and feel safe about.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself, prior to finding your company's core values are:

  • When are you happy and which factors contribute to this?

  • When are you most proud and which factors contribute to this?

  • Which are your top values, based on your previous experience?

  • After finding your top values, prioritize them.

  • Set personal goals and write down draft plans to accomplish them



Knowing your self-worth is very impotant in life and is the best self -assurance that keeps human going.

Sometimes it is also the most difficult, to get to know yourself.
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