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RE: Asterix(my drawing)-Αστερίξ (δικό μου)

in #life8 years ago

No fear!
As in all endeavors and life itself, if you're afraid to make a mark you will not benefit from experience. Starting from someone else's work will give you some benefit from the experience they gained, you should also try repeating this from memory and compare the result, seeing what is different, and try again.

In not much time you'll be drawing more from memory, and soon after from simple objects in life around you.

+1 for you, keep going!


Thanks for the advice . I don't feel ready to draw from memory but worths the try . Thanks again !

Practice some element while looking at the reference, perhaps the face only?
Once you feel more confident do it without the reference.
You'll get better if you're not afraid to :)

Thanks once again for encouragement!