When People Ask if I am Going to Have Another child

in #life8 years ago

When Ione was born, I breastfed, despite having an infection and post-partum preeclampsia, where I was in the hospital for two days on a Magnesium drip. My daughter was born via c-section, probably because I took an epidural almost immediately. I was having 'back labor' and I could not control my legs. My back spasmed, and I would be screaming. This was in early labor, around 5 centimeters, Every contraction pulled and throttled my back. I thought my back might break.
I did my research before going to labor, but my mom had 3 daughters, all about 6-8 hours labor each. My mother never took a drug and never in labour for more than 8 hours, God Bless Her. My Ob thought I should have a similar kind of birth experience,and he also estimated my baby to be 6lbs and change...Hello, 8'12 ounces!
I was in agony. All the muscles in my back spasmed to the point where the anesthesiologist told me that my back muscles were spasming enough, that he wasn't sure he could give me an epidural. However, they gave me a muscle relaxer, I wasn't ok with it, of course not, but it was the only way they could begin the epidural process.
All I wanted to do was walk, but I wasn't allowed to. I could feel my legs, I wanted to push, but they told me I was only at 7 centimeters, and due to the epidural, I was stuck.
After 28 hours of labor, they gave me Petocin, and then Ione's heart rate plummeted. They tore through the room, 3 doctors deep, and put an oxygen mask on my face. No one told me what was happening. I only heard,"Your baby's heart rate is plummeting."
Things were stabilized, but a Dr, not my Ob, my Ob was on vacation, told me that it was in our, me and Ione's, best interest to have a C-section, even though I was at 9 centimeters. I admit, when the meds stopped working after 32 hours, I just wanted her out.
I didn't give up. I tried my best.
Childbirth is as close to death as a lot of us will come. Let us be proud of any and everyone woman who is a mother. C-sections are not 'the easy way out'. xoxo A Mother.557533_487033381324280_920335903_n.jpg


Stories like that make me glad I'm the daddy. Our son was frank breech, with his feet up around his ears, so cesarean was our only option, I peeked over the sheet as they pulled him out...😁😁😁

Delivery is rebirth for the mother. And life is never the same again. Congrats on getting through it successfully, though it must have been a terrible ordeal at that time. I'm a mother to a 7 year old now, and I didn't have a complicated delivery like the one you had, but I remember thinking when I was deep in labour that I didn't want to go on. But, then when my baby was born, and I happily put my labour hours behind me, I was glad to have gone through the experience of it all. . :)
@neverapen, btw, I think you should use #parenting #steemmoms tags to your post. Check it out. Cheers! - @sandzat