(((I apologize in advance, my English is not so good and I let google translators help me)))
the grandfather of my wife died yesterday, he was the first dead person I've ever seen
It was hard to see how a human being struggled against a disease like cancer and unfortunately lost it in the end
I got to know him as a (still) healthy and strong old man, and then to experience how it was slowly but steadily getting weaker and shakier was terrible.
I have seen how it all the other family in the family went worse and worse, it was like in a roller coaster every few months, there was news, sometimes it went down times but you saw how it went slowly down more and more.
even if I have noticed it for 2 years, I still can not imagine what that must be the torment that have undergone the closest of all.
It was horrible to see the grandma suffer so much, they were married for over 60 years and now she is alone
her aunt, who had lived with her parents for life, has now lost one of the two livelihoods
the father of my wife who has taken over all the confidences and has to take care of everything but can never please everyone
The other siblings who would like to do more but stay further away and come now and get involved, but only cause more problems.
For me it was all very much, and I try to write down this and other stories that I experience here and to share this with you
I will spend the next few days trying to write down the whole thing
I hope that interests some here and we can share about this together