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RE: Cryptocurrency Luciferian symbolism: Part 5 - EOS - Greek goddess of the dawn and harbinger of Lucifer

in #life7 years ago (edited)

What you are sold as a bill of goods and what you actually get it not necessarily the same thing. We haven't seen EOS yet other than the "Dawn" SDK. Furthermore, if there is a longer-term Luciferian agenda for EOS, they will never sell it as such directly if they want to make any real money and have major coin market penetration with it. Lastly, I'm not sure if Dan Larimer is in on this or not. The EOS project is being run by Block One and paid for by them as well. It could be that Dan is as he always describes himself - just the blockchain architect. This means that he is selling his decentralized vision, however, it doesn't mean that EOS will always stay aligned to his vision. All I can say for the moment is that the symbology and messaging is no accident - no way - it's absolutely Luciferian. How it all will play out is still to be seen.


Still: pushing decentralization or just waking people up to the very concept and possibility of it would be a strategic plunder of epic proportions. It would be like the master talking to perfectly happy slaves about freedom and revolution...
The symbolism of EOS? Well... I'd prefer it to look less like an inverted pentagram, but in fact it is none. It actually is a diamond. Anyway, stay skeptical!

All things can be use for good or bad. Even torture could be use to save many innocent from someone who hide a bomb. I'm vegan and in that case I think the case for torture could have its place.

You're pointing at symbols and you are deciding to arbitrarily make them point at the fact that this technology that is EOS could be used for bad.

Sure some people have worship Venus in the past. All planets are important and worthy of worship. Planets are an important part of who we are. Jupiter called Zeus by Romans protect Earth from a lot of huge asteroids which would make life on Earth very different.

If Venus didn't exist life wouldn't be what it is. Venus is also referred to as the evening star depending on where is it in relation to the Sun.

Venus isn't bad in itself. Lucifer which is a name pointing to Venus isn't bad in itself it is a symbol and just like anything symbols can be use for good or wrong.

As I said everything can be use for good of for wrong.

What create challenges, or what you seem to call Lucifer comes from the same source as everything. If you think there is something more powerful than Lucifer then this thing must inevitably spring from that more powerful source if not, then each other complete one another.

If there was no possibility to fail then no choice or freewill would be possible. If there was no possibility for wrong we couldn't chose what is right.

Technology can be use for good or wrong. Even guns can be use to defend oneself.

I gained a lot from Dan's writing and technology.

What I am pointing at is that EOS as well as other new cryptos are using blatant Freemasonic and Luciferic symbolism. This post was not about Dan, but about the fact that Dan's new project is blatantly using this symbolism as well.

My concern is not specifically in EOS, rather, my concern is more broadly that as cryptos are starting to gain traction as digital currency, many (including EOS) have all the key markings of Lucifer worship associated with them. What we see in this example with EOS is an indication that someone at BlockOne also knows these symbols and is applying them to give this same message. We should be concerned about what this means and what they are indirectly telling us about EOS regardless of whether you like Dan or not. Almost always what this means is that they have a plan to deceive and manipulate people with what they are producing, otherwise, they would not use the markings of Lucifer.

By the way, the symbolism they use isn't just about some harmless interest in Venus, and if you don't fully understand this, then you need to read much of the other content on my blog. This includes my post on Dualism as the bi-polar / good-and-bad religious system that Luciferians follow and that you seem to reference above.

It is a full New World Order plan that the Luciferians are after. Their intent is not for the best for humanity as much as they like to spew these lies. Their intent is to setup a one world technocratic, neo-feudalistic state in which we are all Orwellian/Huxellian-controlled slaves to their system. They will create this at any cost to humanity - even if they must destroy most of it first. They telegraph to us their plans as a way to tell us beforehand what they are up to. They believe that if we are too stupid to figure out their symbolism and indirect messaging, then so be it, they told us.

I am not a Luddite and understand the value of technology, but I am also not so naive to not understand that technology can also be used to oppress when in the hands of the wrong people with the wrong intentions. The messaging here concerns me of just that. This means that we need to look at it closely and understand why they are throwing up what are essentially Luciferian gangsigns with their product advertising.