Hi Titus, I found you originally in connection with your excellent Pizzagate research, and what consistently brings me back to your channel is that you are not afraid to go where the truth leads you. You fully question, even if the truth is uncomfortable for most. This is a rare trait that I appreciate very much.
I would say that I am similar in this regard and keep digging until I get real answers regardless of whether people like the truth or not. It's about being honest to yourself and others. This is also why I've written my latest blog posts about Luciferian symbolism in the cryptocurrencies. Most people don't want to hear about this because it spoils the cryptocurrency, money-making party that people want to have with a clean conscience. I'm starting to believe that the party has been orchestrated from the start, but won't go into the details here. That's for a later blog post.
Please however do check out my latest blog post about Luciferian symbolism in the cryptocurrencies and a potential hidden agenda with Clif High. I think you are one of the people that will definitely appreciate it.
Thanks again for all you do to get the truth out.
Will do, thanks for the comment. I will be reading this on air along with the other comments I upvoted, I will go through your post on air as well. I just gave you a follow.
Thanks again for call out Titus. I've got a new write up here now as well on the broader picture of where we are being taken at the moment. I think you may find it interesting.
Thanks a lot Titus. It's much appreciated.