Hi @happyme, thanks once again for responding. I’m really enjoying our discussion here too.
Thanks for your detailed explanation and examples. I understand what you are saying now. That’s really fascinating experiences you had. I trust these experiences must have been powerful for you. I totally believe in supernatural experiences and miracles. I believe there is God and other spiritual forces in the world in the form of angels and fallen angels (evil spirits). I have witnessed many supernatural occurances and miracles too after becoming a Christian half way through university. Actually a couple of the videos later on in this series looks more indepth into these supernatural topics relating to the Holy Spirit, miracles and healing, so we could discuss more about this then if you’d like.
Thanks again for your reply. Look forward to discussing more throughout future videos.
Life is often full of surprises. I look forward to having a few more surprises, and to seeing what the other videos have to say. The responses to the videos are also very interesting.