Thank you very much @happyme. I appreciate that. I’m really thankful to have met you here too. You ask great questions and are always open to hearing different points of view. I’ve really enjoyed engaging in the various discussions with you.
Yes, I have a deep passion for this topic because honestly I can say that this relationship with Jesus has totally transformed who I am to the core. It was because my mum saw the transformation in my life that she too decided to explore this faith. That is why I am so passionate in telling other people about Jesus, because I believe he is the truth and the one who I’ve unknowingly been longing for all my life.
I haven’t had an easy childhood as I have written about in my introduction and mini-memoir series, but God has taught me about love, given me joy and peace which were so foreign to me, and a passion for life I never had in the past. He has enriched my life in so many ways and freed me from many of my fears and destructive behaviors in the past. I’m still a work in progress, but I know I am different now. J
Thanks again for your encouragement and taking the time to listen. J
I'll need to check out those posts when I have more time.
I can imagine your enthusiasm is similar to what many new and some old members of Steemit feel about this platform; it actually becomes addictive and you want the whole world to enjoy the feeling you have.
The important thing is that you seek personal improvement and greater understanding which improves your relationships with everyone.