You know as a small fish in a large pond, I've thought about this for some time now - how each of those votes even if they're minute in value, merely pennies at the start of your journey producing content on Steemit count for something.
When you seriously think about it, they really do!

Most of what I've gained here on Steemit have come from my comments on other people's posts, which you've heard me mention a dozen of times if you've been following my content here on the Steemit platform.
I'm all for posting content each day, but I think it's even more vital for us planktons and minnows to get out there and introduce ourselves to the crowd.
And I don't mean by vote begging, or the typical "follow for follow" bullshit.
What I do mean is to read some content that interests you, share your ideas, follow people who are where you want to be as far as reputation score and amount of followers.
See what works for them, ask questions, brainstorm ideas, really show some interest in others in the community.
Learn something new, or expand on your knowledge and create a well written post on that material. Surely there's got to be a topic that you truly love and feel passionate towards that you can write about until you've exhausted that niche.
Say for instance, I love learning about the divinatory arts, the occult, astrology and other "weird" taboo subjects.

I'm a fairly well read conspiracy buff and I know many others are as well.

Those topics could be potential years worth of material, even though I'm by no means an expert.
I have made a sort of hobby out of learning about these concepts and subjects so why not give it a go with introducing a series on the basics of astrology, getting started in cartomancy, how to create your own natal chart for free, or how to begin scrying? These are all ideas that I plan to write about in the near future and am taking my time in studying, writing rough drafts and constructing posts on my trust word processing software.

What I find most vital is that you've got your face out there each day, adding something to the Steemit blockchain and letting people know you're still active and a part of the community.
There's truly no pressure to write a long post each day but I see that it's been beneficial to me to write at least five posts per week, and comment genuine thought out ideas on material I've read.
Add some gif, or create some artwork of your own, visuals get more attention in the comment section.
Anything to stand out from the crowd is a plus.
Work your craft on improving your formatting in posts until you have it perfected. (I did this, after noticing how bland my first couple of posts looked. Back then, I knew very little about Markdown but found a few tutorials.)

It takes time and effort to learn, but in a year's time of consistently posting, you'll see the benefits of improving your writing by daily practice, and the value of remaining persistent.
Write about what you know and love,
and the writing won't seem at all like work.
You'll grow to love the experience along the way!
Images source-
Makes sense to me! I love the intent behind the post :)
You're so right! Every person that ever took the time to actually read our posts is a mini-miracle leading to the bigger dream reality we want!
The underlying commodity we're earning is People's attention
It's difficult to put a price on that, everybody's seems to be worth something different depending on the circumstances...
But what's clear is to be able to keep other people's attention, and better yet, offer them something unique that we have, something that gives them something to think about, to consider...
It's like planting seeds... One day, the seeds turn into crops, and we get to cash out on things that are truly beyond what we ever imagined!
I'm not saying blogging will work as a career for everybody, but they're meaningful experiences!
Like you said, improving our skills such as writing (from daily practice) is not only a reward in of itself, but a skill that will go a long way in helping us for the rest of our lives!
Thanks for sharing nexus! Really like your posts' style ;)
Right, I like to view the Steemit platform is a sort of gift economy of sorts. We give to those whom we think are worthy and deserving. I'm truly fortunate to have as many followers as I do and I cherish each and every one of them as I know without them this wouldn't be feasible.
You raised a valid point in expressing that we are earning people's attention. It's hard to do sometimes especially when the attention span is lessening each year.
I learn how to look at things from various perspectives, find out what truly interests me and who can lead me to gaining further experience and knowledge.
I began reading at an early age and that led me to want to write for others because I enjoyed it so much. I was opened to ideas, concepts and thoughts I would have otherwise more likely never known about or discovered. Reading was once an escape mechanism for me, now it's more like an adventure!
Makes sense
All wonderful things
And it is like a gift economy, although maybe it's a little bit more than that... Keep an eye out for my next post, it'll be exactly about that very question!
Thanks for taking the time to write back, Peace Nexus xx
I do my best to make a point of replying to each comment because I think that's one of the best ways to get to knowing other people on the platform, instead of just putting your stuff out there for others to read. It's important to build community and keep your followers wanting to continue interacting so it makes sense to give back where I can.
I've been keeping up with my goal of writing each day thus far and am proud of that accomplishment. It really doesn't take much to be real and share part of your life with others. By sharing some details about yourself others get to know the real you!
Spot on @nexusvortex777 . It all adds up. Even the very first of our Posts ones that are worth pennies.
And I think Commenting like you talk about is CRUCIAL. Absolutely agree with you. And I mean well thought Commenting that adds to Steemit.
Just like you say.
Iam Resteeming this right now. Excellent Post :)
Definitely important to get out there and mingle with the crowd! It makes a world of a difference in how you are seen on the platform, or at least it does for me! I take notice and have posted on the topic of whether people spend time responding in kind to the attention received from their posts.
Thanks so much for resteeming too, you know that really helps content creators in the long run because our work is available for others who may not find it!
Hey man, it's all about spreading the Love ( and the Content, more particularly the Content that adds Value to Steemit and is of high quality :) )
You're exactly right, this is a great community for helping one another out and resteeming is one of the ways we can help other authors. I find myself resteeming more and more especially from those posts that have helped me along!
I'm VERY new here and although I'm planning to blog about a couple of random things just to get my toes wet, I'm also just going to dive into subjects that doesn't exist here at this point. It's all about experimenting too, right? Good luck to you, and I'm following you (I love conspiracy stuff ;), so looking forward to your posts!
Choose a topic that you can literally talk about non stop and talk about it off the top of your head without even thinkig. And even more importantly something that you can weave into a article that may be interesting or entertaining or funny or educational or engaging etc.etc..Welcome @vandenberg . Here is my take on choosing Subjects and Niches to blog about. I know many Steemians here will NOT agree with me but here it is anyway :
For me right now that is politics, current events, human behavior, entrepreneurship ( including blogging and Steemit) . That 's some broad sh@t right ? Well, I have done this on purpose as I want to be able to blog prolifically while also maintaining a sense of quality and engagement with those type of Articles. I can do that with these broad subjects.
For instance, I saw someone the other day doing a video on mixed cocktales and setting it up , taking photos etc..etc.. and they said it took them like 5 hours to do all of that with editing, retakes etc..
Thanks but no thanks ... I'll pass. ( but seriously, more power to them if that makes their day just NOT for me...that's why I advocate to stay away from 'super specific drilled down' Niches in Steemit. It's just hard to keep producing Content day in and day out)
Like I said think about stuff that you have Passion about but also can write about incessantly each and EVERYDAY without losing interest !!
P.S. I will be doing a blog post about this later in the week :)
Thanks @robertandrew, I'm a little bit like you in that regard - I have such a broad range of interests that it's going to be difficult to write just about one specific niche. Lots of things interest me so I'll brainstorm a bit on my favorite subjects (just to get some sort of a guideline/plan to work with) and then write, write and write some more. The more interesting and variety of content, the bigger the variety of people that will be drawn here and ultimately this is an investment for all of us.
haha I hear you "about mixing cocktails for x5 hours" but to each his own - we need all-types-of-flavours here.
I'd like to read that post so I'm following you ;)
Ha, I remember when I first started out I said to someone here that I'm diving head first into Steemit! This is a great community to get your ideas seen, heard and read! I think you'll do well with exploring ideas that aren't prominent yet, and I'm all for writing about what you truly enjoy instead of forcing yourself to fit in to a subgroup that you really aren't keen to.
Thanks for the follow, I appreciate each and every single follower! Without you guys, all of this would ultimately be meaningless!
Wishing you the best in your Steeming!
Thanks and you too! I'll see you around ;)
Such a great post!!! I have been on Steemit for about a month now and can already see the improvement in my posts. Looking at other's posts have been extremely helpful, although I have yet to figure out how they do some of the artwork and designs but with time I know I will be able to do great things too! For now, I am focusing on sharing my journey and educating my followers as much as I can! Love this message! Definitely gonna follow you!
Yes, the more you write the better your writing will become. It takes some effort to improve but you'll catch on by remaining consistent posting.
I found early on that accepting advice from others truly assisted me in learning proper formatting as you can see from my first couple of posts where I knew nothing about markdown, adding photos, or gifs.
Thanks so much for the new follow, I can't express enough how important each and every follower is to me. If it weren't for the followers and those who take the time to read the content, all of this would be meaningless, so I thank you!
Thanks! I appreciate it!!
You're quite welcome!
Your post expresses exactly what I've been thinking. I've tried blogging before but always got discouraged because of there was a lack of engagement from readers. Aside from my mum (who of course loved every single thing I posted), everyone seemed disinterested, when really even the most basic posts contained something of my heart and soul, poured out for everyone to see. Steemit seems different, and I'm grateful for that. Engagement is key, and there seems to be a really nice sense of community where people are encouraged to comment and discuss each other's posts. Put it this way, it's only been a couple of weeks and I'm already addicted. :) But yes, it seems like commenting is a key way to meet and build relationships with people. Thanks for stating it loud and proud!