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RE: Realife stories: how poor stimialiti forced his will upon the milk supply chain

in #life6 years ago

but at least hes not a shit stain like you
i didnt care for the post milk is puss filled but you beanie are worse than that fuck a shit stain is an improvement to you
you would only be so lucky'
now go get some infected whore so we can all be at peace and no more flaggin from jerkoffs such as yourself
flag billie flag go ahead i know its coming you morally bankrupt lower than a shitstain on my month old undrshorts
you fucking idots are too stupid to even be ashamed of attacking cancer patients and seniors
never met anyone with money that is as stupid fucks as you bud
thats what happens when everything is given to you you turn out retarded and vengeful and completely morally bankrupt
good luck with your miserable life attacking old seniors and sick people
wait till someone knocks your teeth out of your head for being a smart guy and attacking defenseless sick and old people
i will laugh and you will deserve it
but you probably only act like this through the computer cause you a chickenshit which anyone with a brain can see