I grabbed at the remains of its pitiful stump and heaved at it like I had time travelled back to 1992 and was trying to yank my younger self out of Big Wendy's bedroom before it was too late.
You made me snort in a most unladylike fashion. 😆
And then I kinda got scared. You need to go and get that xrayed immediately dude. Make sure it's not dislocated.
If @mattimix wasn't such a Bot he'd be able to tell you a story about shoulders, shit doctors and The Matrix that I think may make you sweat and laugh at the same time.
He doesn't even come up as around here when I tag him. I'll send this to him on DM.
Meantime. Post cool photos of your bones so we can get an inside peek into what actually makes you tick, when you're back from the doctor, please.
I suspect you're an alien anyway. So prove you're human :D
No x-rays for me, they wouldnt be bale to pierce my beautiful skin!
I am actually improving quite rapidly. It was truly humped for the first few days but I did notice an improvement yesterday and even more today! I am quite sure if I take it easy it will be alright in a week or so which I did not expect as it was so painful!
I would hate to attempt to prove I am human as it would ruin the mystique! ;O)
Oh good lord.
Okay. On you go.
But if you're wrong I'm so going to totally say "I told you so!"
Hope you're right though. We need your hands in working order to keep us entertained.
I am hoping madly not to be wrong. I will attempt to swing it about later, gently of course. See how the wind lies.
Prepare the I told you so's!
Okay. Now listen up!
My old friend (and I mean he's old now and so am I a bit, but also that we've been friends for over 40 years now - holy f*ck is that even possible?!), Matt was doing pull ups off a tree branch.
Long story short was that he meandered around for roughly 5 months before a kind doctor who knew what he was doing (because the first one was a bit dim) xrayed the thing and informed him his arm was dislocated at the shoulder.
Two operations and some physical rehab and, over a year now, he is starting to use it properly again.
So I don't want to alarm you or anything but... there's that.
The second doc at the hospital was stunned at how Matt had managed it and how strong the shoulder muscles or whatever still were, btw. So Matt told them about his Qi Gong.
He was using it to get well. He's been practicing it seriously for thirty odd years. And the doctors at the hospital were pretty confused at how he'd kept going for so long and how strong his arm still was.
So... Matt tells them about his daily Qi Gong because he's been very disciplined and serious about getting better.
The one doctor laughs and says, "Hey. This isn't the Matrix man." To which, turning around slowly and lowering his sunglasses, while making direct eye contact with him, Matt says...
"Good evening Mr Anderson."
You'd have to hear him tell the story though. Accent and all. And he tells a far better joke than I.
Anyway. Better safe than sorry is all I really wanted to say :D
Haha, I bet there doctor liked that one!
I totally agree, it is better to be safe than sorry and if I thought there was something untoward I would defo go get it checked. It's doing good though, I can move it properly as long as it's slow and it seems to be getting better at a rate of knots. I will be playing piano and tennis assassin before you know it 🤣🤣
It would be funny to hear that with the accent too 😀
Cool :)
Look after yourself then. 🌼
(And yeah... he did the accent perfectly in the voice-note! :D )
I am looking after myself by incredible relaxing in a rare sunny day in a chair out the back!!
Also... a clever alien would refuse to take the test. So...
My suspicions may be confirmed
Dammit, the old double bluffing never works no more!
I've seen too much to be fooled by the old double bluff. You'll have to resort to mind control 😏
How's the arm feeling?