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RE: An Experiment

in #lifelast year

Haw... I was just gettin' into it.


Yeah... I have my thoughts (of course) on why short form is the next best thing and all that.

And I've fallen prey to it as well, actually. Time. Eyes. And also concentration because of the internet and screen time (absolutely and that's the above explanation in short form)

Must learn to edit my stuff better... I try... honest I do...

Wonder if AI can do that part



I'm not suggesting people change their content style. It's been several years since my last short post though, and it was kinda fun.

Well I actually was thinking less is more and actually do try to edit.

I think a 5-7 minute (max!) post is reasonable online these days. Taking the speed of life online into account. It's smart!

Also. Hello! 😀

The one spending that time enjoying the content then voting is also earning. Long form on a platform like this makes sense, since the consumer is rewarded. Short form on other platforms makes sense since there the consumer is being taken advantage of. The platform wants to keep them hooked and exposed to as many different ads as possible.



Hi! :D

Hmmmm... I hear you for sure. But it's mostly about time. And even the ones who consume the content and earn off it don't have much of the stuff these days.

I "skim" content online. Naturally. If it's information based, that is. I just read something that mentioned most of do this now. And have the ability to do it. I'm sure it's because of the amount of information we go through online on a daily basis.

I only "read" if something really, really grabs my attention and I'm immersed authentically. Online, I mean. If it's a book I wouldn't read the thing if it didn't do this. Life's too short for that.

I think both short form and long-form are valuable. I jsut think I tend to over-explain because of my trauma actually. I'm afraid I won't be believed.

Less so nowadays but this one goes back...

Also... I discovered "flash" fiction a few years ago and it is fucking incredible! Really. It's hard to pull off. A real skill! I'm quite keen to try it as well.

So... removing da money (because art, man) and looking at the expression becomes interesting.

I'll try and dig up the flash fiction story I found to illustrate if you're interested.

Right now I'm about to head out to Kleinmond, for life admin and bureaucracy boring-ness that must be attended to. :|

And hi! :D