Not only do we promote a healthy and fit lifestyle, but we do a great amount of volunteer work!! This day, we walked the streets of downtown Houston, passing out bags of toothbrushes, socks, deodorant, nutrition bars, lip balms, and many other items, to the homeless!! It was a day i will never forget and a tradition i will never stop!!
I love to see human restoration in micro and macro way. Some might say that homeless are here because they deserve it. I don't think soo. "Until we see, feel, hear through eyes of a victim, we simply don't know it, because we didn't experience it." Socialism won't help, capitalism is careless. Glad to see something proactive, a change we can make right here, right now in front of us. (I hope it's not just a prank bro.) Giving upvote. It's just maybe a cent, but it's still something.
Thanks. This is a tradition we started just this year, around the holidays, and plan to carry it on as long as possible.
mrnastykilla, I agree with you.