6 Day Self-Care Challenge

in #life4 years ago

Since today is Monday, start of the new week and my last day of isolation is on Saturday, I got the idea to do a 6 day self-care challenge just to make isolation more fun but also better for my mental health which is my main focus with this challenge.


After a nice and sunny weekend, we have a gloomy, rainy and cold Monday but I am determined to make it enjoyable :)

My plan for this challenge:

First of all, I just have to say how satisfying it is for me to see these 6 days fitting perfectly on one page. :D Yes, I am a sucker for things like this! I think I have just enough space for writing down ideas and tasks for each day and for some days I definitely don't plan to fill in all the space I have as it might be overwhelming. As days go by and new ideas come to mind, I will write them down but this is what I came up with so far. By the time I wrote down all these ideas, I realized that writing with pencil might be better as I could erase and move things around without creating a complete mess. But it was already too late and I guess this is one small way to train my discipline and stick to this plan. I should probably add more activities for my lazy ass and just move my body more. Some of these things will be done on multiple days but for the sake of this post, I didn't wanted things to be too repetitive - I think this way is easier on the eye. For example, I will definitely aim to journal and read a little bit each day and maybe I will continue with my Instagram detox I started 3 days ago.


Maybe I should start each day with a specific intention and plan my challenge tasks based on that! It's just an idea I got right now so why not make it happen - I'll share here my intention for Monday and write it down in my journal later... My intention for today is to clean my space so I can relax and enjoy my time inside, being all cozy on a rainy day. My intention is not to let weather changes affect my mood as it happens a lot of time, there is so much beauty in days like this - calming sounds of rainfalls, rain drops on flowers, fresh air and garden being watered for free. :) My intention is to be more mindful about all the things I end up doing, no matter how small they might look, such as making and drinking a cup of coffee.

Today's tasks:

  • clean my space

I have to say that I have been pretty good at keeping my room tidy when it comes to putting things where they belong. For me it's very important that each thing has home so I know exactly where to put it. Taking just a few minutes each day, usually in the evening, to tidy up means all I have to do today is vacuum and dust the surfaces.

  • journal - Full Moon

Full Moon in Pisces is happening tonight and my previous post is all about that so I won't go into too much details in this post. I have found a couple of questions online specific to this Full Moon so I'll answer some of them as my main priority for today's journaling session. If I feel like, I'll write about other stuff as well and probably continue with my '10 things I am grateful for today' writings.

  • read

I still have three books that I got from the library while back. Last two weeks of August library was closed and then my life got super busy and then I got Covid-19. I finished one book so I think that finishing another one during this challenge would be really nice. Sometimes when I get into a book, I can finish it in one day but if I divide number of pages of chosen book and six days, that leaves me with 36 pages (approximately) each day.

  • No Instagram

Learning about this month's Full Moon in Pisces led me to take a Social media break, especially Instagram so I deleted the app three days ago and my original plan was to end this detox on Wednesday. Depending on my mood and how I'll feel by then, I might even take it a little bit further and end it on Saturday, together with my isolation and this challenge, lol.


Flower appreciation


End of summer always leaves me with mixed feelings but I try to remind myself that each season has it's own benefits and beauty :)

Thank you for stopping by and checking out this post, I'll share an update on Saturday so stay tuned for that. Have a great week everyone! :)



I would like to try this one. 😁

Yay, I'm happy to hear that, feel free to "steal it" and do it yourself. 😊💞

No Instagram is hard! Hahaha 😁😁😁

You can skip that one, haha. Or maybe replace it with a different version - no Instagram for certain amount of time. Or just replace it with something completely different, haha. 😀
Whatever fits you the best! 😊