When an introvert becomes a social butterfly for a week :)

in #life3 years ago

Hello everyone! I am finally taking time to share this post after a very busy and eventful week. As an introvert and more of a homebody especially during the pandemic, I don't remember the last time I had a week filled with so many social events.

On Monday I finally met with @marysdairy after a long time! We met for the first time few months ago thanks to our love for K-pop music and we have been planning to see each other for some time. After some debating if we should go for a longer walk and get American pancakes or just stay at the city center, we decided to go for pancakes and let me tell you, it was worth the walking! At some point it started to rain and it got really cold so we went to Marija's place to hang out for a little bit longer before I went home. It was so nice to catch up and spend some time together as we don't know when we will get a chance to meet again but I hope it will be soon! :)

Tuesday evening I was in Novi Sad again but this time for a different reason - I went on a date which was nice but the next day or two the communication fell apart and it was clear things won't work so that's where it ended. I usually don't write about my love life here but all I can say is that I am very happy now thanks to one specific person who stole my heart already. 💞 Another reason for my happiness is turning one of my long awaited wishes into reality soon and that's something I will definitely share with you all when it happens. I am finally excited for the future while enjoying the present moment and it feels so good!

Wednesday was the only day last week that I fully spent at home which is so weird. Even before the pandemic this is not something that would happen. On Thursday I went to see my friend at her place. We actually went to the same class in high school and have been friends since. My friend has two cats and a degu squirrel so I always take the opportunity when I visit her to pet the cat (one is kind of a diva not interested in my cuddles) and admire Lilu, the degu. I don't pet him because I'm afraid he's going to bite me. :D But he is the cutest! Anyways, it was so nice to catch up with my friend, we had some serious talk and also remembered some fun times, our clubbing phase, good old jokes and anecdotes.

Moving on to Friday, it was a day I finally went out to meet a group of friends I haven't seen for a VERY long time, some of them for 9-10 months. I wish I could blame the pandemic for that, but part of it was my fault also as sometimes I get so bad at staying in touch with people and putting in an effort into my friendships. It was so good to see them all, we had a fun night over a few drinks, a lot of dancing and fooling around. The overall vibe of the night was great and I am happy we had a good time together. My friend Jaca convinced to sleep over at her place so I could relax and not worry about catching buses, haha.

The next day after waking up, a nice shower and much needed cup of coffee, me and my friend just spent time talking and chilling. Then we made lunch that you can see on the photo and after that two of our friends joined us for another coffee. We got more time to spend on catching up as we had so much to say to each other. Usually after a day or two of socialization, I would feel like I really need time alone but last week that wasn't the case. It was already Saturday evening when I met up with another friend for a reason I cannot tell you yet but when the time comes, I will share all about it.

On Sunday I went back to the city and then me and my friends went to a small city called Odžaci because two of my friends who are founders of Latino Fitness Power program were invited to perform at the manifestation called "Dani crvenokose boginje". Sunday was the last day of this manifestation and even though weather was bad - rainy and cold, my friends were lucky because while they were performing it wasn't raining. A few of us went there as a support, rooting for them, taking photos and videos.. We were all so proud of the girls who were performing and they even got invited to perform at a manifestation in another small city. I am also thinking about going back to training, hopefully in October.

Today was finally my "recovery" day. I managed to catch up on some sleep and I had a super relaxing time. It's only 9pm and I already feel so tired, I think I need another night of good sleep. After days of bad weather, we finally had some sunshine today which was really nice. I also went to the garden after days of not checking on it. Overall, it was one of the best weeks I've had in years probably and there's a lot of things that made me feel that way that I didn't share. This week I will try to balance out my social and alone time as I have some family obligations and things related to University I have to take care of.

Thank you for reading and I hope you also had a great week! :)



Thank you so much, luv! (I had to say that, haha) 😄

It's amazing that we get to share happiness and I am also glad that you are doing so much better as we were both struggling with the same things and we managed to get out of that dark place.

I hope the weather will get better and we can see each other this week in Novi Sad! 💜