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RE: Is That All You Got?

in #life2 years ago

Ahhh, the TV! It all makes perfect sense now. 😂 I was wondering if he was channeling American sentiments, lol. (Canadians don't speak like this, I think).

Poached I haven't had since I was a child, not my choice way of eating them, nor runny snotty whites either, LOLOL, ewww.

Awww, you waited and went back to apologize and get the eggs. A decent thing to do. Also, it saved your hide when you got home, LOL!


Runny whites, oh lord that makes me almost want to vomit on the spot!

I had to go back and apologise, the crazy victorian gentleman that I am :OD

Runny whites, oh lord that makes me almost want to vomit on the spot!

I could mention some other things in relation, but today is "Maximum Laughs Wednesday" and such details would rain on the laughter parade.

Crazy victorian gentleman who likes to bash bricks, save the eggs, selectively indulge in only worthy liquors and spicy hot sauces with wicked arty designs on the labels, and grows bamboo...all in Scotland. Brilliant marketing campaign to bring in the tourists. Sell yourself only to the worthy high classed bidders.

Ah if only that would work. Our marketing is terrible. Its all tartan and shortbread and twee dancing. Most of us cringe at the stuff that is put out there to tourists and folk from beyond the wall!

Tartan and shortbread I'm biased, along with the dancing, but I do think the Irish have a leg up when it comes to dancing and the different pipes 😏, but you're halfway there.

Most of us cringe at the stuff that is put out there to tourists and folk from beyond the wall!

At least you aren't marketed like I've seen Ireland marketed here...a man holding a sheep looking deeply and lovingly into it's eyes.

Oh the Irish do. They are like butterflies with their floaty air scissor legs. I don't know how they do it. I don't know how anyone could watch a show of it for two hours either :OD

At least you aren't marketed like I've seen Ireland marketed here...a man holding a sheep looking deeply and lovingly into it's eyes.

I suspect a real Irishman might have had a hand in that campaign! ;O)

Oh the Irish do. They are like butterflies with their floaty air scissor legs.

They really do. LOL, love your description, instant visual image! It takes so much practice for me to get any common dancing down, that I'd kill myself attempting what they do. I had to attend "Riverdance", companies and their ideas of enforced entertainment attendance.

I'd suggest the two hour viewing is to mesmerize those watching, put them in some sort of trance state to weave wicked Irish spells in an unsuspecting manner.

I suspect a real Irishman might have had a hand in that campaign! ;O)

😂 too funny! I wish I'd taken a photo of the ad, it was huge. I recall standing there on the street laughing like crazy when I saw it.

You ought to see the label that was on this fine bottle of Cassis from a small distillery that I bought (for use in cooking, not drinking). 🤪 It's made me wonder what kind of special juice was added in the mix.

I love an ad campaign that actually just makes you laugh at it. Labels can be crazy. I must admit that half the time I buy stuff based on label alone. Might explain why I eat so much shit :OD