What is NLP?

in #life7 years ago


Hi everyone,

Many people who are exposed to NLP during their search for a fascinating course that will teach them new tools discover that the Internet is full of information about it. The amount of articles, videos that go free on YouTube, the amount of books on the subject only grows day by day and there are quite a few bodies that teach him.
No wonder people are confused sometimes and ask for some order.

What is NLP?
New people in the field, who are looking for an unequivocal answer to this question, come across a whole range of answers of different lengths and formulas filled with high words that usually do not tell them anything. It should be understood that the use of the above wording is not intended to conceal any secret, but is intended to try to contain everything in the field, which contain not only what was inside it when they began to develop it in the seventies.

First, it is important to understand that NLP is an acronym that contains three main parts - N is the Neuro symbolizing our neural system that allows us to sense and function. L is a linguistic language that allows us to define and give meaning to events. P is programming that symbolizes automatic software Which we perform (some from a very small age) every day, every hour and every minute.

NLP, then, is the neural programming language that allows us to use the verbal language (the content of what we say) and the nonverbal (the way we say it in our body language) to change or adapt the way we feel and interpret the world.

Who developed NLP?
Richard Bandler and John Grinder are considered the ancestors of NLP and its early developers. Together with another group of researchers, they developed the basis on which the whole system will be based. Among those people you can find fascinating people like Robert Dilts (who studied and developed models of excellence), David Gordon (whose main research is the construction of therapeutic metaphors), Carmen Bostic St. Clair (who was recently in Israel with John), Steve and Connery Andreas.

Over the years, many others have joined the field, helping to develop NLP and upgrade it to the way we transfer the material today. It should be noted that today, more than 30 years after the "birth" of the field, the field is still developing and becoming more and more comprehensive all over the world.

Every person who finishes the NLP Internship develops something of his own into the field so that the field will only become more and more interesting, more efficient and will continue to offer exceptional solutions in every area of ​​our lives.

What areas does NLP relate to?
The source of the field was created from the study of excellence among professionals in the field of treatment. People like Milton Erickson (father of hypnotherapy), Virginia Satir (one of the leaders of the family therapy), and Friedrich Perls (the father of Gestalt counseling) were studied and helped develop the first NLP models. Over the years, many more have learned and developed methods and models for excellence in other areas such as memory development, leadership skills development, improving sales and persuasion skills, training sports, improving shooting skills and more.

One must understand a very important fact, which is sometimes overlooked - NLP is an area of ​​its own. Although the field grew out of psychology, but over the years, sometimes out of lack of understanding and sometimes out of a marketing economic orientation, it was connected with areas that certainly fit him at one level or another, but are not directly related to him. NLP can be widely used today in all areas, from guided imagery, through healing techniques, silva, martial arts, and hand.

It should be made clear that NLP as a field can develop and upgrade your skills in any field. In combination with other methods, NLP can upgrade your results in a way that I'm constantly amazed to see again. However, NLP is NLP and all other additions are not necessary but an external extension that NLP upgrades.

So far for now, have a great day.
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