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RE: The Slip-up

in #life7 years ago

Great to see you back at it @cali-girl. I'd noticed you haven't been around. Let me say you're not alone. I've been out of the game for blocks of time too recently and felt guilt over it.

I've been posting daily again for maybe 4 or 5 days now and, like you, I think I've again benefited fromt he engagement and routine.

That said, don't feel like you have done the wrong thing by taking a break. Whether it's work or just the need to look elsewhere for a while, for no reason, it can be healthy in the long run.

They say professional body builders who hit a plateau can stimulate further growth from actually halting weight training for a week or so to facilitate a deeper physical recovery. Often then they're stronger when they return. Less can be more and I don't see why our minds are any different.

So welcome back! Glad you're around again.


Hi @nolnocluap! Glad to see you're still around! :)

I wouldn't say it's guilt I've felt for abandoning my writing, but rather, a feeling of unhealthy levels of cortisol shooting through my body with no means of escape. I think you're right about taking a break, though. It wasn't a bad thing, but I didn't come back soon enough.