We recently got two goats, both female. One was pregnant and gave birth today. It was amazing witnessing post-birth and how quickly mother and baby bonded. What was equally fascinating was seeing how the mother quickly took the role of motherhood and despite the pain I am certain she was in, was more concerned with her baby. It's nice to have a new addition to the family 😄
Image source:1
Long life all mothers out there 😘
Yeah :)
Xageen kaala soo xariiraa
steemchat baa fiican. Private message ayuu leeyahay:
Wow congratulations! What a cutie :)
Hahaha:) Thanks, we didn't do anything:)
I guess later in the afternoon there will be more pictures:)
Awesome I am looking forward to it :)
Thank you:) Absolutely!
Awww, would you look at those two!
Congratulations on the newest addition to the family!
Yeah :) Thank you, much appreciated!