Do Dogs See Ghosts?

in #life6 years ago

I think there might be a ghost in my room. Not because it’s almost Halloween… but I have to admit, that IS a convenient time for a ghost to drop by for a visit.

I’m staying at a homestay in Indonesia. The lady who owns it has a little shitzu dog.

He’s the most chill dog ever.

I’ve been here for 5 months and the only time I’ve heard him bark is when a street dog randomly came inside the homestay area and attacked him.

He does not bark.

He does not lick.

He does not bite.

Basically, he’s a stuffed animal that moves around sometimes.

He comes into my room during the daytime sometimes, just to pretend he likes me so he can use me for my AC.

The strangest thing happened last week, though.

It was almost 10pm and all of the sudden, I hear barking outside my door.

So I looked outside and there was Moshie, just barking up a storm and he bolted inside my room.

He went straight over towards my desk and started looking towards the ceiling, barking still.

He looked like a twitchy dog with tourettes because he kept barking and looking at different parts of the ceiling, his eyes darting everywhere.

He moved from the desk to a few feet over, his eyes sort of on the ceiling the whole time.

But also sort of not.

I couldn’t get him to stop.

This went on for almost 20 minutes.

I even tried to bribe him out of there with food.

Then all of the sudden, he was normal again and left.

Well, again tonight.

It was almost 10 pm.

There was a bark outside my door.

This time he darted in my room, straight past me…

...towards the bathroom and just started sniffing around like he was looking for something.

Then I remembered that dogs are suppose to be sensitive to ghosts and things.

I’ve had an internal debate for a long time about whether I

think ghosts are real or not…which is kind of a fun perfect topic for Halloween time!

My mom said after her dad died, her dog used to randomly bark like crazy out of nowhere. Staring at nothing.

Kind of acting like a crazy animal.

What do you think? Are ghosts real? Do animals know when they’re around? Is there a ghost in my room?


I suffer sleep paralysis, actually I see things though they're just a kind of "nightmare" still my dog was a husky and she used to stand up on my bed and bark to empty air when I was waking from them which freaked me out.
It was Samhain, veil is thin :)
I honestly don't believe in ghosts, or I "deny" them (safer) ;-) but they're constant inspiration in my work, in fact just released a video last night portraying one XD

I have also been a ghost accidentaly for others, like when filming videos and such people have been spooked by me, like one night I was at the road, and then people think there is no explanation but sometimes there is.

hahaha the last line about you being a ghost for others cracks me up. I can totally imagine people dreaming up some crazy story in their heads, and then in real life you're just like "actually I'm just filming a video" hahaha.

Oh man, I've had sleep paralysis only a few times. It's where you can't move, right?! Ahhh that's freaky when that happens!

Super weird about your dog though!

Probably it was something simple that annoys her but the synchronicity makes things odd, even when they are not, or are they? Lol
Yes sleep paralysis is that though itvcan be more severe as me as a child. I gad to volunteer sleep unit research. Still learned to focus and channel all that into inspiration for my art, so fair deal .

Do Dogs See Ghosts?

If they do... it's because... they're barking mad!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I thought about it for a few minutes and then just went with it. Groan factor 10 ;-)

But to be more serious, I think dogs and cats are in tune with something we're missing. I've experienced what you're talking about when my childhood cat went nuts in the house we moved to when I was about 14 years old. Her name was Bonnie. She just wouldn't go in a certain room and when she did follow me in there sometimes, she'd do something similar to what you describe. She'd yowl at the wardrobe and then get out of the room pretty sharpish. Never bothered me too much at the time but looking back it was super spooky.

Hahaha barking mad.

That is super spooky!!!!! I wish we could ask them what they're seeing and barking at or in a cat's case, avoiding a room or going nuts in it

Outstandingly clean.

Actually I don't think the dog has had a bath in awhile.