I Need To Do A Video Intro Post- Ask Me Anything!!!

in #life7 years ago

I'm attempting to make more videos which means I'll have to shave my armpits more often.

It also means I'm going to really be challenging myself to do things that make me uncomfortable.

I've always tended to read blogs more than watch videos...

...but I will say, I do like how when you watch a video, you feel like you really get to know someone just a LITTLE bit more than via blog.

Unless you're awkward sauce on a camera like me, and then you act nothing like you do in real life.

I'm trying to change that, partially because steemit inspires me to learn new skills and partially because I've had fun making the few videos I have made, like this one with the monkeys at Batu Caves or farting around Bali with Ratna.

Maybe I had fun with those because I wasn't in them!

But I read a post by @alphasteem the other day where she said that you need to do a video introduce yourself post for Dlive or Dtube in addition to the one you did for steemit!!

I didn't realize this!

And since @alphasteem is smart and good at making videos, I figured I better wise up and listen to what she has to say!!!

Which means now I have to make an introduce yourself video, which kind of freaks me out, to be honest.

I don't know how to just talk about myself on camera without feeling like a narcissist with a stuttering problem.

So I decided something (it's something I've wanted to do for a while now, anyway).

I decided that I'd like for YOU to ask me questions that YOU want to know about me.

After all, I do this stuff for you. I already know what I did today haha.

I want to write/talk about stuff you're interested in.

So that means... I will pick some of your questions and then I will answer them in my intro video!!


What inspired you to travel the world and live in so many countries? I would argue most Americans never consider living outside of the United States so what are some of the benefits you have found that you could share that may encourage others to follow a similar path?

Oh that's a good one! It's true...lol my dad doesn't want to leave the country haha

Have you travelled to Australia? If not do you want to one day?

Shave your armpits more often?? looooooooooooooool

hahaha unfortunately that was a true statement lol

Oh woman lolol

haha yeah I talk too much huh haha

What a great idea! One of my questions for you... how many countries have you visited so far? And can you pick the top 3? I love to travel too and the second question would be a hard one for me, curious to know your answer! :)

Ooh that is tough!

Haha, the first sentence makes me laugh and I love your 2nd sentences (It also means I'm going to really be challenging myself to do things that make me uncomfortable.). You can do it, I have been thinking about doing video too and keep delaying it until now.

Let's do a video together @joannewong! Also, pretty please ask me a question haha I need more to talk about

What do you love about Malaysia?Are you serious about doing a video together? @nomadicsoul?

Yes I'm serious! We're both nervous maybe, so it could be perfect!

Okay,​ let do a ​video together. @nomadicsoul, how do you want to do it?

I'm thinking of ideas! I know we can do it though

Yes I'm serious!
We're both nervous maybe, so
It could be perfect!

                 - nomadicsoul

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Would you travel to space? That is my retirement plan lol. Get old hop on a spaceship and by by Earth

What's the funnest thing that you're going to do when you get back to Portland?

Hang out with you! haha I need to know! Are you still there?

Of course! I'm not going anywhere until we take photos of all the gold things in Portland... in solar powered tuk tuks.

Looking forward to the introduction post! I've been a little MIA lately but I will be looking out for it. I got a question for you, when will you be coming back to the south for good? 😀

Hehe I'm definitely letting you know when I'm back!

Here's my question to you @nomadicsoul, when are you coming back to Malaysia?! 😆

*Pssst, check your Discord message btw 😜

Haha I was JUST thinking about messaging joanne on there about videos lol

Here’s my question for you @nomadicsoul. My question for you is... What question do you want me to ask you?

What do you want me to want to you to ask me??

Lol perfect answer

lol I have a question for you! What do you invest more in: gold or crypto?! Do we already know this answer?! I want to go all teacher on you and say "and why. Have it on my desk first thing Monday morning." lol jk, I don't expect an essay

Lol What the heck! This is supposed to be YOUR video! Who cares about my boring answer :)....... It’s a good question and the answer is a little more complicated than it may seem. First we have to frame what an investment means. There are basically two ways to own gold from that perspective. If you are using gold as money (which is what it is) then it is actually not an investment but strictly savings. This is how we use physical gold as a tool to protecting purchasing power, which is what gold does better than any other form of currency in the history of ever. This is actually because of physics and nothing to do with economics, but thats another story for another time. In this scenario gold just does what it always does, which is sit there and protect your accumulated labor. The second way would be if you seek a return, in which case you have to take on some risk as in any investment .If you seek capital appreciation (vs. capital preservation in the former example ) then you would buy something you expected to go up much more dramatically than physical gold. This would be something LEVERAGED to gold, like a gold mining stock for example. The risk profile would be exponentially higher than owning physical gold but so would your potential reward. So if you were bullish on gold you could do either, or both..... As far as crypto and gold, its comparing apples to orangangatans. One literally has nothing to do with the other, the same as if you were comparing gold to a stock. Gold should only be compared to other currency’s and not equity’s..... back to crypto, totally different and imo highly speculative, with insane volatility and spectacular potential returns. So im not sure this answers your question in the sense of which total dollar amount do I own more of but I will say that I own significant positions in various forms of all the assets discussed :). I think its super important to be as divesified as possible, as no one can possibly know whats going to happen . Now what’s my grade

Your grade is V for Vang @goldmatters. Also, thank you for the super lengthy explanation and NON-boring answer. I had an answer in my head but I really cared more about what YOUR thoughts were on this matter. Since you're the G for genius

T for Thank you!! I love when people call me a genius :). omg what did I write here? TLDR my own post back

@nomadicsoul very well said ,we get to know something extra and we listen with much interest to video than simply to blog.Well,its just important to start something,then automatically you will excel in making videos.Do videos on topic you love to talk or do.keep sharing.

Well my question is...
Are you married or in a relationship...
And if you are... How you manage it when you travel...
This question is relevant to all those who love nomadic living style.
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