How the White Man is Viewed by Other Colors

in #life6 years ago

This is a short story about the white man.

Using illustrations, I will demonstrate how one can observe the White Man while he is surrounded by other colors.

Chapter One

The White Man Near the Black


Chapter Two

The White Man Near the Blue


Chapter Three

The White Man Near the Yellow


Chapter Four

The White Man Near the Red


Chapter Five

The White Man Near the Purple


Chapter Six

The White Man Near the Green


Chapter Seven

The White Man Near the Orange


Chapter Eight

The White Man Near the White



Where the hell did the White Man go?


On 12/6/2016

I published that joke.

What makes it funny, to me? It starts out sounding like a provocative article, I assume some expected to see some racism, then they click and see this unexpected corny joke of a mess I made.

Me, looking like an idiot, while I'm surrounded by people in a social media environment where majority will only show the perfect side of their personality, is part of what makes it funny, to me, as well.

Expected response? Maybe an eye roll combined with a pff sound. Some might smile and think, "What a dork." Some might do a full on guffaw but it probably wouldn't last more than a second or two for a joke like that.

Not everything intended to be humorous is supposed to make one laugh hysterically. If all I get is an eye roll, that makes this joke a success. It's corny, intentionally. If all I get is a pff and someone thinks I'm a dork, that still means I did a good job. When I present a joke like that, I'm not sitting here, on this end, thinking I'm the funniest man alive. I'm just a guy, having some fun.

Most forms of humor, when presented, are a calculated risk. I'll never truly know if something is funny or not until I see the response, after. There's always a risk of bombing; failure. That's not much fun.

Humor can be one of the most depressing aspects of being a humorist.

Some folks don't get it.

Others seem to think humor is a waste of life.

It's not my job to explain a joke after telling a joke. That's the best way to ruin a joke. When I first published the joke seen above, that was the entire post. Either you get it, or you don't.

Sometimes I'll publish humor and based upon the response I get in the comment section, I can tell if someone missed a joke, so I'll explain and offer a bit of guidance, but for the most part, you folks are on your own.

I've also encountered plenty of people here, and in life, who don't get the point of jokes, at all. Another expected response I might experience while taking the above approach to humor would be people thinking I shit-posted and wasted everyone's time. They do not approve and to top it off, they'll think it's my fault that they do not approve. In reality, their personal preferences have nothing to do with me. That logic seems to escape a few minds these days.

Remember my Halloween joke?

Screenshot (515).png

That screenshot was the entire post.

A few one liners combined to make one joke. Short and sweet, like many other jokes in existence.

Recently, this was said to me, about that joke:

Like this post for example: that is really adding value? Why not decline rewards if it was meant to be a joke?

Why not decline rewards if it was meant to be a joke, they say.

That, came from someone who spent hundreds to boost an actual shitpost with hardly any entertainment value to the top of the trending page. I downvoted because I thought the post was a ridiculous waste of resources, he thought I downvoted the post quality, so he decided to bring up the dick joke and suggest I decline rewards.

The nerve of some of these shitposting trenders. They'll pull a meaningless $300 out of the reward pool just so they can earn $10, then bitch about me earning $7.14 organically.

Part of my lengthy response included:

Why would I decline rewards for writing a joke?
I earned a lot of money here as a humorist.

Yes, humor adds value. Go tell Saturday Night Live, every comedy movie, and all comedians to stop earning money for being funny and telling jokes. What planet do you live on? Comedy sells out massive theaters and arenas. It's been like that for centuries.

I'm 100% certain humorists are allowed to be here.

And I don't see a problem with making money being a humorist.

Yet, I've been here for over two years; I lost count of how many times I've taken flak for attempting humor here. I doubt it'll ever stop either. I don't mind. I guess it all comes with the territory.

I'm aware, some of my humor is considered crude.

Screenshot (516).png

Screenshot (517).png

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These images lead to those posts.

It's not for everyone; I'm fine with that.

Off-color humor

A legitimate artform, like it or not.

William Shakespeare, the 16th-century playwright and poet, is well known for his ribald humor. Almost every one of his plays contains suggestive jokes and innuendo.

Like I said to the one who feels I shouldn't earn here as a humorist, it's been around for centuries, including the off-color stuff. That's not all I do though. If one was to study my entire blog, they'd see I've experimented with nearly every form of humor known to this world. Of course, one would first have to know about humor in order to be able to see that.

Dirty jokes were once considered subversive and underground, and rarely heard in public. Comedian Lenny Bruce was tried, convicted, and jailed for obscenity after a stand up performance that included off-color humor in New York City in 1964.

That's another quote pulled from the Off-color article linked above.

I often wonder:

Is this place 1964?

I've been battling here and standing up for humorists and the arts for over two years, since I was flagged by one of the largest accounts on the entire platform for writing a joke that went like this:

How to Fuck: Fucking Lessons for Beginners

Hi, how the fuck are you today? My fucking name is @nonameslefttouse the fucking writer him the fuck self. Fuck, I'm here today to teach you fuckers a little fucking lesson. Now sit the fuck down, get some fucking popcorn and fucking relax.

Fucking is not the easiest fucking thing to do. Many mother fuckers will get all fucking pissed off with you if you start fucking around. I'd ask those fuckers to leave the fuck now if this is not you're fucking thing as to avoid further fucking damage. I truly mean no fucking harm to you or your fucking beliefs. The last fucking thing I need is a fucking lawsuit. Read this fucking disclaimer if there are any fucking problems. As for the rest of you friendly fuckers, fuck on my friends, fuck on.

Fucking the fucking fuckers should be taken seriously. Never fuck around or you will be told to fuck off. Get to the fucking point. One fucking day you will remember this inforfuckingmation and be like:

Oh fuck yeah! I remember that.

Never forget to use your fucking memory. It's the most important fucking thing to any potential fucker when attempting to fuck. Fuck the fucking fuckers gently.

Fuckers caught fucking around with the fucking shit will be fucked. Think forward while fucking or you will get fucked.

Getting fucked is not something people like to fuck with. They leave that shit the fuck alone. In other cases getting fucked could be the greatest fucking thing. It's all a matter of fucking perspective. Learn which fuck is for you.

It is always best to first agree to fuck before you fuck. Simply ask, "Would you be interested in fuck today?" You will get your fucking answer. The fucking answer might not be the fucking answer you'd like to fucking hear, but you better do what they fucking say. Fucking abuse is about the worst fucking thing any fucker can do.

Fucking Conclusion

Once you fucking know how to fuck properly, many fuckers from around the fucking world will come to see your fuck. They will enjoy your fucking company. They will want to fuck all day and into the fucking night. It'll be fuck this, fuck that, fuck these, fuck those and fuck them all. Now would you look at that fucking clock?

Time to get the fuck outta here. Thank you for this fucking moment.

Many enjoyed that post.

One guy came and called me a low-life.

That happened over two years ago. I didn't think two years later I'd still be treated like a worthless piece of shit for wanting to make people laugh. The irony.

Oh well...

Everyone but the funnyman gets to laugh. That's just how it goes.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me!
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Welcome to my other world."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Humor is one of the most engaging topics on the internet. Do we want people to come to this platform and engage with the content? Does everyone in the world have 30 minutes to read and then engage with a long post? Does anyone want to engage with anything on the trending page?

Umm no.

People have time to look at some funny stuff while in the bathroom, on a cigarette break, or while pretending to work while their boss isn't looking.

Short funny posts have value. I'm actually shocked people need convincing of this fact.

"Funny" is the 2nd highest subreddit with almost 19 million subscribers.

Keep making engaging posts @nonameslefttouse. Eventually people will figure out that size does not matter.

Humor; long, short, dark, light, big ass, small ass... doesn't matter. It works.

Humour is relative (I'm sue Einstein would agree). Just because one person doesn't enjoy a joke, it doesn't mean others shouldn't be allowed to reward the comedian for the joke. If you don't enjoy the joke, don't reward it and move on. It's not rocket science is it?

Anyway thank you for resharing your jokes today. My favourite was the penis one liners. XD

Posted using Partiko Android

That's like anything. I don't like greasy Macdonalds cheeseburgers, so I don't go there and buy them. I wouldn't take a simple joke and boost it all the way up to the top of the trending page either. People liked it and voted, I didn't ask them to or put the money there myself, I just shared the damn thing.

I thought the joke was funny. But what was even funnier was when you explain the point of humor.

This post makes no mention of how the white man is viewed by orange. Way to leave out a whole color, dude.

It's there though.

It's important to be different. It's hard to be visible in a society where everyone is the same.

That's probably true.

I still see a hint of white man stand out against that herd of yoghurt.

Just a joke, just a photo, just a drawing, just entertaining content. You just don't get  it, this blogging stuff; that must be it.

Fortunately, there's always a self-declared master of this trade to set you straight and guide you back to the amorphous herd of yoghurt.

At least you didn't come here to tell me you didn't read the post.

I'm still thinking about why one would do that. It's weird and not funny. Besides, I don't even have the time to comment on all the posts I didn't read.

It's just adding to the shitty feeling. I'm coming close to delegating away my SP to a bot and just walking away, which is unfortunate, but as each day passes... whatever. Clearly, since 99% of my following refuses to support my stuff, and so many don't even read, apparently, I'm just wasting my fucking time. Blah. I'm probably just tired. Grouchy.

I know the feeling, which is one of the reasons why I sold when prices were high and stopped posting, which, in turn, is why I can't give you big upvotes. It all fits together because money begets attention and more money, and content is just a side show. I am now an infidel who didn't hodl.

So, I wouldn't blame you if you did delegate away your SP to make more Steemses, but should you decide to publish elsewhere, please let me know where I can find your future stuff. I like it a lot, you see.

There's no real point in delegating just to earn and hold though. The whole delegating stuff and the way things work just means the value will continue to decline. That bull run means nothing. Remember they said these bots would increase the value because it would create demand? Look where the value is at today vs the value the days before we had these bots. I think it's lower. Of course it's going to be lower though. The ones buying the steem earn about 10% while those selling votes share the other 90%, and I'm sure they ditch more than 10%. Even with all of this development, there's no way those numbers are sustainable. The bots and vote sellers will literally fuck those developers too. How is this even a thing? Why am I even rambling about it... Who cares.

I doubt I'll publish anywhere else that involves crypto. Too much of my own business depends on the brains and actions of too many others and looking around these days, it's difficult to remain confident with this approach. I want it to work. I want to be here, doing this. The system is pushing me out. I'm working against the flow. I can't compete with shit posts due to bots and vote sellers, and I think I'd earn more by not working...which is so fucking sad in my mind, because I enjoyed this.

I don't know what to do. In limbo.

That bull run means nothing. Remember they said these bots would increase the value because it would create demand?

I remember:

Maybe @katharsisdrill has some pointers for you, he publishes in several places with different reward mechanisms.

I would hate to see you stop publishing entirely.

lol that's the stuff i like. didn't read the article didn't need to. not in the mood for reading just wanted to see something funny today. thanks!

Joke? I thought you were making significant and possibly controversial commentary about how white people still tend to 'stick out' (for one reason or another) in non-'western' cultures/countries. And only blend in/become unnoticeable when surrounded by like people/environment. I didn't read the other stuff because there were no pictures...

Posted using Partiko Android

I didn't read this comment. No pictures.

I love this as it is like a 'dad joke' which I LOVE like a polar bear in a snowstorm or a great corny pun. Laughter and humour to me is always a sign of intelligence and without humour, what's it all for?