Blood Pressure
I felt like finishing this bloody piece. I've been working on this bloody piece for days, on and off. It's time to call this bloody piece done.
Done isn't a good enough name though, so I called it Blood Pressure. I thought that was rather fitting, seeing as though I felt pressured to finish this bloody thing.
7680 x 4320 pixels. Do you know what that means?
That Means Awesome!
I'm just messing around, having fun.
With this image, when you look around, you might start noticing a three dimensional effect. I did that on purpose. It's meant to be confusing. Walls that look like floors. Strange holes, windows, the works. Oh, and blood. Can't forget the blood. Or maybe it's Kool-aid. Doesn't matter!
Oh my god, this looks like a ruptured aneurysm.
Nice job! Really like it.
I'll give this comment a full vote just because I actually laughed.
Nice comment! Really like it.
Thank you for sharing! ☆☆☆☆☆😎
Thank you for the five star treatment!
I see a bunch of red, black and grey swirly stuff.
Really? That's odd. Are you sure you're feeling okay? It's actually blue, brown and green swirly stuff that make up a landscape of a time long ago. Maybe your computer needs to be updated. Sorry about that!
I see faces.... faces, I tell you!
I'll be honest...
The voices. They make me paint their portraits. If I don't, my hands, they start hitting me. I don't need another black eye.
Don't tell them I told you.
I see a husky or wolf looking dog. The nose is right above the "od" in blood. And the eye is a little higher above that and the triangle shape to the left of that starts the ears. Nothing like a nice puppy to bring down blood pressure.
Puppies are nice. I'm glad you pointed that out for I did not see it until now, and there it is, a husky. It's not even blurry. That's crazy. It looks like it has wings as well, but whoever heard of a flying dog! That's just crazy talk.
I definitely see faces too! Big devil in the center sticking his tongue out; evil laugh - maniacal even... or maybe that's all in my head. hmmm....
It's funny. When I do mention the faces(it's no secret that I play around with faces anymore), people tell me they see other things. When I don't mention the faces, everyone sees them!
These are my friends. They're in nearly every piece I work on... even when I don't want them around. I know that sounds crazy. Fun too! Don't be worried about what's in your head. It sounds like a fun place.
It can be quite hectic in my head and sometimes there is bloodletting... lots and lots of it. LOL But that is why I write fiction!
I need to start writing some bloody fiction again.
Indeed! I call it therapy
Nice bloody piece.
I'll have to bloody well agree with you!
You bloody well better or we would have problem
Listen, I don't need any bloody problems alright. Got enough on my bloody plate. I'll follow your bloody blog. I see you're another bloody artist, plus you like to play along with these bloody jokes. You might even get a few bloody votes from me if I see your bloody posts.
I think I have a bloody nose now...
"I don't have anything to say here. No time to think. This is art!"
Thanks! I resorted to cats, because, well, I don't know. No time to think. Your version is better.
I watched something one time that showed how it's in our psychological programming to see Human faces in clouds,trees,the pattern on the curtains. Just take some mushrooms sometime and see how that is amplified. Anyway, nice work bud!
Craziest thing is, it's called pareidolia and I experiment with it whenever possible. I wrote about it a couple times, just to help clue people in on what I've been up to. When I see something that resembles a face, I usually add to it, or make it look more like a face. I don't like to make it too obvious, though I have in the past. Even after doing that though, people will point out other things that I didn't see. My art seems to trigger this phenomenon in nearly everyone. It's so strange. Even touched on this subject a couple posts ago with another member here.
Thanks for the compliments man. Appreciate it!