Content Consumers: They Spend the Money Anyway

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Why do I do the things I do, the way I want to do them?
I might not be the best artist in the world.
I might not be the funniest man on the planet.
Plenty of writers do a finer job than I.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg

What I do know:

My approach is effective.

Not everyone likes what I do. I don't demand everyone's respect.

I'm just some dude, doing my thing, hoping to entertain people, most days.

Today, it's about business.

Like everyone else, I want to produce something that is seen, read, and enjoyed by as many people as possible.

There are thousands of ways to produce and present entertainment to the world. Not everyone likes everything, but there's always someone out there who likes something.

Simple enough.

And I'm using the term 'entertainment' loosely.

Whatever you like to consume is what 'entertains' you.

Therefore, even the most boring thing in existence probably entertains someone, somewhere. Even the cats of this world just sit there staring out the window all day — and it's the best thing ever.

Entertainment isn't all about laughs and smiles. Whatever you came here to look at is what entertains you.

People spend big bucks on entertainment.

To the tune of billions of dollars, annually.

Buy a book or magazine. That money is gone, forever.

Buy a single audio track or album. That money is gone, forever.

Buy a movie or subscribe to Netflix. That money is gone, forever.

Send a donation or tip your favorite online content producer. That money is gone, forever.



Billions upon billions of dollars. Gone, forever.

Those receiving it are having a happy day. Those handing it out are getting a quick fix.

Entertainment feels good. It turns downtime into more than staring into the void and listening to one's own thoughts about that time life was a lot less boring.

Feeling good is addicting to nearly every human on the planet.

The entertainment industry generates billions because it makes people feel good. It's like we don't even care about the money. The more one throws it away, the better they feel.

Yet, if you asked someone today if they would be happier if they had more money in their bank account, many would say yes, I'd be happier.

Enter, Steem

The bringer of all things happy.

Hello there. Did you know you could get paid to be entertained?

I know. That sounds crazy and no, I'm not asking you to sit in this chair and be a part of a paid audience that claps or smiles on command as I attempt to sell this new vacuum that by definitionreally sucks.

What does the math look like these days?
10000 fists in the air.

Hundreds of millions spend billions on entertainment, annually.

The average consumer spends more than $100 annually on entertainment, that money is gone forever. $100 will give that consumer a vote worth roughly one cent, here, and about 770 Steem, today.

Say a content producer churns out 260 pieces in a year, working Monday to Friday.

Content producers ask for donations these days.

Someone sends them $100. Okay, fine, but now that money is gone.

If someone were to come here TODAY and spend approx. $100 on STEEM, allowing the content consumer to give the content producer a vote worth a penny each day(approx. 770 STEEM), the content producer earns $2.60 per year before deductions, from each consumer who spends $100.

If the content producer had 10000 followers willing to "donate" $100, that's a million, down the drain.

The content consumer will be asked to donate again, and might spend another $100. A few years later, another $100.

If the content producer had 10000 followers willing to buy enough STEEM for a vote worth a penny, that amounts to $26000 annually before deductions to the content producer. The content consumer does not need to spend another $100 to support that creator the next year. The 10000 followers willing to spend $100 can also support nine other content producers with that same initial investment of $100. 10 content producers, 10000 followers spending $100 each, that's $260000 annually.

Spend $100 to be able to donate $26 annually, for life. That is a great deal if supporting content producers is something you do with your money. The consumer also gets a return on that $100! The deal of the century, if supporting content producers is something you do with your money.

That's only 10000 people purchasing 7.7 million STEEM. Do I need to explain what happens to the numbers when one creates high demand for STEEM? Things like the fact, as the value of STEEM rises, that vote that was once worth a penny also rises, without the need to spend or "donate" more money.

I shared that little tidbit of information with you folks on July 6th, 2019.

"One million potentially in the door, quarter million potentially out the door. That's how you make money."

Many Facebook groups have more than 10000 members. Many Youtube channels have more than 10000 subscribers.

10000 consumers is nearly nothing in this industry, and just look at the potential of that small investment of $100. It's a fact, millions of people are willing to throw that $100 away. It's nothing to them.

There are plenty of premium services on the internet that provide content at a cost to the consumer. The consumer gets nothing in return. Those services provide quality but their business models can't compete with this business model here.

If only the consumers knew about this place...

Those billions.

The billions people are already willing to spend.

That's a market this Steem stuff needs to tap into.

The regular consumer. Your average Joe, who's already familiar with relaxing and pushing 'like' buttons, who's more than happy to spend, donate forever, take a few profits someday and maybe treat themselves to a night out. Rinse, and repeat.

Entertainment that pays for more entertainment.
And everyone's happy.
Somebody should probably call Joe.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"Living the dream..."
"In other news: I've reached my goal and surpassed the 30000 SP mark. Hooray!"

Images © 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


In some ways, we are already tipping. But, it comes at no extra cost for the stakeholders.

I don’t like WLS’ idea of tipping with no reward pool. Why would I jump through the hoops to get a “crypto” to do that when I can do the same on mainstream options with fiats that are faster?

In theory, this method of 'tipping', here, provided enough consumers want to tip, is supposed to increase the value of a stakeholders account. The math adds up, we've just haven't tapped into that market yet. Currently the content producers here are also playing the role of consumer, and curating or tipping accordingly. The consumers need to outnumber the producers. There's a lot more to say about this business model. The potential has to be realized and embraced. Here's to hoping.

You're right about WLS method of tipping. All they're doing is creating a barrier. That doesn't create demand for the token either. As I stated in your post, if one buys one token, then gives it someone else, the recipient then sells. That's 1 million in, one million out. Here, I showed how 1 million in to a quarter million out is possible. Market to consumers rather than creators.

HF4, I believe at least, is going to be a huge disaster for WLS. I am refusing to update my witness which will likely spell the end of it - but I believe it to be the right thing to do. At least I feel that I'll be on the right side of history, anyway.

Well, unless I am wrong, which would be awesome, but I don't believe that I am.

At times it is difficult to understand why the company does not get it, but lots of companies go out of business because they didn't get it. !BEER

Steem Block Chain is no longer just about the "Token", it is also about the people, all the people. The investors, the developers, the creators, the consumers. These are the people they need to advertise to, not to the next business, not to the next group looking for a free parking slot for their business.

That consumer group is the largest and most beneficial market. I've said these exact words a million different ways and even now, I know people still don't get it.

Yeah, it does not matter how it is put, for some reason, the idea of people like me, (and there are a lot of us), just do not exist in the minds that want to control the advertising of steem block chain. Like you I just do not get how they keep missing the point.

There are numerous visions. There's potential in many different approaches. I've offered one approach, one vision. That is then often misinterpreted as something like, "This is what I see, this is how it should be, and nothing else." When in reality, this is one way to see things, and it can be combined with many others. We all share a common goal. So when I present this case, I feel it's often ignored, because the point is misconstrued, possibly. Maybe others feel as if they have a vision, and this somehow takes away from their vision, so they refuse to acknowledge it? I'm truly unsure.

It does seem to make it hard, people take the words and see what they want to see, that it is your way or the highway. People have forgotten, or never learned to listen to or about ideas. It is like the digital pictures you do, I see a lot of things in them, some will see just a pretty picture, some people even profess to not liking Art, because they don't understand it. To me it is simple, there is nothing to Understand in Art, it is just a vision, an idea, a thought expressed in a different medium than words.

I totally agree with this. We have to create and curate, but do we need to run the business side as well. It seems like it. What it took STInc 3 years to finally figure out they could email the users about new changes here lol. Whoa StInc slowdown, you are moving way to fast there lol.

But consider this, once StInc is finally out of steem, they wont care about steem. All they will care about is having all this content to monetize. Every peice you write and art you create, they will stick these ads on it and collect revenue for ever. Heck at least YouTube splits with the creators.

I'm secretly hoping, if ads ever take over, creators will get a cut, and every post I create, today, in the future, and all 826 posts before this will be remonetized. Majority of them will still be relevant and entertaining far into the future.

But I still think tapping into the consumer market and creating demand for the token that way would be smart. If they want to sell it all, making it more valuable would extend that lifespan.

That’s why it’s a team effort and content creators should be going out and sharing their content with the outside world.

The Alexa ranking has been plummeting. The site apparently has 224,700 keywords that it could be ranking for. From that, there are only 589 websites linking to our site.

If we could up those numbers it could turn into a snowball effect. Many things on this site old and new that people consider to be entertaining and could enjoy.

People atm are upset with Facebook (again no shock) so some people went out and targeted those tags talking about the alternative called Steem. It's a perfect time to sell them on such a site as this.

In the gaming world, many are not happy with some choices Blizzard made so BoycottBlizzard went trending. I wrote and shared about an alternative game to replace the one that people where unhappy with. That got more click though in a few hours then I tend to get in a week to that Steem post.

It comes down to taking advantage of the opportunity and driving traffic to content. Then getting those people to consume something else and another and another. Before they know it they sign up for an account and are telling others about some unknown content creator they found.

Outside eyes arriving doesn't guarantee paying customers. The content itself does double as marketing though. Most content production platforms enjoy the benefits of link sharing content consumers. Those consumers don't even get paid for that effort either, it's just something they do naturally.

We need all consumers, along with plenty willing to pay, to help create demand for the token. That one million in and quarter million out is really important. More money flowing in than what could potentially leave is the only way this can be sustainable, without depending solely on investors and speculators. What I'm talking about should in theory create a steady demand for the token, and the consumers spend the money anyway, without getting anything in return, so why is there a problem getting their money here?

The Runaway Train Of Love@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @nonameslefttouse! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

They say money cannot buy happiness, but it appears people are converting that printed fiat in the tune of Billions into Happiness from one form to another! lol

Certainly can't grow all forms of happiness either! If you know what I mean, which I think you do.

hmmm oh sorry i thought there were bananas here, my bad :( whats dis the complant department :) sorry ill leave now ...

so @worksforpeanuts what did you find? this looks like a superwhale or something im warning you guys no spitting you guys :)

NoNamesLeftToUse - Bananas.png

605ba2277a1730ca70e4946a4e598afc.jpgsee tell boss @monkeytales i told yer they had nanas somewhere im smelled em from outside the door :)))

ssshh ... were gonna wake up the neighborhood :))))) good job @worksforpeanuts be nice guys cause they could bambalate us back into the stoneage and no spitting please :)

I predicted the coming of the monkeys...
NoNamesLeftToUse - It's a Monkey.jpeg

ohhhhelloooo there sexy guy with too much makeup :)) what wet uhh i mean got any pot :))))hey @worksforpeanuts dis the guy wit all the bananas

I've been preparing for your arrival.

Hey bud. Whats going down? You good?

I'm good. Faantastic. Thanks for asking.

Just checking. I just created my own token... mind if I slide you some.

You know where to find my wallet. Reverse pick-pocketing is totally cool with me.

For sure... I have plans but it's fucking work.

What are you up to?

Trying to kind of centralize and interconnect my currency across as many blockchains as possible. I'm in need of a dev that believes in the project. I'm going to be contacting some music stores online and off to see if they are interested in joining the cause.

Steem is a place to entertain and to win for entertain. Double profit! We all win

They win on places like Youtube as well. Except the other half of the revenue generated from ads makes google rich and all those millions liking videos and leaving millions of comments daily get absolutely nothing... So yes, this place is a far better deal to the consumer.

Mazel tov! That is a lot fo SP! As for the other. wouldn't it be nice if all the FB people realized they could have the same thing here, except better?


Plenty of the Facebook crowd might be disappointed when their cat photo and short sentence status update doesn't earn them $100, but I'm sure they'd be happy to earn a bit on the side for relaxing and consuming content, if they knew it wasn't about getting rich but instead getting more than nothing for hitting like buttons and leaving comments.

The battle may have been won yesterday but the war is not over , hence I am not going to comment on this post in an effort to distract and confuse which is advice I got from reading quotes from The Art of War as like most other people , I am too thick and lazy to read it all but sometimes like to throw in an odd quote to appear to myself as being intellectually superior.
But just to say, I prefer free entertainment. I'm the guy who uses pirate bay.. oh and nothing is ever's just moved locations.

Posted using Partiko Android

There are plenty of different types of consumers in this world. Here one can still consume for free, while others can be rewarded for it, if they pay. Many do pay. Those billions prove it and I think it's wise to tap into that market. No point in ignoring it.

Dammit I'm that guy paying for Netflix! I should just cancel and leach off someone else.. If we all had that mentality could Netflix afford Keanu cameos in their films? I think not ! A movie ticket where I live costs about 3 USD so sometimes I buy them just to freeze my tits off and yell at people that use their phones bc that's entertainment! 💪

Posted using Partiko Android

Gotta love that art sponge mentality...

Steem give new perspective about consumer and creator content. It very different wit You tube or the other. I am so happy join this platform. W can do as creator content and also as a consumer. And the interesting point is we can get profit for all,
Thank you for the post. It is very inspiring
Warm regard from Indonesia

Youtube creators receive nearly half of the ad revenue. The other near half share goes to google, instead of the consumers. This platform is a far better deal to all involved.

BEER for you. Enjoy it! Hey @nonameslefttouse, here is a little bit of

Steemit is a wonderful entertaining place. It brings happiness for a season to some, but not true joy for that is from within. Entertainment can be a quick fix to overcome pain and unhappiness. Perhaps not as abusive addiction as alcohol or heroin. Damn I need a beer. LOL

People spend money on entertainment. That's all that's to it. Finding folks to buy tokens is as easy as looking at that market and asking it to spend their money here.

Good verry nice this jhob friends

Good very nice this comment friends!

I remember reading your post in July and it definitely had a profound impact on how I view things as a music and travel content creator. This is the kind of message we need to send out to these average Joes but in a catch all, short snappy phrase.

"Invest in Content" but written by someone who can do "words that sell".

I'm trying to slowly but surely bring people in but the trouble is, things need to be made real simple for AJ to stick around, the content needs to be good for them to consume and there's still a lot of germs around, with not enough variety on trending (which is improving but a long way to go).

Still, things are changing, different and I'm hopeful that the ship will turn around!

Posted using Partiko Android

There must be a product for the average consumer to buy into. Huge variety matters. Plenty of junk spread around since some still carry that perform in front of bots that can't see mentality rather than the show people something cool thought process. More and more good stuff is rising to the top. Steemfest content is suffering from severe overexposure though. It's much like seeing the same ad, twice, during every commercial break on television. A lot of folks around here don't think of that overexposure stuff though. Much of that content will be irrelevant and outdated soon, while the timeless stuff still struggles. I respect the Steemfest stuff but they need to know how bad it looks where there are several posts taking up top slots. CHB artist had no clue what overexposure was...

I want steemfest to be done already so we stop seeing posts about it! Make it stop! Please? For the love of varied content! Of course, it's important to get steemfest news out there but like you say, maybe just one or two permanent posts up there, not the whole of trending all the time.

Don't get started on chb artist, seems like he vanished like the bid botted posts that got him there. Still, he milked the system pretty well hey! Never listened to his music or whatever it was he was trying to promote actually just because it was obvious what was going on.

We'll keep chugging away hey

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't mind it either and support the concept of Steemfest. I hope everyone has fun there. I'm just seeing a post about it with only four comments. That's what happens with overexposure. People lose interest in the posts, even when produced by many different people, because it's all the same and there every day, sometimes multiple times. That effort should have been coordinated, scheduled, and various elements combined into fewer posts. CHB was up there sometimes 5 times per day. That annoyed people for sure. This post was high up at one point, so I made damn sure to take some time off in case the next post goes up high as well, and I'd hate to see them sitting side-by-side. Two in the top ten is overexposure. Do that daily and people get angry, along with a few other things.

I know, the lack of interaction on his and all these new trending posts that have over $60 payout is disconcerting really (if that's even the right word).

The post I made that went supernova recently (and I'm grateful for the reaction it got, truly), was probably one of the most genuinely commented on posts and had over 170 comments, didn't even make top 10... Compare that to those that have 4, 5, 6 comments? The trending mechanics need to change or we need to have filters to see engagement as that's what this is about right? Social-economical platform, both factors should be taken in to account, not how fast you get a whale vote or in an upvote ring... Starting to see the same faces now all the bid botted posts have been killed off

My works moves up. I feel I've earned it and I won't complain. Is it odd to see my stuff sit high, be the lowest paid of the bunch, but always has the most comments. I had a lot of comments even with $5 next to my posts as well, before things changed.

Ugh... Bidbots. Everywhere I go I get accused of using bidbots now...

And I'm really REALLY stoked for you that you're seeing the just rewards since the hard fork - congratulations 🙂

I have noticed my posts are starting to get more payouts too (even with author rewards going to 50/50) and that's made me smile, a LOT. However, the interaction has been steadily growing o over the last 12 months, whether there's been cents or up to the dizzying heights of $1 (which felt like euphoria). Depends what motivates you I guess but it really is possible to have your cake and eat it here (good payouts and high number of comments/interaction).

What I realised is that communities, networking and consistency is key here and I'm sure you know that too. There's still work to do to bring more people in and those who have been the consistently engaged ones will prosper.

Seem to remember someone saying our profiles on here are like businesses. Just need to maintain integrity really which is easy to do if you're honest as the blockchain keeps a permanent record hey. You know you've never used bots, jeez, it's for everyone to see by going to steemwallet so you have nothing to hide - F__K 'em. And that your rep is one of the few accounts that is truly community voted for is rare - if I can get to 70 before my 2 year steem birthday in March it will be happy days!

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a fact, millions of people are willing to throw that $100 away. It's nothing to them.

happy to notice, there are millions of folks that are not part of this pattern. I happen to be one of them.