Today seems like a good day to bore everyone to death with another one of my posts. Since several people have been busy lately practicing how to push a vote button on old posts around here, it's possible many may have exhausted and incredibly sore fingers now, so I might actually get a chance to fly under the radar for a change.

A glitch caused money to start falling from the sky so they all ran to the old neighborhood holding their cups or whatever looking for that free beer, keg party style. First come first serve; most are drunk within minutes; nothing left for the ones that were actually invited.
Upon arrival they discovered — even as far back as a week ago — people had been creating content, right here in the Hive thing we made. I'm sure to some of those curators/consumers/promoters out there who'd grown accustomed to automating their support systems, seeing actual content here came as quite the surprise.
Unfortunately for me, I already knew about the content and already have money, so there was no real need for me to dive into that mosh pit of sudden care and attention to detail.
This is me we're talking about here, so of course I have other things to do.

Gotta love a good hardfork glitch though.
I took a vacation from my vacation just to see how things would play out here. It's important to me.
And of course that's when the weather decided to be awesome...
So because reasons, I suddenly feel like talking about the weather. Time to switch gears.
Why does my twisted brain lead me to believe environmentalists hate the environment? Every time they look at it, they get pissed off and want it to change.
Why not find a new hobby or thing to care about if that one sucks so bad?
It gets hot for one week in Canada and they're all like:
"Global warming! We need to ban cars, cows, plastic straws, babies, cigarettes, crypto, kayak paddles, pie, kittens, fire, toasters, peanuts, bingo, bongos, bagels, and anyone who uses a question mark! That'll fix Canada for sure this time!"
Is the world truly broken or have the people simply gone mad? What changed?
Most of the time in Canada, being outside too long will bloody well kill you, because cold.
They want to take my one week of being a normal human away. Am I only allowed to see nice weather on a screen for a few seconds during the commercial breaks trying to sell me the pills I'm going to need once the show comes back on to say we're all gonna die from wind?
I'm so flustered I almost feel like calling them a bunch of p-words.
And I never say poo poo heads!
Staying classy when it comes to my fucking communication shit while I'm all up in this bitch is something I take great pride in. But a guy can only take so much.
I've been working so damn hard my entire life, doing everything I can, to heat up Canada, so I can be free and air my balls in January like they do in the Florida or someplace like that.
I think that's what they do there. I've never actually been there but I have seen every episode of Cops so it seems like walking around naked in winter is only bad if you get caught.
Do that here, you'll lose your nuts instantly, and it won't be because they shot you there.
I feel like I'm bombing every joke I've written so far. Did you even know I haven't been serious at any point during this ramble?
Should I even continue? Switching gears.
I miss creating content and attempting to entertain as many as possible, daily.
Miss producing the joke art, the real art, everything in between. Haven't touched my digital art software suite in months!
Miss a lot of folks who won't even read this because they're not around anymore. I feel like I know thousands of you, out there. I'm sure it's somewhere near that number. Maybe I should put a list together and mention ten thousand people just to see what's up and say hi...
And maybe you don't know that I know you but trust me, I'm watching you.

Can't always get to your posts and vote simply because I'm not made out of money, only have ten sizeable votes per day to use, plus sleeping is kind of important, too. And some weeks I don't even have internet access, by design.
Pro Tip: If you're one of those noobs out there who wants to receive more votes and views, I know from experience actually doing things that attract more votes and views helps tremendously so I suggest trying that first before anything else.
The support is appreciated but it makes me feel better half of that goes to the folks who decided to give me the time of day. I absolutely love the fact my work pays consumers rather than contributing to their device addiction problem without so much as even a thank you.
Especially this year, when damn near every time I hit that post button, one hundred comments and a few hours later a little robot comes along to tell me my work topped the charts and earned the most that day.
Feels Great!
But you know damn well someone out there is giving you the evil eye...
During my first few weeks here as I was failing daily, rather than setting the goal of writing the post about how the platform is broken and you're all just a huge pile of shit, I decided within my mind that it would be hilarious to set a goal of reaching the top.
So that's done.
But now what?
The five minute voting window thing that's now been obliterated caused a lot of inner turmoil for me. How the votes rolled in and my work shot straight to the top before people truly got a chance to look meant I had no room to fuck up, at all.
Don't you hate it when you typo 'pens' and now your work is "trending" while everyone is wondering why it says 'penis' there? I know I do...
Thanks to all those who put their trust in me to not screw up while you vote blind and come later once I've fixed everything.
Just don't come here on Tuesday because that's the day I was planning to publish the story about masturbating in those bushes by your bedroom window. They used to laugh at me when I said I'd find a way to monetize this behavior.
Anyway. I'm probably about as bored with this post as you are. Don't really have much else to say but I'm sure you caught on to that by the second paragraph. Some probably knew before they even clicked. Most know I'm just fucking around and like to have fun.
Which is something we need more of here!
So stiff out there in content land some days. Doom-and-gloomers galore; we're all gonna die; but suit and tie crypto guy is going long so, it must just be a lie.
Development post cheerleaders doing the fancy dances daily. Why do they get to have all the fun...
Hive can't really be that awesome; can it?
wink wink
Have a nice day.

Seems you get votes no matter what you do anyway! Thanks for making me laugh on a day where I'm feeling that HIVE depression settle in so much that threatening to leave is the only option, but I won't, because I'm not that kind of twat, and I'll probably just cry onto the yoghurt I just dropped on the floor instead.
Don't let that Hive shit bother you. I'm having a bit of a day myself, but you get through it. Seeing you folks coming along, being happy, makes me happy.
One of the best posts I've read in a while here on the blockchain. I'm a fan. lol.
You must have really poor taste.
Thanks though!
Can't say that I don't. hahaha. Welcome.
No. Trust me. You're fine. Clearly I'm the one with issues.
All jokes aside. I truly appreciate you folks coming and laughing at me.
All good, man. I mean if we can't have a little fun on the social side of HIVE, then there's really no use to engage with other people here.
I been having fun since day one. You'll get some bad days thrown in there every now and again but I'm pretty sure that's just life being life.
Yeah. Life is like that. And it's what makes life interesting.
Same here, and I'm still alive after reading through your post.
If those itchy feet of yours aren't enough to keep you on your toes, feel free to visit any time!
I'll try! Only my fingers needed to visit your posts. :)
It will be interesting to see how voting changes, some of us always did vote on comments, etc.. People are creators of habit so the changes might be slow.
I had a good laugh at all the people who constantly tell others not to game the reward pool, making posts about how to game the curation pool and also, as you pointed out.. A few who were like. Wow, I discovered we have users. LOL.
Anyway, good luck on getting back to your vacation or not, and in all seriousness, thanks for being funny, that's rare these days!
My voting habits involve me, just doing whatever, never truly caring about timing. So all I have to do is just keep doing whatever. I should be pretty good at this.
These little quips were all in good fun though. It's like they all got to play the fast money round. Or picture those people who win the one minute shopping spree. I did and it's hilarious.
Just become a dev... simple! 😜
I just developed a fresh cup of coffee. You were right. That was easy.
Then I am also a developer. Nowadays I have a habit of drinking 2 or 3 cups of coffee (mostly Cappuchino). Mostly in the morning, but sometimes also in the afternoon. One of my co-workers said that it is good that my heart is still in its place. But I do not feel anything inconvenient.
Sometimes I just sit around and think about cats.
Developing means creating from scratch... with your own ideas, not copying or following instructions if not necessary. Cofee exists for ages... hence it will always be copied... unless you made your own new brew (of new beans). Which is totally possible. 😉
See that post above? Made it myself, from scratch.
Not bad for a first time, right?
Me thinks its all a rabble.
But closer to a ramble.
Or then again a babble?
Burst it like a tit bubble?
There's only one way to make milk, my friend.
Hahaha, you have unlimited creativity of speech. Very good.
I know. I can even elephant the canoe and tackle a few.
and I picked today to go through my feed and what do I see? :D
Happy Middle of the night to you my friend!! Nice to see your smiling? face!
The face does smile a lot behind the scenes on this end.
I figured as much but I didn't want to blow your image! LOL
Want to know a secret? That's just irony and it's 100% intentional.
You know what is neat?
After all these years of knowing you, I can see a post of yours and it brightens my day.....hmmm...24 hours...which I guess is a day but not a normal person's day cuz I sleep mostly during the time when the sun is up..... so for right now I am just going with 24 hours because I might go to sleep in 3 minutes or I might be up another 8 hours. One never knows. Me least of all.
THANK YOU for being YOU!
You're welcome.
Think the only way you'd be able to fly under the radar is to make one of those alt account things everyone else seems to have and hope that somehow nobody can be bothered finding out it's you XD
or have you already done that and we haven't found out yet O_O
I don't know why I like that triple bar so much but I do.
I have one account. This one. Firing up another would not be worth the effort. I'd have to be doing some pretty boring shit in order to hide. And based on a metric shit ton worth of experience, hiding, is the exact opposite of what one needs to be doing with this gig. Some of you have been accused of being me talking to myself though. LOL! what, I might not actually exist?! O_O;
lol, came back a second time to see what was on sale again. hahaha
So nice you came twice. Imagine that!
You flying under the radar!! Bahaha that was probably your funniest joke in this post! It was a pretty awesome read as usual, the art is a little creepy especially the guy watching me read! Kinda making me nervous, I don't like people watching me do shit. I had to press the up-vote button before he laser eyed my soul.
I know I know. Who am I trying to kid here...
And yeah, the answer is everyone. As you can see, the heat got to me. Still suffering from a bit of brain melt. It'll grow back.
I guess brain melt is better than just up in smoke, the cold will freeze that up again pretty quick!
I get chills just thinking about it. Or maybe I'm just having a seizure.
I am guilty, your honor. ...I was doing that for a while, but not anymore.
From now on, we both will be screwed. Because from now on, I will have to read shit before voting. And we already know that I will have the misfortune of having to spot on and criticize all your typos & mistakes before you correct them. :p
Shit! then, I must consider myself very lucky. Since I have never had to suffer from that sort of pain in the balls in all the freaking five years that I've already been here. LoL };)
Those auto votes truly never bothered me. Like I said elsewhere, it's not unusual for people to pay at the door before seeing the show. But if it ever got to the point where I'm publishing, earning, but not many are showing up, I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. The views are the most important thing.
And as for scrambling to fix fuck ups. Look at this post. No edits. I've probably read it fives times since publishing. Good enough.
I never cared about if a post was trending or hot or recent, as long as it made me think, gave good eye candy, or made me laugh, that is when I would vote. I do a lot of blind voting lately, post I intend to read, but well only so many hours in a day.
For me I think because of how and when I vote on a post HF 25 will be a help. Some of the people I follow re-hive/re-blog stuff they found interesting, and then I read it and yes it was interesting. So even if it was 6 or 7 days old I would still give it a vote.
I think part of the lack of post the last week was people scared of the HF effects, this was one of the smoothest HF's, and it had a bonus glitch. I think posting will pick back up.
Yup. Equilibrium needs to find an equilibrium.
And the whole voting blind thing is just how it is. Never in a million years will that cease to be a thing. It's not unusual at all either. People always pay at the door before seeing the show.
My publications are generally too serious, perhaps it is the reason why not many comment, therefore I do the opposite, that is, I comment, comment and comment, in this publication I laughed many times, women would say that it is a a bit heavy, but I am not a woman and it is the reason for having fun reading the occurrences of people like you in this case, life is complicated and it is worth smiling is my opinion.
I hope you have a happy day
I look forward to telling the story and sharing the photos of my adventures in the trees. And I'm forever grateful people like you are around to enjoy this stuff.
I was going to leave a comment but your post bored me to death and, being dead, I cannot.
I hate when that happens.
I couldn't remember if you wanted to be buried or cremated. So I just threw you out back. Ran out of cat food anyway.
I'm happy to rot out the back, have the foxes and racoons pick over my bones.
P.s. I came back from the dead to write this.
Yeah they're usually pretty good at getting rid of the bodies for me. I just hate it when the cat brings an ear to the door and just leaves it there. I stopped eating those years ago.
Lol. Too much gristle.
Yeah. Plus I hate it when people listen to me chew.
That's so green of you.
Green as in I'm an amateur at body disposal?
Or green as in I care about this planet and should invite people over more often?
Fuck that.
Wouldn't set foot even if my foot was set.
I can tell you're unsettled.
Hmm, I think both would work in this context.
Not all that awesome...
I think that is the most important bit, to have some fun. I had fun reading your post. Most people got to the net to find out facts or have a bit of fun, so you should never feel bad about fucking around EXCEPT WITH MY WIFE.
But I digress, its harder to find facts on the net these days so fun it has to be!
Okay. I'll stop texting her. Sorry man!
Thats cool, I have another few squirreled away that I can reanimate in the basement if needs be
Just add water?! I fucking love those ladies!
Me too, I always get the Instint Wimmin brand. Cant beat them for durability
Dehydrated Damsels for me. I just can't justify spending the extra dollar. That adds up you know.
I tried them, too gritty at times. Still each to their own. I know a man that smoked actual Camels?!
Your post was read by a human who sniggered more than once. I wish you a fine day not at the office.
Wow! Actual people! It must be the sale sign.
That's right, I like a bargain, and even better when I'm paid for my time as a consumer (22 and counting).
I lost count again. 500 probably.
It's not safe yet, but you'll come here anyway, because you are Mr. Dangerman.
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
I jump first cuz I can fly! Watch!
How about both?
Hmm, I think I might have to set a goal to meet that little robot aswell, although to be honest, I'm already tired just thinking about it. I'll just check your older posts to meet him!
I'm early now, only an hour in! You seem to have fixed everything. Either that, or I'm just not reading well enough. My post today isn't funny. It's serious business, I'm so sorry. Glad you're here to pick up the slack! Either way, enjoy my vote, which has regenerated just a little from the extra voting.
I'm not rich yet, don't judge me!
I can agree with "both". So much easier than arguing about things words can't solve. Though I do still yell at the clouds.
It's that achievement bot/program thing. The name is on the tip of my tongue. And that's such a stupid place to keep a name...
And I don't judge like that. Relax and enjoy your serious business. I know I do.
Hivebuzz, I like it. It challenged me to post every day last month. Had to get that badge! Gotta collect achievements and badges and such! I don't think my gamer attitude helps me stay sane... I'm not doing the daily posting thing this month. Too much pressure!
I'm not really much into those achievement things but when you get the rare one, okay sure. I don't need to be reminded every 100 comments that I made 100 comments though, and those little things like that. But I know others have fun with it, so because of that, I'm all for it.
Corners get cut during the daily grind approach. And deadlines have the word dead in them for a reason, so I don't really like those much. But people have fun with those things as well and if they can pull it off, great!
True, that's a bit much!
Yeah, I guess I had enough inspiration for a month, but by the end of it, I was quite happy to have a few articles written as backup, because daily writing can get a little hard and frustrating. I think there might have even been a post that month! Although I usually leave those for my @pfshorts account. It's why I won't do the challenge again this month. Not enough inspiration or energy left. Was fun though and I think it can help someone to get the most out of themselves if it's a challenge.
Global warming is the sun's fault. If that steaming hot shitpile wasn't holding us all hostage in this godforsaken endless orbit, it wouldn't always be so hot around here.
I mean, why not simply push the planet further away? We could go be a Mars moon or something, even though that's not how gravity works.
I'd fully support the idea of pushing the planet away. Genius. Not sure why nobody has done this yet?
I don't know either. But I suppose getting all the humans to gather in one spot near the equator would be hard enough. Convincing them all to jump up and down for a few days just doesn't seem like something we would do, even though that's probably the only way, when I think about it scientifically.
I mean why couldn't we just make a really long stick and use it to push ourselves away? Surely there are enough trees left for that.
That's a stupid idea. Have you ever seen what happens when you put a tree close to fire?
We'll have to use metal.
I'm an idiot. And to think I was literally just putting trees close to fire last night. Metal it is.
fuck you two here. It's possible if you want to eat CCP dick
You back babeee!!!
Yeah, just make sure you packing some serious jelly when you at my window.
Cos I watching you watching me like.
I never forget my kit.
I'm naked.
Beats doing laundry ammirite!
Wait, what, there was a PARTY? And there was a MONEY MAKING GLITCH? AND THERE'S GLOBAL WARMING...!?
Anyway, enjoy that week of Canadian summer, before that gets shut down for being too much fun.
Have a great one.
Oh I'll enjoy it alright.
#nonamesleftouse is now a trending tag? dang you got big and now a role model for aspiring vote seekers dreaming to have their own #hiveusername one day.
Linear curation is works great, now I don't feel like a moron upvoting comments being masochist to the tax. Yeah the votes are nice but now I've set some goals up higher to overlook past the votes and more about the engagement and views. It's more fun having more comments and an average of 10+ views indicated on Peakd, atleast you know someone went out of their way to check the post and even more so comment on it.
Currently spread thin when it comes to self promotion off the platform and keeping activity here but I'm just happy I shifted perspective for the better. Trending doesn't tell you a lot of people care, just tells you phat numbers made it happen. It feels dumb reading some comments like "I don't look at the trending page because it's the same authors and topics and etc"
Idk, I don't look at the trending videos or pages on other social media platforms for entertainment most of the time so baffles me why people use it as a reason why Hive on the frontend. Do these people even check the trending pages on popular entertainment sites they use? idk. Found the whining very prevalent on some parts of the blockchain with unpopular opinions.
Yeah! Imagine that. Next I'll have my name written in the stars!
I'm not sure if I can handle platform politics right now though.
You're better off keeping your mental health away from those. I just occasionally dip for the entertainment. Conflict is entertainment and no such thing as entertainment without conflict. It would be quite a sight to see people as why the name came about (already knew the back story). You take care!
"Conflict is entertainment." There's some substance to that thought.
Shit! I didn't know that @adamada. Where the heck in PeakD you can check the amount of views that a post have had?
It's on tools tab on your settings at the profile or the post itself will display the counter if you reached 10+ views. Most don't and even well paid posts may not reach that mark cause its just stake and not actual people at work that's valuing the post.
And you didn’t even mention the euro 2020 for us England Fans.
Well, no, because I don't know what that is.
The results would have been disastrous.
I just about died laughing reading your post. It's just so not hawt for a little bit of heat it seems for most Canadians.
So V E R Y C L A S S Y, I like it!@dandays suggested I check you out and I knew I would not be disappointed, due to the source of the suggestion.
You had me at "FUN", I wholeheartedly advocate that. 😁
My favorite part's when he said he's bombing his jokes I just don't know how to say it in a non-dicky way.
Non-dan-dicky way? I can't isolate a favourite part, I like the whole post.
Thanks, @dandays. And thank you. I'm a bit at a loss for words today but just know seeing people enjoy my work and have a good time is what makes me feel good.
Oh, a totally good time! I'm looking forward to more.
There's a long list of old stuff to enjoy as well. Some is serious; most isn't. It'll keep you busy though. Unfortunately, posting daily isn't something I can pull off at this time. But there will be more.
I'll be digging through your older stuff. I had that on my list already. Daily posting isn't something I can pull of either. I'll keep my eye out for when you do.
Cool, friend! I want to become as good as you. Even though I'm about to quit this, your post motivated me. Thank you! :D
If it's something you truly want, don't give up.
Well I'm not masturbating in a bush by your window
just my pens out there giving you the evil eye
Yeah. I had pens burst in my pocket once.
There was a lot of buzz about old-post-vote-abuse, but I didn't notice anything different tbh, lol.
Same with the weather, I live in Toronto and all I noticed was "hey, maybe I'll turn the A/C on, or a fan," then went about my day working on my soon-to-launch, "Beginner-Friendly Crypto Glossary."
@sn0n made a post recently about how Hive has 10k daily active users (and how that's less than many indie-games, lol)... it wouldn't surprise me if you knew all of them.
Also seconded, though I'm heavily debating writing a 20,000 word guide on the concept of 'fun', since apparently quite a few people aren't clear on what fun entails or how fun is designed to work, lol.
Anyway, great to have you back, thanks for an entertaining read :) 🙏
Perfect lake weather. So far, this summer reminds me a lot of several from my youth and it's been awhile since the last actual summer. I don't take any of the currently available political positions on climate change though. Like most situations, people are products of their environment and often fail to recognize what actually is chaos all around them. Plus each side sells a lot of fear of the unknown, packaged as potential fact. And why not take a little jab at those who make up the majority, acting like experts on weather and climate, you know full well they've never thoroughly studied anything. Simply parroting. But that kinda stuff is in everything now. Some are in full denial a human could alter or poison their environment, calling it all a hoax, until they see a sizeable contrail behind a jet. Then suddenly, it's possible, and not only that; we're all gonna die!
Yeah, Muskoka calls me, lol. I also don't take any of the currently available political positions on climate change, and for very similar reasons as you've outlined. Interesting. :)
Unfortunately this type of behavior appears to be quite widespread in our current society, but I'm doing my best to encourage otherwise.
lol, as always, good talk man. Much appreciated. 🙏
Do you know why it's so difficult to get through to people? You have to use the same technology and same approach that's warping minds, to tell people it's warping minds.
I totally agree. Not my favorite situation that, but I'll see what I can do. :) 🙏
I feel cheated, that wasnt in the slightest bit silent. And hang on, they arent bloody English?!! The world is a deceitful place my friends!
Would you like to talk to the manager or something?
Oh yeah, let me guess. They wouldnt even be a manager or like human would they. I am on to your games sonny me jim
I don't know what the manager identifies as. What wears a cape and flip flops these days?
Super Cock! Thats what I tell the missus
Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!
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I am not sure I am more awake now than when I wrote you a comment last night. Please keep that in mind reading on.
I wanted to make clear that your answer to me last night made sense only because it was coming from you. A person that I know respects Dream a lot. Yes, I left off the other e.
Anyway. I was also having huge brain fog issues too.
What your answer told me was you were trying to help. The problem was, and now still is, I could not explain how I knew that well enough, so my reply to you publicly just looked like me sucking up to you for no reason. LOLL
I was so happy with your reply because it gave me hope that I had not misunderstood you in the time I have known you.
That is all I needed to say.
Happy real Monday!
Many things can be overlooked when an idea is presented in front of a group that all agrees with one another. Yes. I'm trying to help. At the same time, if one takes a potential problem and dismisses it as a nonissue, that's an indication other things might slip through the cracks. A poorly managed project is not something I'd want to support. A sales pitch doesn't work on me so I have to find other ways to get a feel for things. If I've pointed out something that can be countered, I've helped strengthen the project.
I agree
THIS! These are the words I was searching for when talking to Dream.
If it helps to know where my mind was when I woke up today and tried to turn on my computer, I couldn't because I had forgotten how while I slept. This is one of the reasons I have not been writing as much as I usually do.
Anyway, such is life. You learn to live with what is thrown at you or at least try.
Thank you for trying and helping!
Interesting message. Strange, incomprehensible, but interesting. the only thing I understood was sarcasm about the weather. And then everything got mixed up somehow ... Was that intended?
Dear @nonameslefttouse, what is the post about?
It's a post about nothing, and wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Just mashing together some humor was the intention, with the hope of entertaining people.
Thank you! And then I already thought that I had ceased to grasp the essence of the post :)