When Hive was announced, I looked around; saw a lot of excitement. I was thinking, "What are these people cheering about? There's nothing here yet. This is 'crypto' — synonymous with broken promises."
A few moments later...

Of course:
If you know me, you'll know I make a terrible Hype Train conductor.
But similar to Hive, I know how to make an entrance.
Being realistic; a realist. That's what I prefer to be in life. A simple announcement would never be enough to convince me of, anything. The only way you can sway me is if you tape me to a pendulum. Often that can make me a royal pain in the ass and sometimes hard to work with, especially when things aren't to my liking.
Right now, I like what I'm seeing, even though what I'm seeing is overpowering the rest of what can be seen.

From one content creator to another:
I'd like to ask everyone to remain calm, keep working, keep putting your best foot forward, and allow these developers and/or witness types to have the floor.
This might sound insane coming from me, of all people, but I insist those folks working hard behind the scenes deserve the spotlight right now.
So the chain split and a small part of the community stayed behind. They're still kind of stuck in the dark ages, bickering about politics that no longer matter, over there. Meanwhile, everyone on Hive was forced to rebuild, so, that is what's happening.
This is a rebuilding phase.
I'm personally blown away by the rapid rate of development I've seen so far. I spent years on Steem and never seen anything like this.
As a content producer, yes, it's annoying to have the work buried by an endless stream of development news and words from the witnesses, but none of this can even be here without them.
On Steem, for years, everything was taken for granted. Some of what was there was just being abused for profit. Everything was going stale. Then to top it off, the majority who had spent years building the place with development, content, funds; they all got kicked to the curb.
Anyone who left has a legitimate reason. It wasn't about petty politics or not liking someone.
Some who stayed back were happy to see others go, because they didn't like them, as individuals.
When someone leaves, they have a tendency of taking their skills and everything they own along with them. I personally believe a few who stayed back forgot about that part.

You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.
Compare the two platforms right now.
One has placed some of the darkest memories the community had ever experienced out on display, living in the past. No real sign of life unless they're arguing while telling people to leave and come here if they don't like it there.
Okay, so when you come here all you're seeing is rapid development and a vibrant, buzzing community, ready and willing to take on whatever challenge comes next. A metric shit-ton of enthusiasm. No posts about promises, only results. Certainly not being shy about it either.
If I was in charge I'd say, "Rub it in a little harder!"
So it's probably a good thing I'm not in charge around here.

Still, the results are what I needed to see.
I'm impressed.
Never in a million years did I expect to see such a solid performance straight out of the gates.
It has only been one week and I'm already impressed. That bar is set pretty high now. Will I remain impressed?
Only time will tell and I will be paying close attention. My entire life as @NoNamesLeftToUse was uprooted and I too am forced to rebuild. I don't mind change though, as long as I'm working in a suitable environment.
If I came to Hive and all I was given was a clone of the dysfunctional history of this platform, I wouldn't be impressed and I'd see no future here.

A future takes time.
Everyone has to rebuild.
That includes curators as well. Many of those large operations you've grown accustomed to are still needing time to reorganize. It doesn't happen overnight.
If you're producing content and noticing it has been quiet here lately, don't worry about it. Give it time. Go out and mingle. Build some new roads. Of course, keep in mind, people can't vote and engage with content if it doesn't exist.
The early days of Steemit were quite eventful. People weren't hiding behind the scenes, chatting on other platforms. They'd dig right in and get their hands dirty. They wanted to build a network that included social elements, so they socialized. If those early adopters didn't do that, the project would have failed early on.
If you're interested in helping rebuild: Sitting around and having fun with people is probably one of the easiest jobs here. Give it a try.
Many folks were trapped within a comfort zone on Steem. Write a post, collect auto votes, and go talk to people someplace else.
With a fresh start like Hive, we all get to predict the future with our actions now. One individual can't really change the world but many acting will make an impact and set the scene for what's to come.

Patience and teamwork.
Probably a good idea right now.
Hive this and Hive that.
Yes! It annoys me as well. It's all so worth it right now though. It's also a good sign people are excited. Not only am I a content producer who seeks a large viewership of actual humans, I'm investing a bit into this project as well. Seeing that genuine excitement is valuable to me. Plus the world can see how truly capable, talented, and level-headed this community actually is.
Hype and broken promises is so last platform.
Anyway, I talk too much.
Have a nice day.

Unfortunately there are a few I follow that came here and are protesting that some didn't get their airdrop due to voting for Suns destruction of the chain witnesses. Gonna be unfollowing a few real soon if I see many more posts like that in my feed.
Other than that, loving the buzz both here and from others outside the bubble. To see the likes of John McAfee and Buterin talking of this and giving the thumbs up is huge if the desired map isn't deviated from.
I don't see myself ever doing much content creating (the type I did leaves a hole in your soul), but
This I enjoy doing. So many well researched posts, so many writers (like yourself) who have a knack of conveying human commonalities/frailties in a comedic light. And the very few who you can tell are for some reason just genuinely nice people who escaped being jaded somehow, lol.
Glad you're here. Will be an exciting ride, and hopefully more will understand the success of those they enjoy here means the success of everyone and this project.
I was left out of the Palnet airdrop, way back. One of the requirements to get it was to have been active for the past two months or something like that. I had been active, but not for the entire time required.
So instead of throwing a fit, I simply pointed it out. Stayed calm. It didn't take long and I was added to the list.
Those people whining have the same goddamn opportunity to be patient and professional. They can appeal to get the airdrop. That's all they have to do. It's so goddamn simple yet they can't seem to be able to figure this out.
And yes, as for curating. One of my biggest beefs with the old platform was the consistent lack of dedicated consumers. We need more folks to be content with just sitting back and having fun. They earn rewards for that, too.
Hot damn.. we have achieved the unthinkable!
Honestly though, I agree and appreciate these words. ❤️
It is impressive though. So many working under such stressful conditions as well makes it even more of something. I hope folks never forget what got them here because whatever it was sure seemed to have energized them. It's worth holding on to.
Great read!! The lama artwork threw me for a surprise!
the 2nd piece of art is stunning!! Love all the white in there. I would love to know what you see when looking at it. I see people? a person? dancing....
Llamas? Where's a llama? LOL!
In the second piece, you're talking about the red and white? You should see a few animals in there. It might take awhile to see them but once they pop out, you'll be surprised.
The Llama
~ yes, the red and white I see ghost girls dancing :D
That's not a llama. It's a something else. In this cut out shot you can see the two things eating the ears. Those two things resemble horses, for some strange reason, and with a different set of eyes. The 'ears' are even something else. There's a bee in there too.
As for the red and white one. Eventually you'll see those animals.
looking at the llama's as a whole I do see something else but angry llamas is where my brain then went. lol
and I love the thought of dancing white ghosts...... do I have to find the animals?
Pretty sure the animals will find you.
It's already pretty awesome here isn't it? - On Steemit I was still half hardheartedly using the site, but I was really just hanging out for a new start. This is the new start I've been hanging out for. This place has the buzz that Steemit lost years ago
Yes it does have that buzz. We were there, we know. This Hive thing is very familiar territory, except this time, hopefully, some of these folks with the clout have learned some valuable lessons from the past. It's time for a fresh start, and it feels good again. No guarantees of course, but we didn't have any guarantee early on with Steem either, and many of us still went for it.
It is great to see how quickly the witnesses and devs took the STEEM framework and rebuilt it here, Sure, forking blockchains is old hat now in the cryptoverse, but migrating a blog platform with as few breakdowns as they had was remarkable.
You might want to borrow @generikat's #ramblewrite tag, or my #ramblerant variation, instead of "rambling," BTW. Or not.
It's not only that. Forking the chain is one thing. Now there are developers already making improvements. You got all these people moving their dapps over. It's a long almost never ending list of shit going on. And it's happening. I have Hive keychain on my browser. That didn't even exist a week ago. It might seem small but these people work hard, and lately even harder. Plus all that bullshit the witnesses had to put up with for a month just trying to talk to those people and get answers was ridiculous. I would have lost my mind trying to deal with some of that. It was hard enough just listening to it.
I never heard of those tags. Thanks. To be honest though, most of my posts are just free thought in the written form. #rambling is one I've used for a long time.
I'm impressed too! This whole thing makes me want to write things like what I just wrote, and more.
I probably need to update my witness votes. Since I've been away for a bit, I'll probably need to copy somebody's votes. Do you know of an easy way to do that here?
You published something? I'll have to get into the habit of checking again. I'll be on my way there after this.
An easy way to copy votes would be to set someone as your 'proxy'. Of course, that can be dangerous. I think it's actually ridiculous. Say you set me as the one to be responsible for what you attach your name to, and I got drunk one night and voted to strengthen a Sybil attack. Well shit! You'd could be missing out on an airdrop worth more than your previous wallet and be all disgruntled like a small handful of people who actually fell for that trap. Not a good idea. Just vote for who you know and what they do. Nothing political. Don't even have to use all your votes.
Yes I also published something, first in a while!
I'm sure I'll recognize some names on the list. Last time I tried to change a vote at the other place it glitched, but that was a long time ago.
Are you using this fancy Peakd app?
They have done a simply amazing job. One week, and things are running pretty smooth. I think all the teams are doing great, Hive Blog team, and PeakD especially. The tool builders are giving us all the tools and toys and views we had before with subtle improvements, (like the frozen header on a table view).
More postings are coming in, and new users too. People helping out where they can when others have issues or need help. Coin trading, we already have coin trading.
The Art
I have to say, I love the Art work. The first one below the Wow! banner especially. I know all of your art has a ton of hidden goodies, that is what makes it so great to see, but the first instantly jumped out at me like a little chihuahua on to many steroids that looks like he just can not wait to slip that tongue up someones nose. The one below that also had an instant recognition to my eyes anyways, a couple of Aliens sitting at a game table looking like they are staring each other down and thinking who is faster at the splat the splat game, The others were nice also, but those two, as is often the case just sat up and made me take notice more.
Yes, you also recognize the fact there's hundreds of people working on this. I hope in the future the DAO or whatever is used more efficiently so they don't have to use the author reward pool for funding, but for now I do approve of showing off.
I'm also noticing regular content finally begin to surface more often in the top slots, and after only a week, that's good to see.
The art. This is all quite old and I haven't shared it much. All buried in my past. Plenty of hidden sights in these. They were all formed using a mirror tool, yet I always tried to make the different section appear to be different. You're right about the aliens. I called that one The Button Pushers I think.
It is and it isn't. I mean I don't think it's too hard to leave a comment (even a basic shallow fun one, but not "nice post" or its variants plzkthxbai XD) but then again some people are probably sick of my incoherent babbling especially if I'm the only one on their posts XD
Also figured it's a bit upheavallish all over at the moment not just here but also in real life with this virus thingi.
Saying 'nice post' is like walking around the city saying 'nice shirt' to everyone. When folks say that I just say 'nice comment' and carry on. I like sitting down and chatting. Yesterday I was responding while still in character. Whatever, it's fun. I had fun anyway.... LOL
And yes, it is a hard time to be alive. I find this to be a good escape though. I try to avoid some of the information coming out about it. At least half is total bullshit. People capitalizing on lies. The real situation is quite serious. That doesn't mean I should stop writing humor when I feel like it though. Today all I had was my 'normal' mind to play with. Good enough I guess.
LoL! I don't know whether that's better or worse than my completely ignoring it XD
It was fun, or I thought it was funny.
Humour is good at any time but I think around times like now it's most important so people don't fear themselves into sickness.
It's also incredibly draining to put that game face on and swim upstream.
Onward we go, the real people. After my post of a few days ago, I said my Goodbyes to STEEM yesterday. I won't be posting there anymore.
I hope Hive retains the name, there's some cease and desist going on about the name.. but who do they contact, Mr. Descentralised? There is no Steemit on this side of the fence.
It's an odd situation. One side is all messed up, the other side looks promising. Yet in order for the promising side to reach its current potential and then exceed it, people interested in a future must stop looking to the past.
Folks are only hurting their investment both ways if they don't decide. The eyes are valuable here, so if you want eyes here, stop giving people a reason to look there.
Even the folks shitposting there to milk the reward pool are hurting that investment and this investment. Makes no sense to me but hey, to each their own.
I'm impressed with the amount of good stuff I see this morning on Hive. The content.., and real content.
I'm almost tempted to start commenting, now wouldn't that be something!
I've been scrolling through the newly created list a lot lately. It's not bad. Bugs me though when I click on a post and see a mile long signature. All these odd looking banners that don't make any sense to me. Why not at least make them smaller? Frickin banners are bigger than the posts sometimes. Can't even find the post cause there's ridiculous looking banners everywhere. One picture, two sentences, and thirty feet of banners. But yeah, other than those damn advertisements, sure, the stuff ain't too bad. I wonder if people know what an 'about the author' post is and why it's wise to put all those useless banners and pointless words inside that, then simply link that crap nice and neatly at the end of a post. Maybe someone will click, maybe they won't, but at least the posts look clean and the distractions are gone. Rant over.
I do use some banners, but not ones that are longer than @revisesociology's beard. That's where I draw the line. You have to impose some standards.. if you see what I mean.
Don't worry I wasn't talking about your posts. I just saw one that was basically all banners. Went to the post before that. Same damn thing.
That is quite the beard though. You could put squirrels in there.
The Devs do deserve all the spotlight! HIVE is still a project under work and will need a lot of tweaks here and there in the coming days, but as you said, Impressive stuff to kick things off!
One thing I'm starting to see being carried over from last platform is circle jerking. I hope i'm wrong! I really do hope I'm wrong, but it just seems it's carrying over. This is one thing I'd like to see NOT EXIST at all on hive. This is a fresh start and the people with influential delegations/HP/Curation need to take this seriously and have a neutral eye out and try to look for good content from anyone, not just their friends 95% of the time!
As a content creator, I'm all in on producing quality content, as I'm sure a lot of authors here are. But for an ecosystem to survive, every one need to play their part right.
Have a great day!
Show me a couple of examples where you suspect that to be happening.
Are you on discord?
No. I've been invited many times but I typically stick to the chain to talk. Part of the reason for that is highlighted in the post above. I'm also not much of a fan of behind the scenes drama and I heard it can be a zoo there at times. Then I see people posting screenshots of conversations taken out of context to smear people and embarrass them. I don't need that kind of headache so I just talk out here.
If you're seeing foul play or whatever I think it's best to point to the facts so others aren't being thrown under the bus along with the rumor. I know some folks like to stick to their social circles. That happens with any level of 'wealth' here. You'll see on Steem a lot of folks who like to complain sticking together and only voting each other. It's hard to avoid that in this setting. I think what needs to happen eventually is more organized curating. Things like Curie and OCD, Curangel, etc. I might even look into delegating at some point in the future, but at the same time I'm not a fan of delegation pools. If there were enough dedicated consumers with HP, we wouldn't have problems. Everyone wants to be a content producer though. It's hard to be both.
Yes, it does become a zoo at times and I'm personally not a big fan of sharing SS of a private conversation, but I'll be honest , that has saved my back on one occasion where i too was being falsely accused of something and I had the proof right there.
I understand your point of sticking to chain talk, but sometimes it's just so much easier to reach a certain person on discord as they'll reply quicker on discord than on the chain in a post comment, where for certain popular users, a comment will usually get blasted into an ocean of comments!
And no, I wasn't really trying to throw anyone under the bus. I'm sorry if my tone came off that way, but I was just voicing my concern.
Thanks for responding! Will look forward to interacting with you more on the chain!
It's a valid concern and when hardfork 22 was introduced, many stepped in to try to remedy the situation. Man did that ever cause problems. So many folks tried to do the right thing and all they got was a headache.
You're talking about discord being fast. Look how fast I am. I'd be much slower if I had more apps open. I don't find this to be difficult, at all.
You indeed respond really quickly. This is something I should learn from you. I wish more people on the chain would do the same :)
This one user (not mentioning publicly, I'd send you on discord if you wanted to check yourself) was getting a lot of support on plagiarized posts.
Now I went back to check, he apparently was blacklisted by steemcleaners recently and most of the votes have been removed, which is why I'm not mentioning it publicly as I think it could very well be an error of my judgement on my part (and I really hope it is an error on my part).
Some of the votes are still there and it seems like they hadn’t checked for plagiarism before voting. The user has appealed to steemcleaners.
So I'll follow him a bit more and see how it goes on from there.
Most posts that can be plagiarized are boring anyway. I don't see why people bother posting generic information. A social setting like this, adding personality goes such a long way. People don't follow writing, they follow writers. They don't follow art, they follow artists. They don't follow photos, they follow photographers. I find it so strange people post blandness and expect to get paid. Those groups that help keep the streets clean are important. They get a bad name but those words are usually coming from shit heads who tried to cheat and got caught.
You are an amazing artist and an equally inspiring writer. I am taking your advice and spreading my content curation a bit more widely (outside my deep Steem freewrite track) so I can get to meet and talk to more people... thanks for the encouragement!
On Steem I was following over 700 people and even before the chaos, my personal feed was drying up. With Peakd and the added information, it was so easy to go through the list and remove some 'dead weight'. I had people on there who haven't posted since 2016. I could probably go back and spend an hour deleting a hundred more. And lately on Hive I've been looking for those posting some exclusives for Hive then making damn sure I remember to follow. It's a fresh start and some fresh new faces are in order.
Thank you for the compliments. That's the easy way to put a smile on my face.
I rubbed as hard as I could
Thank you for this wonderful information.
I was just showing off, it's fun :)
I'm impressed.
yassss, its nice over here. Fresh start mucho exciting. The red is really encouraging. Haven't fully broken bonds with Steemit yet, but defiantly Hiveminded.
Nice indeed. I'm just waking up from a nap I didn't know I was having so you'll have to just deal with this foggy-minded whatever sentence thing response.
Me too. Sticking for the long-term ((:
I think I'll go as long as I can. But I don't know how long that'll be.
These arts, sooo beautiful. Makes me happy to look at them,so glad you're here!!
I've been trying to work on some new ones lately but something strange happened. Things used to come to me so clearly and easily. I could work on it, finish, post it, without giving it a second thought. Now I'm just screwed and nothing looks right. Plus I've been wanting to do some dark stuff but I'm not sure if the world wants that right now due to reasons.
Nothing looks right from any perspective right now...but I say if you're inspired to go dark, go for it, you can always balance dark art with light words ;)
That's true. I was reading an old post of mine where I simply rambled about 1000 words of nothing. Maybe I'll try that again.
Glad to see you have changed your tune after last week, welcome back!
I don't think I've changed. I was real last week. Real this week. I'll be real next week.
Just going with the flow. If I'm pissed off, I'll be pissed off. I'm impressed. That doesn't mean I sense perfection.
I didn't say you weren't real, just an observation that you changed your tune from "it being the end of the world" last week to "roses and bloom" this week.
I'm always happy when I'm wrong about it being the end of the world, that's why.
As hive begins to grow, things will begin to evolve and evolve. Certainly hive is just in the growing state
No complaints here. Don't really care about the politics much.
like i always say we can not say now as hive have just been launch 1 week,things will come and go. steem failure should be blamed also on bad leadership
No need to worry about Steem anymore.