There is a time and place for every place and time. So, I thought I'd put that little line there and now; it's mine. Seems cool enough but I won't take a bow right now. Barely broke a sweat. Plus I took a vow that won't allow arrogance to plow through my soul and howl.
Another line of mine goes a little something like, "If there's one thing I know, it's that I know, one thing."
A lot. Too much. Makes my head spin.
And most of it stays in.

Where to begin...
So I've been thinking about retiring, from all this, and everything me. Then I sit and wonder too much about what I'll be. What I'll do. What I'll see.
Been an open book on a blockchain for over six years. Not sure if I want to celebrate or just reach for the beers. Think about all that blood, sweat; even tears. Trying to find something to be afraid of. Where are my fears?
Was reading some of my old articles and posts; comment section. Do you ever do that? Do you enjoy your reflection?
I have so many memories I don't even remember, but can recall. It's hard to face this fucking reality sometimes. Running fast, then hitting a wall. Busting through, taking a fall. There I am; and we're having a ball. I miss you all.
I miss this shit so much but I put it all out there for you and didn't leave any for me. I've changed. I'm something else. Numb. Bored. Daze.
Numbered Days
See what I did there? Happens to us all. So don't waste it, staring at the wall.
Hid a lot of stuff in my art; did you ever pay attention to the words? Some of you out there figured out my powers but I can't explain it for if I did, the lights go out and there's no more showers.
So just keep it to yourself and enjoy the show if you think you know. And I'm sure if I told you, I'd have to go.
It's impossible anyway. Right?
Wouldn't believe it even if you seen it, plus I'm in disguise. Always on the hunt for lies. I found you. Surprise!
Those becoming angry right now are the type I fight. They're saying I come from the night, but only out of fright. Truth is, I'm a daylight delight. Lightheartedly enlightened while highlighting blight.
Seeing signs before they can show them. Viewing the plans before they even know them. Catching lies before they can throw them.
Ten steps ahead and it's not even a race. I just can't stand people being a disgrace. Never could. So I lace these boots and I kick their face into the next century and outer fucking space.
Figuratively speaking of course; but they finally feel their pain. For the first time in their lives that's all they'll gain. Fuck with me and I'll give you a migraine. Your head will tingle as I mingle with your thoughts until your brain goes jingle jingle and eventually rots.
Yeah that's a bit harsh. Words on the march. Feelings are sparse but that's what they get for being a shit talking farce.
Still bugs me. How can people be so cruel? Come along and piss in my pool? How is that cool?
Hope the water's warm, cuz now you're swimming in it, fool!
How you all doing?
Viewing charts and spewing sharts? That hive price got you poo-pooing? Don't worry, I'm viewing. The good times are only brewing; stewing and renewing. Be patient. Take care. And know success takes pursuing; just ask the bear.
Don't ask why I'm rhyming. Just dining on words and enjoying the timing. Suppose I could stop now; that would be like dying. Just watch and please, no more crying.
On the fence again. Thinking about what to do this winter. I've been around the block here for about a month, just hanging out. Enjoying a few laughs. Probably getting a few weird looks; but whatever.
Normally I'd try to put something solid together for the big comeback post I've become an expert at doing; I don't even know who's out there anymore.
Still a small town, six years later.
Six years!
Plus two months. Started here with nothing and didn't know anyone. And when I say nothing, I mean nothing.
Still don't really know anyone. Isn't that odd? Hard for me to get close to people, because I'm really good at keeping my distance. I think I'm too much for most people and don't want to bother them. Still feel welcome though. Most days.
Don't talk about my life at all; don't really mention how I'm feeling. On some of my worst days, I was here entertaining people, just to take my mind off it. A damn good distraction.
Seeing people have bad days, freaking out on the world. That hurts me more than it hurts them, it seems.
Step in there, hold up a mirror, show them themselves and say look. You gotta calm down. They hear what you're saying, but this is what they see.
And that makes you the worst human in the world; for a good cause.
I'm incredibly disappointed in some people right now. For one, I have not made the claim I'm perfect, or flawless. Never have; never will. I know who I am. I know what I am. I know what I do. I know it better than them.
Not an instigator but I will respond; it might not always be what you want to hear. Only have one fear. Lives on the top floor and likes to cheer as I'm guided along; can even feel their song. I am a loved one.
I try to avoid making mistakes yet I know I've made a few. I do not deserve what those flakes are doing. It's been going on for too long. I won't apologize for standing up for myself and my property; I don't care if I'm standing on you when I do it. And you're all so pathetic; not even worth naming. So go back to your petty games and all your unwarranted shaming. Can think I'm a demon all you want; it was a test and now it'll be you going to hell for all that bullshit you flaunt. I am better than you; that's what drives you crazy. You can be good as well, but you're too fucking lazy. Respect is to be respected, earned and cherished. Bridges should not be burned; for on that island, is where you perished. Now as I lay you down to rest; I wish the rest, all the best.
And don't worry...
I know a lot of people here have taken a lot of flak, just for stepping up, doing their duty when they feel it's right, keeping their streets clean; only to find out you swept up a maniac.
Yeah. I'll say it.
Personally, I don't want to be invested in a community that doesn't mow their lawns. Period. Full stop.
And I don't give a shit if people consider this word: be offensive.
It's one of the first words every human needs to understand coming into this world. Only something despicable, akin to a rapist, has a serious problem with it, and won't accept it or respect, "No."
Don't distress. With a bit of patience and healthy communication, most no turns into yes.
Then there's those who'll hear a no and say, "No, you're not allowed to do that."
Only they can do what they want. Nobody else.
"But but but MY free speech!"
Why keep wasting it saying you don't have it; how does that make sense? Can hear you loud and clear! Now it's your turn to listen.
I don't turn a blind eye to the reality of this world and I'll tell you right now it's full of scumbags. In general, all over the globe. You all know one. You all hate one. And you don't want them around. Admit it.
Allow those types to walk all over you; what kind of life do you get? They don't even feel remorse as you sit there and suffer, in fear, as everything around you is forced to fall apart and no one comes near. Fuck that.
Why is it, people go to prison, and spend the rest of their lives acting like they didn't do anything wrong. "It's the system's fault. They paid the judge and jury off. I didn't get a fair trial. My lawyer was drunk. Those people don't know the law. So what if I did that, they deserved it. It was their fault."
Surrounded by cowards who will only agree...
I'm moving to Mars the first chance I get.
I do not like this world, at all.
Take those social media personas of yours and shove them back up your asses. Start being real again. And don't assume I'm talking about you, the reader of this, because if that hurt, you got some adjustments to make. Who the hell would want to protect an illusion and keep a secret from themselves just to impress others with contagious delusions.
One third of humanity; about there?
Stop trying to fit in or play for a team. That's not the only way to live. And you don't need to be a mouthpiece for the media you consume. Find your own thoughts again.
Where did the greatest ideas from history come from? The news?
No. The gossip died with the time. All we're left with is some experience, and fine wine.
Just because you can say the words you heard on your device and they sounded smart, that doesn't make you smart. That just makes you their fucking echo. Why waste your ability to express yourself freely by saying something already said a million times today; why are you calling that your opinion?
Because you didn't stop to think!
Go pay for your social status and buy your reputation. For only eight dollars per month, for the rest of your lives, you can finally be someone worth the time of day, as you slave away, worshipping those you follow as you stay behind and wallow in generic brand thoughts; becoming hollow.
Thought you said you'd never swallow...
Judge me, hate me, do whatever you want. I don't give a fuck and got nothing to flaunt.

Have a nice day.

I think that I read a thing, one time, that said memories don't log the same when you make them online.
Such a shame about the pool-pissing. Sounds like some in order.
Ok well I tried to respond in rhyme, ok? I tried.
You mean you just wandered into town butt-nekked?
Winters have been my creative hunker-down time since I moved to a place that has them. I hope you find a gratifying way to winter.
I used to be so afraid of saying "no" because I was afraid of hurting feelings, and afraid of the consequences of said feelings being hurt. Took decades of learning experiences and a lot of therapy, travel, and crows, to learn that "no" was my strongest boundary. Such a tiny little word, too.
Thanks for sharing your words.
Yeah I was totally nude. Grabbed a loin cloth, got downvoted, then things kind of picked up from there.
I was rebuilding my life, wanted to try something different, something everyone told me I wouldn't be able to do.
Saying no is important. For instance you can't just let a shoplifter steal because you're afraid to say no. The world has never functioned like that. Ever. I bet it's one of the first words ever and evolved from clubbing someone over the head. So it's actually come a long way.
Some people have not kept up with the pace though and still feel like they're being clubbed over the head.
Not being able to accept it is the root of many of the people problems I've seen here over the years. And I think because it's social media and so many are putting on a show, they feel like it's a permanent blemish on their perfection record that can never be erased. So they lose it and think it's the end of the world. It's not though. Plenty to learn from it and an opportunity to improve.
Oh, man. Am I ever glad that no evolved from its early days of head-clubbing. I'm not a violent person and I certainly don't want to wear a helmet all day.
Those birds of yours would be playing drums if you did.
They'd have thumbs, too.
Yes. I saw it there. Pretty clevair.
Whaddup. A whole bunch of happy words is what this says. Yup, just good'ol, cheery, happy words is all these are.
So happeeee!
What are you talking about? Happy thoughts? Like, balloons, n shit?
How goes it?
Yeah you know balloons and sunshine and smiles so BIG cheek muscles are tired of flexing. SO happy.
Super busy man, thanks for asking. We got ourselves a roof for the first time since like 2016. Exciting stuff. I mean, exhausting stuff.
Nice to see you. You know what I mean.
Got walls to go with that roof or you all still saving up?
Walls too, with all 14k patch jobs I did yesterday. Access doors, glowing things in the ceiling and stuff.
No ool (that's pool without P in it) though so thanks for sharing yours. "Cannon ball!"
Growing up some relatives had a pool; I'd go there, rarely. Still remember the sign. "This is our family swimming ool. What's that you say? No P in pool? That's right! So let's keep it that way."
Congrats on the pad. Glowing ceiling things are awesome. I always liked those.
Calendar was reset after the apocalypse two and half years ago. Survivors and aliens are here. New world seems be flourishing just fine. New world order says no mowing lawns anymore. More green for all. And there are plenty of names to use, still.
Geek, are you still playing with your time machine? I thought we talked about this.
I came here after I read your comment on steevc's last post, a comment that I liked and curious I came to your blog.
Hey you have an original and unique way of writing posts!
I don't know the details of what happened to you and I don't know who are the people who hurt you but what I believe in and what I always tell my daughter is
Those who do harm to others may receive harm back
Those who do good may receive evil sometimes but most of the time they will receive good in turn
The one who speaks evil, the one who calumniates, the one who looks more at others than at himself is because he is the first person who does not love himself and therefore hates everything that is better than him...because he would like everything to be worse than him in order to feel better
We should send bad people to Mars and not the reverse :)
As for NO its power is great!
When I was young I said wrong No's and wrong Yes's but with time I have learned to say right NO's or at least that I believe to be right and I have learned to accept a No as a starting point for a possible dialogue or a possible discussion or simply to understand a possible mistake of mine.
Have a nice day... on earth and not on Mars ;)
I don't always write this way but that's how it came out on that day.
And you're right about how the deceivers cannot climb; can only collapse and pull everyone else down with them.
Didn't want to single anyone out or get into describing events since putting it this way can be applied to a lot more lives. I know I'm not the only one; people can relate to it somehow I'm sure. And of course those with a clear conscience know it's not about them. The benefits of being as good as you can be; makes life easy. Fewer worries and very little fear lead to living life peacefully, with no need to smear.
And remember a friend with !WEED, is a friend indeed ;)
Been a long time since I last heard that song; can't say the same about !WEED though.
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP@nonameslefttouse passed you the virtual joint!
If you're moving to Mars I'll go with. You can take one side, I'll take the other. Not sure how it will work 🤔, but we'll figure something out. I'm also tired of this planet 😂. Or more so some of the people on the planet.
Should I bring snacks?
Yes please! Popcorn will be great. We can watch the stories of earth unfold from far away 🍿
Could rename Earth, "That Dot Over There"
I'll bring some marshmallows to roast as well to celebrate entering the atmosphere. Just reach out the windows with the sticks I guess. I can see it working.
Yeah that should work 🤔. I'll add biscuits to my things so we can make proper s'mores.
Thanks for making my day 😂. I needed a fun imaginary space adventure today.
Best thing about making someone's day on Mars is the fact they get to enjoy it for 40 extra minutes.
Science. ~nods confidently~
Hi stranger! So nice to see you back here. You know, every time I see Hive dip, I check to see if it's the whole sector and it is. Just keep on going like dollar cost averaging. But who am I to say that because I haven't been posting much lately. I just hope that when I see crypto shenanigans that it isn't an excuse to regulate it out of existence. If you're ever down in the dumps, take a break, and I recommend cleaning your space to Harry Belafonte's Calypso album.
I can't recall a time in the past six years where a decision made here tanked the value. It's always the fault of someone else, nowhere near this place. Would be nice if they'd stop meddling with our affairs... (lol, I've always wanted to say that.)
Good to see you!
Well, you know. Anything that could compete with the US dollar will be manipulated.
Well sure. Wasn't it based upon a foundation of manipulation. Expect more of the same, I suppose.
Glad you said your piece and got it all out.
Welcome back 🌸
I could still say a lot more. Don't mind those little hidden jabs in the new posts... lol
As you said. If it stings there something to have a look at.
I'm too old and too experienced now to take things personally. And I know myself so... nope. I'm okay. Thanks. 👍
I've had my intentions checked by an expert. And fixed what needed fixing a while back. The big stuff anyway.
If I'm triggered I now take it as an opportunity to discover more, learn and progress. It's more beneficial I think? As you say in your post.
Our reactions and judgments are usually also more about ourselves than external anything. Since "reality" is really only personal perception.
I guess that's a part of the human experience if you wanna get all existential about things. But it is what it is.
If you know your shadow self and have accepted it not much can rattle you anymore, either, and I've been handed that understanding. Not fun. But it is beneficial in many ways.
Share away! The world needs more open conversation. Especially now. 👏
It's a good fight. Important. As long as the motivation is sound. 👍 Then nobody sharing anything ever has to be concerned about anything really.
Truth. Always. Even if it changes as we learn 💥
Being honest is easy. They're just incredibly fragile simpletons, and they fucked with the wrong guy. It'll haunt them now for the rest of the their lives. Plenty of people know they fucked up and how they act. Been watching and gathering for months. Hands down dumbest criminal you'd ever see.
I have no idea what's going on. As usual.
I've enough shit to try and figure out so try to keep my head down. Though you prolly wouldn't say, huh? :D
Just look after yourself and don't waste energy on nonsense would be my suggestion after almost killing myself wasting time on other people's stuff.
Really. People can be nutty. Back away slowly is a first point of call 👍
Surround yourself with the ones who are kind and decent.
And trust no-one completley because... well... see second point above. Of course :/
Many people behave badly under pressure. It is what it is. And times are pressured. No excuses. Just as it is.
Not my first rodeo. It's just someone with a severe case of NPD, to the point where it becomes comical. Pathological lair. Easily provable integrity issues all locked into blockchains which can be used as evidence. Beyond help. I'd tried to help initially and because of his mental state, he converted that into me being evil, and from there just kept spiraling down, digging his hole, taking shots at the crowd while feeling on top of the world. Textbook case. Never wise to let those types get to you. I'll hand those types the shovel and watch them bury themselves with no fucks given. In general, they don't know how to stop themselves anyway. That's why so many end up in jail and like the post says, still can't figure it out.
People with traits that lean towards the sociopathic side are difficult to engage with
They say the best way forward is no contact. Always. They can become quite dangerous if they're provoked btw
Because they don't have empathy like most people and can go to extremes
I try and avoid contact with them if I spot one these days. If they try to cause trouble I just tell myself not to poke the bear and walk away
Really. It's not worth it in my experience (and I have some with this stuff)
You can't "win" because, if you're a decent human being, you won't play the game like they do. See? And if you try to it will make you sick because it's not in your nature to lie and manipulate and take.
Walk on, my friend. And be patient. If you don't react (which is how they get their kibbles because they enjoy acrimony and it invigorates them) they'll find another target
And they'll reveal themselves over time if you stay calm and don't react btw. But if you fight them they'll only turn it around and make it look as though you're the sick malevolent one.
And they're very, very convincing
No contact for your own health 👍
Never swallow, or wallow or follow mediocrity. The end.
Except its not the end, I am only beginning, I like to mess with heads. The hive price. Its funny, I think freaking out about the hive price is like freaking out about the sunrise.
Mars is happening. Artemis has flown. Wont be long for you to spring the nest and fly through red skies on your own :OD
Fuck plain chips. That's why they made dips. And those spaceships are gangsta, like bloods and crips. Looks like a bumping ride though. I hope they got grips.
And yeah I don't really pay attention to the price. But it is kinda funny I got blamed for it, twice.
You are the price punchbag. If it falls you get it. If it rises, we all hail the great blockchain gods!
Every time I show up from being away for awhile, it spikes. How come I never get credit for that! LOL
Let me know in advance next time, I could make a killing. They will call me The Boom Savant! He rides the markets like a dolphin rides the waves.
Or something :OD
Dude! I have a great idea for a commercial!
You're on a surfboard being pulled along by two dolphins in front of a crypto tsunami. Then it hits shore and The Boom Savant flies into the air and lands on a rooftop pool party directly into a lounge chair with women in bikinis all around and they start feeding you grapes!
That aoint no commercial! That is my daily fantasy. Thats why I am in this game, one day this will happen!
😂😂 Well you did it again 😂😂😂😂😂
If this is a small town, howdy neighbor. You're always welcome here.
And I hope you will also welcome me here, we're both owners after all.
Well hello there, neighbor. I thought I told you to stop gawking over my fence!
Just playing. Of course you're welcome. It's our fence.
I do get small town vibes from the place. Certainly not as small as it used to be though.
Hmmm the man is back!! Seems I've a story to read tonight.
Now atleast I can return the favour however small😎😎👌📖
Just throwing down some raw thoughts, freestyling, doing whatever. Striking up some conversation, maybe. Not sure who's around; seems quiet but that's okay.
Thanks for letting me help you that day. Respect.
Hands @NoNamesLefttoUse a glass of wine over the fence.
I am SO HAPPY to see you posting again!!! Sorry I am late. It seems Gina will never be working again so I need to wait for fridays to read any posts. But learning new things, for me, takes time, so I will just keep opening wine until I find the time.
Even though I rarely drink, I'll still sip and have a think. Thanks for the wine. Hope you had a good time. Oh, and thanks for doing your part, to be a friend of mine.
I did and smiled the whole time! Cuz I know when you write it is from your heart. Your posts flow like none others, and it's always a wonderful trip you look forward to when you start reading; you know it will always be exciting and make you think!
Congrats on the 6-plus years!!! So many have never made it as long as you and survived. Or if they have been here this long, they are not as entertaining as you.
And now I sound like a fan. But really, I am just very proud of my friend for never cutting corners or being untrue to himself.
You worked for everything you have made here, as did I. Not many can say that and back it up with pride.
So Thank YOU for making me smile and happy today!!
Reading all of it makes one think definitely. Keep going, and don’t be a stranger here.
People should indeed think for themselves and not follow… blindly.
6 years is amazing and some people do miss you… I am sure of that.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Have an awesome day 👋🏻😊Good to read You again @nonameslefttouse 😎
Good to see you again.
And it's been a long six years yet I still don't know where the time went. Apparently I was a writer and artist? Interesting.
Likewise my friend 😊
I can imagine, I still think time is going so fast. And six years… are gone in a blink really. My life changed 180 degrees 100x over hehehe 🤭
Apparently you were and are.
Hope to see another post soon 😉
Whoa! So good to see ya, read your words, know you're still good.....but my eyes are left wanting lol
It's all good!
Nice to see you again.
Now someone i could understand😺😺 great work although you hate people talking about had a nice intro tho, arrogance also wasn't my thing. I hope you won't really leave
People can talk. It's when they start publishing smears, libel, and stealing your work so they can twist it out of context with the hopes of making EVERYONE ELSE look bad; things become a problem. I can't accept it.
I can't leave. Trapped in a blockchain. I'll be here forever. Not going anywhere.
Owww😊😊it's what makes people famous because hurting others are quite catchy in social media, i decided not to view those type of people and support people who works hard the right way but those style aren't really famous today..the worst are celebrated than the good. It's rare to see guys who fight for the truth, glad i see you post👍👍👍
The greatest thing about someone demonstrating the most foul and destructive form of dishonesty to known to mankind, right in front of you, is the fact at that very moment, you know all their secrets.
Hidden deep between their lies, is the truth about them. And they could not make it any easier.
And the people getting duped deserve it for not doing their homework.
I'll survive. They all have to live with looking like assholes, for the rest of their lives. They did it for views after all, right?
They wanted to be seen as a disgrace. That was the choice they made.
🤣🤣this is so funny✌✌ i guess it's the same for me then, i hate liars because they speak the opposite of what they truly mean and they give off a very negative vibe😹😹 i guess people will hate me now for speaking the truth..anyway it's so fun seeing fools being stupid although most of them get super rich online, i hope i don't get a down vote for this😓 my badddd
In a way, it is fun. And in this particular case they've actually lost a lot of money, and since this is crypto, they also ruined their reputation, which is incredibly important. The lies will haunt them, forever.
Several of us sat back feeling baffled as to why someone would hit themselves, so hard.
What's done is done.
Still, I think it's only natural to feel disappointed in them. The truth would solve a lot of their problems but they don't have the courage.
This is right, sometimes i think these people won't ever have to face the consequences of their actions.. i also face one narcissist one time who appear glamorous online, i never thought she would be shamed for stepping on others oneday..this is a great encouragement today, i got enlightened by your words😆😆
Every time we talk I feel like I need to ask first.
Are you just here to be a dick? Was it something I said? :)
I'm not using Photoshop. I don't use "the liquify tool" either, since I don't think I have one.
I use Krita. That's well documented. And you're just accusing me of nonsense so there is no argument. You started out with a strawman anyway.
You're not here to talk. You're just here to be a dick.
I think that's called enlightenment. haha.. I want to retire from me every time I look in the mirror!
Maybe we're all just getting old. Maybe we're just growing mold. Maybe it's time to do something bold. Nah fuck it. I was just outside and it's too damn cold.
It's always good to see you man.
You are a master poet, my friend. Good to see you as well, of course!
I won't call myself a poet. You can if you feel like it. I don't think I follow their strict guidelines or wear the right clothes or say the right things or; they just don't like me for some reason... lol
I've actually done that in the past on forums I care about :) ... Since joining Hive, I've had very little time to look at the past though.
Agreed, if we can see it as a reply - on every last one of our posts, no less - how are they being censored?
Hopefully you will stay, six years with a place means it's your home and family. That's not really something to leave behind...
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
I'm going back and seeing art I don't even remember making. Jokes I finally get a chance to laugh at because I forgot I wrote them; my own stuff caught off guard. And so many faces I miss. One isn't even with us anymore. But his memory is forever, unaltered. Exactly, and the only way I knew him.
They're not censored, ever. Not every frontend even handles negative rep comments the same anymore; shows them. Some frontends have options. So even when they feel like they're getting buried, they're still there, somewhere. Free to make your own frontend as well, with your own features.
Six years is a long time. You're right about that. So I guess you people are stuck with me. I'll try not to leave too many dirty socks laying around; and I'll rinse my plates.
Oh, don't tell them that! The last thing we need is one called VKM Warning 🤢
And if you have any Legos or Hot Wheels, don't leave them lying in the path at night 🤣
Can tell them that for years. The freedom to listen isn't what they're looking for I guess.
I stepped on a toothpick the other day. Worst part is, I'm the one that dropped it. It'll heal...
Well if you dropped it, I guess you didn't get much satisfaction in yelling about it - please don't drop them around here 🤣
Sundae school.
Credit: reddit
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(2/6)@nonameslefttouse, I sent you an on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
The way things are going, if I dropped a toothpick here, probably wouldn't hear the end of it for an entire year.
Oh? People surely have more to think about than that 😂
I'll pee in your pool on mars too, if you go there! Just to be a bastard and show you that leaving earth and traveling to Mars can bring on the same level of bastards that are here on our blue marble. Then we will fight about free speech because we are on Mars and that's a whole nother level of free speech!
Don't waste your pee on Mars! We have to turn that into water or we can't have pools!
And yes, that's a long journey in a tight space. Should help sort out the wheat from the chaff. Hopefully Musk thought about ejection seats.
It is the first time that I read one of your articles and I give you my most humble congratulations, my respects, my love. I haven't enjoyed a work of art written like that in a long time. I'm delighted from today I'll follow you, count on me, I can say that you've fallen in love with those words 😅🥰😍😘
Thanks for recognizing it as an artform. That was the driving force behind the words. Have a great day.
DAMN!!! That was full on epic.
You prosing master you.
Welcome home!
Good to see you, man. Been trying to get around to your place. Been trying to get around to a lot of places. Feels good to get one out though. Think I finally got some closure.
I was reading the post out loud thinking it was just a short one, of course I forgot, no shorties from you, but I non the less assumed. By the middle of it my throat was as dry as an old mans ball sack.
But am glad you got that out of your mind and voiced.
You can think while you read out loud? That's talent.
And since there wasn't any new art aside from a blue check mark; didn't want to skimp on words. It does flow well. I tried it too.
Well happy happy for those six years broh!..
I finally got around to reading the post. Seems deep... Real deep, though it does twist my mind a bit if I have to be honest, but I suppose that was your intentions with it.
As to the part where you mention the price of hive... Welp... I bought like 600😂It's not alot but it help.. One could say im halfway to where I use to be now🤔almost... And I feel pretty stoked about that though😎😎..
I've been herr for 5..yet my first 4 and a half years were basicly non existing 😂.. However im here to stay now.. I feel this is a lot better than the existing social platforms... And it even has a wallet👌👌..
Glad to have you with us here! Keep on keeping on 😎
Yeah it's a bit twisted or mashed up. Was just going with the flow. Artistic freewrite maybe? I don't know wtf to call it. Just trying something different and it's been a strange year here with all the crazy events I've had to endure. Of course it's all behind me now.
Aslong as it's behind you nothing else really matters.
I would or could agree on that.. It definitely feels like artistic freewrite.. Because fuck the whole thing is almost one big rhyme.
I gotta say, and I don't mean this in any fucked up way to make you feel shit or anything of the sorts (you know people are sensitive these days) but this year.. Was fucking great towards me to say the least.. I had a lot of winnings (not in a gamble sense, just at life in general)
What part of the world are you from? If I may ask?
Yeah just fun with words. Not really meant to be taken 100% literally throughout. Probably confused some folks but whatever, that's what honest questions are for. Part of that says I'm a superhero in disguise and my powers are words, and fight lies. But of course in reality I'm just a guy that doesn't really like dishonesty and have a fancy way with words. Part of it says I fear the spiritual world above and I'm guided by loved ones, and there's some truth to that. Just being fancy with words and my life experience.
We all have good years and bad years; bad days, good days. That's not offensive. That's life. Best roads to travel have hills and curves.
I'm in Canada freezing my face off.
Laughs I probably am someone that tends to take things too serious sometimes😂
And I like honest people aswell... Even if it cuts to the bone, atleast then you know where you stand with someone rather then being beat around the bush 😒
I think the spiritual world is something to be feared though, it holds things we know nothing about and can't even begin to comprehend. Well except for those who dabble with the affairs of it👀
Okay lets veer of that topic a little bit, you can make good use of words by the looks of it and that alone can be powerful in itself
Aahhh Canada, half a world away. Won't mind living there, or Alaska or even Iceland.
On a totally different note. I have a small community, really nothing to mention actually. I need a curator, well I probably don't need one but I want one. Someone that has a little bit of voting power behind their clicks. You wouldn't be interested in being added as one for the community? I know you're not an official curator, but fuck have no clue how to attract one 😂😂 perhaps I should just start asking around
When it comes to curating and my stake, it's reserved for my own interests. I can't commit to any projects or become someone's dependent, don't want to be tied down. I enjoy being able to support whatever, whenever. Come and go as I please. Picking no favorites. Just using my stake to support the things I enjoy while I'm spending time here.
I do know acidyo and OCD sometimes support community efforts. Try talking to him. He doesn't bite.
Well that makes more than sense to me. Laughs I seriously need to get bigger stake though and now is the best time to buy! Imagine hive hitting just $5 or $10 huge gains!
I'll see what I can do, but the thing is I don't really want to make a comment about that on one of his posts, it would feel a little bit invasive? If that's the word. Haha perhaps it grows by itself. It's still young so
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