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RE: Today I've Decided To Do Whatever and I Thought I'd Start With This Amazing Headline Full of Words I Thought Would Save The Planet

in #life5 years ago

I did see your last paragraph. LOL!

Being Canadian, and living long enough to know, I experience the changing climate. I can actually see it and feel it.

Realistically, and unfortunately, I can't say I trust people enough to be able to solve what could be a problem spiraling out of control. It's always been more people saying do something and less people doing something. There's not much we can do anyway, unfortunately. I do believe nature will sort things out. Humanity needs a good spanking anyway.


interesting view point, yet i disagree, having taken enough science and ecology classes to know better.

politics is all about trusting people enough to agree to do something. and then agreeing on a solution. right now we cant agree enough on a large scale that there is an issue, because some people are being selfish and illogical. also, governments act in their own interest. no help there.

so the way to address, imho, is to make changes for yourself, and your community. fund the groups who you think have the right idea. stop supporting groups like big business polluters and the government, who are shit talking the actual existence of the issue because they dont want to have to change their nasty habits. and lastly, start organizing into a collective that will take these jerks to court for polluting the air, strip mining public natural resources, selling off public water in tiny plastic bottles for profit.

thats what action looks like to me.

i think there are a lot of things we can do. I dont think nature will sort it out, unless its by killing off humans. not all of us are toddlers.

That's just people doing people things. The world doesn't care about someone going to court and paying fines.

One trillion dollars will have no effect on that spike shown above.