You're not a bad human. Humanity is twisted at times and I find it strange how something so innocent can turn on a dime due to a misunderstanding. This world is going to shit if I have to worry about which number I choose, on top of which words I choose. This post could be treated as an early warning sign. Let's not let this get out of hand.
I've been thinking about it for a few days now, since the 22.4444 softfork went through. That 4444 was misinterpreted by a few members and labelled as an attack on a certain culture. Once that happened, bigots picked up on it and began using it as a tool to... be bigots.
The problem started with the "social justice warrior types" giving a definitive definition to something that could be interpreted a million different ways. They do this all the time. Then the assholes use that definition as a way to hate. Then we get censorship. Then anyone using a four in this case is labelled and thrown in the pile. It might sound crazy but this happens in society all the time now.
All I'm really saying is hey, I see where this is going and it doesn't make me comfortable.