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RE: So Does This Mean We're Pals?

in #life6 years ago

Dude! I dunno... I'm all Derp right now. Those other steemit clones didn't appeal to me at all, because they were off the chain where this entity stores value currently. Steemit is fucked and nobody seems to want to fix it. Palnet is still STEEM, so if it succeeds, then so does.. STEEM? I don't fucking know...


Palnet ≠ Steem. I no longer feel so derpy about this subject. I definitely do not find Steemit perfect, but PalNet does not seem to solve any issues I have with Steemit I can think of at the moment. I only wish it well though if the users I do enjoy and follow who use it enjoy it, youself included of course! I do wish there was other ways for users to feel they could correct issues fully on chain though, as I can't imagine any person who is solely invested in Steem to be happy with PalNet taking value and users, and on the flipside, if someone is fully invested in Pal token, they have no need for Steem. At least they just the chain for now, as I have seen coins jump off their own chain to join Ethereum for example so I understanding staying using Steem blockchain doesn't seem like it would be necessary forever.