
You'd've picked up votes from the people who hate the people on your 'hate list' I'd guess, the my enemy's enemy shit. Seems to be picking up now though! The sentiment expressed is top class IMO. Thanks :)

That's probably true. Witch hunt votes. I'm not a fan of the either, or, red vs blue, coke vs pepsi, up or down, left or right thought process. I like to use the part most don't see. Put your hands out to your sides. Look one way, see the left hand, look the other and see the right hand. Choosing one is fine for some. I like to use that thing in the middle.

Yes indeed, I can see that :) ...... it's always a choice isn't it? - to see the tree as a unified whole, or else to fragment that perception into leaves, branches, roots, photosynthesis, systems, sub-systems etc etc, and to then consider these to be separate, perhaps even disconnected from one-another. Violent stuff!

Break it down or build it up. Can't even do either of those without first recognizing, it.